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Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Volume: 4, Publicado: 1947
  • Ciência alguns aspectos de sua evolução: tudo em rápido escorço

    Moraes, José de Mello
  • Envelhecimento das aguardentes

    Almeida, Jayme Rocha de; Valsecchi, Otávio; Novais, Roberto Fleury

    Resumo em Inglês:

    1 - Colour, by itself, does not constitute a solid ground for judging of the age of a brandy because the more or less pronounced colour it acquires through aging can also be obtained by the addition of oack essence to newly distilled brandy. 2 - Urder the same conditions, colour intensity of a brandy wiU depend upon the nature of the wood and the condition of the storage. 3 - In accordance with the experimental results obtained by the present writers it rests no doubt that fermentation facility ferment resistence, produce and quality of the brendy all are factors depending upon the variety of the sugar cane. In addition, the authors presume that the variety of sugar cane has also influence upon the alteration of composition of the brandy submitted to aging. 4 - All aging phenomena of the brandy are accompanied by volume decreasing, what happens in a slow and continuous manner depending upon storage and environment conditions 5 - During brandy aging the alcoholic degree is greatly af- fected by evaporation, increasing or decreasing in accordance to the hygrometric state of the air and the teriperature in the place where the tuns are stored. 6 - The specific weight of the brandy is inversely proportio- nal to its alcoholic degree, but directly proportional to the extracts since the latter indicates the amount of dissolved residues. 7 - Brandy which shows high specific weight together with high alcoholic degree cannot be considered as aged. It may, however, be takens for brandy artificially coloved in order to conceal its actual age. 8 - The amount of extracts increases with aging, since it is the result of the solvent action of the brandy upon the soluble extractive substances of the wood. Notwithstanding that the extract, considered alone, has no value in determining the age of a brandy, since nothing easier is ohan to nake it change artificially. 9 -During aging the brandy get acidity in physiological as well as in physical way, but never by the action of microorganisms. 10 - The estturs produced during aging by the action of acids upon alcohols are the mean factors of the savour (bouquet) of a brandy and therefore every thing shall be done tor fhr estherification of a preserved brandy being not limited. 11 - Aeration increases esther formation, reduces the aging- time and turn better the taste qualities of the brandy. 12 - Due to the great proportion of high alcohols ordinarily found in the brandy, their analytical discrimination will be greatly important. 13 - The high alcohols are not responsable for the disastrous consequences of the alcoholism, but the high percentage of uthyl alcohol present in the brandy. 14 - The aldehydes appear always in high rate in the brazilian brandys in consequence of some intermediary products of the oxydation of the alcohols being left in the brandys during aging. 15 - The age has little or no influence on the quantity of phurphurol present in a brandy whose amount varies greatly the manner in which the wines to be distilled are treated. Wines centrifugalized or filtered before distillation always give rise to brandys poorer in phurphurol as compared with those distilled without these treatments. 16 - Though greatly variable, brandys of good qualities generally show a high residues coefficient, never under 200 mmg 17 - Lusson - Rocques oxydation coefficient cannot be indis- criminately applied to any brandy class, being, on the contrary, specifically destined to cognacs.
  • Raça de galinhas "piracicaba" I: hereditariedade dos caracteres pescoço pelado e plumagem preta

    Torres, A. P.; Graner, E. A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The characters naked neck and black plumage proved to be due to single genes in a group of chicks growing at the Poultry Department of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture, Piracicaba, Brasil. The two characters segregate independently and the animals with known genetical constitution will be used in the formation of a local breed.
  • Como combater a Tillandsia Usneoides

    Vasconcellos, Philipe W. C. de; Montenegro, Heitor W. S.
  • Dissecando o GEN

    Piza Jor., S. de Toledo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In thee present paper the classical concept of the corpuscular gene is dissected out in order to show the inconsistency of some genetical and cytological explanations based on it. The author begins by asking how do the genes perform their specific functions. Genetists say that colour in plants is sometimes due to the presence in the cytoplam of epidermal cells of an organic complex belonging to the anthocyanins and that this complex is produced by genes. The author then asks how can a gene produce an anthocyanin ? In accordance to Haldane's view the first product of a gene may be a free copy of the gene itself which is abandoned to the nucleus and then to the cytoplasm where it enters into reaction with other gene products. If, thus, the different substances which react in the cell for preparing the characters of the organism are copies of the genes then the chromosome must be very extravagant a thing : chain of the most diverse and heterogeneous substances (the genes) like agglutinins, precipitins, antibodies, hormones, erzyms, coenzyms, proteins, hydrocarbons, acids, bases, salts, water soluble and insoluble substances ! It would be very extrange that so a lot of chemical genes should not react with each other. remaining on the contrary, indefinitely the same in spite of the possibility of approaching and touching due to the stato of extreme distension of the chromosomes mouving within the fluid medium of the resting nucleus. If a given medium becomes acid in virtue of the presence of a free copy of an acid gene, then gene and character must be essentially the same thing and the difference between genotype and phenotype disappears, epigenesis gives up its place to preformation, and genetics goes back to its most remote beginnings. The author discusses the complete lack of arguments in support of the view that genes are corpuscular entities. To show the emharracing situation of the genetist who defends the idea of corpuscular genes, Dobzhansky's (1944) assertions that "Discrete entities like genes may be integrated into systems, the chromosomes, functioning as such. The existence of organs and tissues does not preclude their cellular organization" are discussed. In the opinion of the present writer
  • Notas sobre cromossômios de alguns escorpiões brasileiros

    Piza Jor., S. de Toledo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Three species of Scorpions beloging to two different families were studied cytologically: a) Tityus mattogrossensis Borelli (Fam. Buthidae), - This species presents spermatogonia provided with 20 short chromosomes which orient at metaphase with their axis parallelly to the plane of the equator and move toward the poles without changing this position, from the stage pachytene to metaphase the bivalents become, as in Tityus bahiensis, progressivery shorter and thicker, without showing that chiasmata occured at any time. The paired chromosomes never open themselves, out to form loops as in orthodox meioses. As in Tityus bahiensis the bivalents are inserted In the spindle before reaching their maxim contraction. No diakinesis has been observed. The primary spermatocyte metaphases are provided, with 10 pairs of chromosones, two of which are larger and two smaller than the rest. The bivalents orient as in Tityus bahiensis with their length in the plane of the equator and separate parallelly. Spindle fibres are seen alongst their entire body. While, in Tityus bahiensis the ends of the chromosomes are pronouncedly turned to opposite poles at metaphase, nothing like this was observed in the present species. Only late in anaphase the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossensis show a bending to the poles. The secondary spermatocytes present 10 short chromosomes, two being larger than, the others. Here, on the contrary, the chromosomes are strongly curved toward the poles since the beginning of anaphase. Some chromosomal anomalies have been noticed. Primary spermatocytes with 14 bivalents, some of which representing probably free fragments, were observed. Primary spermatocytes with 8 bivalents and one cross of 4 chromosomes were interpreted as resulting from breakages followed by translocations Primary spermatocytes with 9 bivalents, one of which being much longer than the longst of the normal plates, show that fusion by the extremities of two non homologous chromosomes on the onde side, and of their respective homologous in the same way on tre other, have occured. Orientation of bivalents with their body parallelly to the spindle axis and anaphasic bridges have been encountered. All in all points to the conclusion that the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossesis, like those of Tityus bahiensia are provided with one kinetochore at each end. Ananteris balzani Thorell - (Fam. Buthidae). - This species which belongs to the same family as Tityus, is provided with 12 chromosomes (diploid). These studied in embryonic tissues, showed the same behavior as the somatic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis. Bothrirus sp. (Bothriuridae). - Only spermatogonia were found in the testis, of the single male hitherto investigated. The chromosomes, in number of 36, are of different sizes but small and provided, as ordinarily, with a single kinetochore. They behave therefore in an orthodox manner in mitosis.
  • Interessante comportamento dos cromossômios na espermatogênese dp escorpião Isometrus maculatus De Geer

    Piza Jor., S. de Toledo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Having had the opportunity of studying a male of the species Isometrus maculatus De Qeer (Scorplones, Buthidae) the author was able to observe one of the most interesting anomalies hitherto met with in his investigations on Scorpions. This anomaly consisted in the formation by the primary spermatocyte metaphase chromosomes of a complex group of eight elements, and two independent pairs. As it is clear, the octovalent group resulted from tranlocations involving the members of four chromosome pairs. Since aside the compound group two independent bivalents were always present, 12 was estabilished as representing the diploid chromosome number of the individual, what was soon confirmed by the counts in the spermatogonia. This peculiar behavior of the chromosomes of the primary spermatocytes represents the habitual condition in the studied individual, since it was found everywhere in the whole testis. Better than any description, the figures in this, paper show what was observed. Notwithstanding the complications which may occur at anaphase, separation of the chromosomes goes normally, each pole receiving four chromosomes from the group and two from the free bivalents. Secondary spermatocytes are thus provided with six monovalents. Though not found, we may believe in the existence of secondary spermatocytes with more or lesse than six chromosomes, because it seems highly probable that lhe chromosomes of the complex may now and then passe to the wrong pole 'n consequence of an incorrect orientation. Bridge vestiges suggest that chromosomes may sometimes break. The spermatogonia have 12 short chromosomes, which bend to the poles at anaphase. The chromosomes of the present species approach, in shape and behavior, those of Tityus mattogrossensis.
  • Uma raça cromossômica natural de Tityus bahiensis (Scorpiones-Buthidae)

    Piza Jor., S. de Toledo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A natural chromosomal race of Tityus babiensis (Scorpiones Buthidae) is described in the present paper. Five males and seven females received from St. Joaquim, State of S. Paulo, gave the following interesting results: All the spermatogonia of the five males were provided with 9 chromosomes of different sizes. All primary spermatocytes showed at metaphase one independent bivalent of normal shape and a complex group formed by 7 chromosomes which have exchanged parts. Some of the chromosomes associated in the complex group, to Judge by their behavior, were composed of fragments of three different chromosomes, being thus paired with three other members of the compound group. The manner in which all the 7 components of the group have paired with each other showed to be very constant. They gave always origin to a double-cross configuration, the longst branch of which being formed by a long chromosome paired with two components of the group and with a third chromosome that did not belong to the group. The chromosomes of the independent bivalent separate regularly, going to different poles. From the 7 elements of the compound group, 4 go to one pole and 3 to the opposite one. Consequently, secondary spermatocytes with 4 and 5 chromosomes are produced. The females, so far as it can be inferred from the study of the follicular cells of the ovariuterus, have 10 chromosomes. These females are, therefore, considered as being monogametic, that is, as producing eggs with 5 chromosomes. A sex-determining mechanism arose in this manner, the spermatozoa with 5 chromosomes giving origin to females and those with 4 to males. The fact that the sex chromosome is one of the elements taking part in the formation of the group, seems highly interesting to the author. Tetraploid cysts have been occasionally found in the testis. In one individual the chromosomes of the tetraploid primary spermatocytes behaved as expected, forming a group of 14 elements, and two independent pairs or a tetravalent group In another individual, the chromosomes of the tetraploid cells have formed two independent groups of 7, and two independent pairs, as if both chromosomal sets were by their turn entirely independent frcm one another. This fact is certainly not devoid of special interest. The males as well as the females studied in this paper differed in nothing from the typical members of the species. The unique differential character of the new race is found in the umber and behavior of its chromosomes. It is highly remarkable that the occurrences which have transformed the 6 chromosomes normally present in the species into a new set of 9 elements, 7 of which have been profoun- dly altered in their structure, do not show any influence on the morphology of the organism. This fact, together with those found in the salivary-chromosomes races of Drosophila and Sciara. compromises strongly the genetical concept of position effects.
  • Cálculo de coeficientes das reações químicas pelas valências oxidadas e reduzidas

    Cesar, Cyro Marcondes
  • Breve notícia sôbre a espermatogênese de Lutosa brasiliensis Brunner (Tettigoniodea-Stenopelmatidae)

    Piza Jor., S. de Toledo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Lutosa brasiliensis, an Orthopteran Tettigonioidean belonging to the family Stenopelmatidae is referred to in this paper The spermatogonia are provided with 15 chromosomes, that is, 7 pairs of autosomes and a single sex chromosome. One pair of autosomes is much larger than the rest, two pairs are of median sized elements, and four pairs are of small ones. The daughter sex chromosomes show at anaphase great difficulty in reaching the poles, being left for a long while in the region of the equator where they are seen stretched one after the other on the same line or lying side by side in different positions. When the spermatogonium divides each daughter cell gets passively its sex chromosome. Though slowly, the sex chromosome finishes by beins enclosed in the nucleus. Its behavior may be attributed to a very weak kinetic activity of the centromere. In view of se pronouced an inertness of the sex chromosomes, two things may be expected : primary spermatocyte nuclei with two sex chromosomes, and primary spermatocytes with the sex chromosome lying outside the nucleus. Both situations have been discovered. The latter, together with the delay of the spermatogonial sex chromosome in reaching the poles suggested to the anther the mechanism which might have given origin to the cases in which the sex chromosome normally does not enter the nucleus to rejoin the autosomes, remaning outside in its own nucleus. It may well be supposed that accidents like that found in the present individual have turned to be a normal event in the course of the evolution of some species. Trie primary spermatocytes are provided with chromatoid bodies which remain visible all over the whole history of the cells and pass to one of the resulting secondary spermatocytes, the larger of them being found later in the area occupied by the tails of the spermatozoa. No relation of these bodies to nucleoli con?d be established. Pachytene and diplotene nuclei are normal Metaphase nuclei show 7 autosomal tetrads, one of which being much larger than the rest. At this stage the chromosomes have a pronounced tendency to form clumps. Even when they are separated from each other they generally appear competed by chromosomal substance. The sex chromosome Hes always in one of the poles, being enclosed in the nucleus formed there. The stickness of the chromosomes can also be noted at anaphase. Telophase chromosomes distend them- selves for giving origin to secondary spermatocyte nuclei in a state comparable to a beginning prophase. As the secondary spermatocytes approach metaphase the autosomes appear entirely divided except at the kinetochore where the chromatids remain united. In the division of the secondary spermatocytes nothing else merits special reference.
  • Cromossômios de Dysdercus (Hemiptera-Pyrrhocoridae)

    Pisa Jor., S. de Toledo
  • A determinação dos números de indivíduos mínimos necessários na experimentação genética

    Brieger, F. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main object of the present paper consists in giving formulas and methods which enable us to determine the minimum number of repetitions or of individuals necessary to garantee some extent the success of an experiment. The theoretical basis of all processes consists essentially in the following. Knowing the frequency of the desired p and of the non desired ovents q we may calculate the frequency of all possi- ble combinations, to be expected in n repetitions, by expanding the binomium (p-+q)n. Determining which of these combinations we want to avoid we calculate their total frequency, selecting the value of the exponent n of the binomium in such a way that this total frequency is equal or smaller than the accepted limit of precision n/pª{ 1/n1 (q/p)n + 1/(n-1)| (q/p)n-1 + 1/ 2!(n-2)| (q/p)n-2 + 1/3(n-3) (q/p)n-3... < Plim - -(1b) There does not exist an absolute limit of precision since its value depends not only upon psychological factors in our judgement, but is at the same sime a function of the number of repetitions For this reasen y have proposed (1,56) two relative values, one equal to 1-5n as the lowest value of probability and the other equal to 1-10n as the highest value of improbability, leaving between them what may be called the "region of doubt However these formulas cannot be applied in our case since this number n is just the unknown quantity. Thus we have to use, instead of the more exact values of these two formulas, the conventional limits of P.lim equal to 0,05 (Precision 5%), equal to 0,01 (Precision 1%, and to 0,001 (Precision P, 1%). The binominal formula as explained above (cf. formula 1, pg. 85), however is of rather limited applicability owing to the excessive calculus necessary, and we have thus to procure approximations as substitutes. We may use, without loss of precision, the following approximations: a) The normal or Gaussean distribution when the expected frequency p has any value between 0,1 and 0,9, and when n is at least superior to ten. b) The Poisson distribution when the expected frequecy p is smaller than 0,1. Tables V to VII show for some special cases that these approximations are very satisfactory. The praticai solution of the following problems, stated in the introduction can now be given: A) What is the minimum number of repititions necessary in order to avoid that any one of a treatments, varieties etc. may be accidentally always the best, on the best and second best, or the first, second, and third best or finally one of the n beat treatments, varieties etc. Using the first term of the binomium, we have the following equation for n: n = log Riim / log (m:) = log Riim / log.m - log a --------------(5) B) What is the minimun number of individuals necessary in 01der that a ceratin type, expected with the frequency p, may appaer at least in one, two, three or a=m+1 individuals. 1) For p between 0,1 and 0,9 and using the Gaussean approximation we have: on - ó. p (1-p) n - a -1.m b= δ. 1-p /p e c = m/p } -------------------(7) n = b + b² + 4 c/ 2 n´ = 1/p n cor = n + n' ---------- (8) We have to use the correction n' when p has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. The greek letters delta represents in the present esse the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution for the three conventional limits of precision : 1,64; 2,33; and 3,09 respectively. h we are only interested in having at least one individual, and m becomes equal to zero, the formula reduces to : c= m/p o para a = 1 a = { b + b²}² = b² = δ2 1- p /p }-----------------(9) n = 1/p n (cor) = n + n´ 2) If p is smaller than 0,1 we may use table 1 in order to find the mean m of a Poisson distribution and determine. n = m: p C) Which is the minimun number of individuals necessary for distinguishing two frequencies p1 and p2? 1) When pl and p2 are values between 0,1 and 0,9 we have: n = { δ p1 ( 1-pi) + p2) / p2 (1 - p2) n= 1/p1-p2 }------------ (13) n (cor) We have again to use the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution. The correction n' should be used if at least one of the valors pl or p2 has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. A more complicated formula may be used in cases where whe want to increase the precision : n (p1 - p2) δ { p1 (1- p2 ) / n= m δ = δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p2 ( 1 - p2) c= m / p1 - p2 n = { b2 + 4 4 c }2 }--------- (14) n = 1/ p1 - p2 2) When both pl and p2 are smaller than 0,1 we determine the quocient (pl-r-p2) and procure the corresponding number m2 of a Poisson distribution in table 2. The value n is found by the equation : n = mg /p2 ------------- (15) D) What is the minimun number necessary for distinguishing three or more frequencies, p2 p1 p3. If the frequecies pl p2 p3 are values between 0,1 e 0,9 we have to solve the individual equations and sue the higest value of n thus determined : n 1.2 = {δ p1 (1 - p1) / p1 - p2 }² = Fiim n 1.2 = { δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p1 ( 1 - p1) }² } -- (16) Delta represents now the bilateral limits of the : Gaussean distrioution : 1,96-2,58-3,29. 2) No table was prepared for the relatively rare cases of a comparison of threes or more frequencies below 0,1 and in such cases extremely high numbers would be required. E) A process is given which serves to solve two problemr of informatory nature : a) if a special type appears in n individuals with a frequency p(obs), what may be the corresponding ideal value of p(esp), or; b) if we study samples of n in diviuals and expect a certain type with a frequency p(esp) what may be the extreme limits of p(obs) in individual farmlies ? I.) If we are dealing with values between 0,1 and 0,9 we may use table 3. To solve the first question we select the respective horizontal line for p(obs) and determine which column corresponds to our value of n and find the respective value of p(esp) by interpolating between columns. In order to solve the second problem we start with the respective column for p(esp) and find the horizontal line for the given value of n either diretly or by approximation and by interpolation. 2) For frequencies smaller than 0,1 we have to use table 4 and transform the fractions p(esp) and p(obs) in numbers of Poisson series by multiplication with n. Tn order to solve the first broblem, we verify in which line the lower Poisson limit is equal to m(obs) and transform the corresponding value of m into frequecy p(esp) by dividing through n. The observed frequency may thus be a chance deviate of any value between 0,0... and the values given by dividing the value of m in the table by n. In the second case we transform first the expectation p(esp) into a value of m and procure in the horizontal line, corresponding to m(esp) the extreme values om m which than must be transformed, by dividing through n into values of p(obs). F) Partial and progressive tests may be recomended in all cases where there is lack of material or where the loss of time is less importent than the cost of large scale experiments since in many cases the minimun number necessary to garantee the results within the limits of precision is rather large. One should not forget that the minimun number really represents at the same time a maximun number, necessary only if one takes into consideration essentially the disfavorable variations, but smaller numbers may frequently already satisfactory results. For instance, by definition, we know that a frequecy of p means that we expect one individual in every total o(f1-p). If there were no chance variations, this number (1- p) will be suficient. and if there were favorable variations a smaller number still may yield one individual of the desired type. r.nus trusting to luck, one may start the experiment with numbers, smaller than the minimun calculated according to the formulas given above, and increase the total untill the desired result is obtained and this may well b ebefore the "minimum number" is reached. Some concrete examples of this partial or progressive procedure are given from our genetical experiments with maize.
  • Resultado do estudo de um pequeno lote de opiliões

    Piza Júnior, S. de Toledo
  • Alimentação dos marrecos I: forragem verde

    Torres, A. Di Paravicini
  • Sôbre as ordens infinitesimais

    Gomes, Frederico Pimentel
  • Os pigmentos amarelo-laranja do grão de milho como precursores da vitamina a na alimentação dos pintos

    Graner, E. A.; Torres, A. P.

    Resumo em Português:

    A presente experiência foi realizada afim de se constatar a influência de dois tipos de milho comerciais, com grãos coloridos de amarelo-laranja, como precursores de vitamina A no crescimento de pintos. Um deles, denominado "Cateto", duro, de côr laranja muito forte e outro, chamado "Armour", dente, de coloração amarelo-laranja. Para testemunha foi empregado o milho "Cristal", duro e branco. Uma análise dos pigmentos dos dois tipos de milho com gráos coloridos mostrou que o milho Cateto, com grãos de coloração laranja forte, tem aproximadamente o dobro de pigmentos, tanto total como quanto a parte ativa em relação à vitamina A, quando comparado com o milho dente amarelo-laranja. Três lotes de pintos de 3 semanas foram utilizados, cada um recebendo a mesma ração onde variava somente o tipo de milho. Nas três primeiras semanas os três lotes reagiram bem, sem quaisquer diferenças apreciáveis. Após a terceira semana, o lote que recebeu milho branco apresentou uma queda sensível de peso dos pintos, os quais apresentaram todos os sinais de avitaminose A. Os outros dois lotes que receberam ração contendo milho de grãos coloridos não apresentaram sinal de avitaminose A. Os resultados obtidos indicam assim que a) o milho "Armour", dente, de grãos amarelo-laranja, embora possua, em relação ao milho "Cateto", duro, de grãos coloridos de laranja forte, cerca da metade da quantidade de pigmentos ativos em relação a formação de vitamina A no organismo animal, é capaz de prevenir a avitaminose, quando empregado em cerca de 70% da ração, b) que a ração contendo o milho "Cristal", duro, de grãos brancos, é deficiente, produzindo uma acentuada avitaminose A, que deverá ser corrigida, na falta de milho de grãos amarelo-laranja, por alimento verde ou outro alimento fornecedor dessa vitamina e c) que sendo o milho "Cateto", mais caro de Cr.$2,00 a 8,00 por saco de 60 quilos, há vantagem econômica no emprego do milho tipo "Armour" na constituição das misturas para aves.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two commercial types of maize; largely used in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, were tried as source of pró-vitamin A in growing pullets. The amount of pró-vitamin A was found to be practically doubled in "Cateto", a flint type with deep orange grains when compared with "Armour", a dent type with yellow oiange grains. Both "Cateto" and "Armour" proved to be equally good in preventing avitaminosis A, when used in the same proportion in the ration (70%). White corn used for comparison produced strong avitaminosis A.
  • Determinação do sexo do pinto pela forma do ovo

    Torres, A. Di Paravicini

    Resumo em Português:

    Este trabalho foi feito afim de determinar uma hipotética correlação existente entre a forma do ôvo e o sexo do pinto. Dois métodos foram utilizados. No primeiro considerou-se apenas a "ponta" do ôvo, dividindo-se um lote de 1100 ovos em dois grupos, um considerado ponteagudo e outro arredondado. Os resultados totais mostraram a nenhuma influência da forma da ponta na determinação do sexo, isto é, a falta de correlação era completa. No segundo método, determinou-se a média da relação entre a largura e o comprimento do ôvo, e adotou-se essa medida como linha divisória de dois grupos : um de ovos grossos com 223 ovos e outro de ovos finos, com 183 ovos. A relação sexual foi respectivamente de 38.60 e 37.07 o que mostra a falta de correlação. Os dez ovos mais compridos e os dez mais redondos, incubados separadamente, confirmaram os resultados anteriores. A determinação do sexo dos pintos foi feita pelo método de JAAP, aperfeiçoado nesta Seção. O Autor conclui, que na população estudada, da raça Rhode I. Red, não existe absolutamente a menor correlação entre a forma do ôvo e o sexo do pinto que êle possa determinar. Acredita que essas conclusões possam se aplicar a todas as variedades industriais, mas acha possível, que em raças muito antigas não provenientes de cruzamentos, talvez nalguma raça de briga, tal correlação possa existir.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author has studied in this paper the correlation between egg form and sex of chicks at hatching time. Two me- thods were tried: in one the eggs were separated in two groups according to the edge form, round or alonga te; in the other the eggs were classified into two types according to te relation between the minor and the major diameter and above or under the relation mean. In both cases it was found that the egg form has no influence on sex. The sex determination of the pullets was made by the method of JAAP, improved in our Department by JARDIM.
  • Comportamento dos cromossômios no gênero Hypselonotus (Hemiptera -Coreidae)

    Castro, G. P. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The three species studied have 19 chromosomes, being one heterochromosome, one pair of microchromosomes and 8 pairs of autosomes. The microchromosomes of Hypselonotus fulvus are amongst the largest we know. During the synizesis, in Hypselonotus fulvus, we can see in several strands that scape from the chromatic knot a place in which they are widley open. As, in that phase the chromosomes have both ends converging to the same place, the openings suggest a side-to-side pairing of the chromosomal threads. The tetrads are like that studied by Piza (1945-1946). The bivalents are united side by side at their entire length. The unpaired part at the midle of the bivalents gives origin to the arms of the cross-shapede tetrads. The chromosomes have a kinetochore at each end. The bivalents sometimes unite their extremities to form ring-shaped figures, which open themselves out before metaphase. The tetrads are oriented parallelly to the spindle axis. At telophase the kinetochores repeli one another, the chiasmata, if present, slip toward the acentric extremities and the chromosomes rotate in order to arrange themselves parallelly to the axis of the new spindle. Separation is therefore through the pairing plane. In the spermatogonial anaphase of Hypselonotus subterpunctatus the chromosomes are curved to the poles, like those described by PIZA (1946) and PIZA and ZAMITH (1946). The sex chromosomes in Hypselonotus interruptus and Hypselonotus fulvus appears longitudinally divided. It is oriented with the ends in the plane of the equator and its chomatids separate by the plane of division. In the second division the sex chromosome, provided as it is with an actve klnetochore at each end, orients itself with its length parallelly to the spindle axis and passes undivided to one pole. Sometimes it is distended between the poles. This corresponds to case (a) established by PIZA (1946) for the sex chromosomes of Hemiptera In Hypselonotus subterpunctatus the sex chromosome, in the first division of the spermatocytes, orients like the tetrads and divides transversaly. In the second division, as its kinetochore becomes inactive, it remans monocentric, does not orient in the spindle, and is finally enclosed in the nearer nucleus. In the secondary telophase it recuperates its dicentricity like the autosomal chromatids. This behavior corresponds to case (c) of PIZA (1946).
  • Cálculo da potência dos motores para moendas de cana de açúcar

    Leme, Hugo de Almeida; Almeida, Jayme Rocha de

    Resumo em Português:

    O conhecimento da potência necessária para a moagem da cana de açúcar, é de relevante importância, não só para o fabricante de moendas, como para o usineiro e o tecnólogo. Os autores reportando-se ao processo usado por LEHKY no cálculo da potência dos motores destinados ao acionamento das moendas das usinas de açúcar: 1.° - esclarecem a dedução das fórmulas apresentadas por aquele notável engenheiro dos Estabelecimentos Skoda; 2.° - modificam o fator 1,305 da fórmula original usada no cálculo da potência necessária para vencer o atrito da bagaceira, para 1,2987, quando se considera a velocidade linear dos cilindros em metros por minuto; 3.° - apresentam exemplos numéricos de aplicação direta das fórmulas, para diferentes tipos de moendas, demonstrando que o processo usado por LEHKY é praticamente aplicável a qualquer moenda.

    Resumo em Francês:

    La connaissance de la puissance nécessaire au broyage de la canne à sucre, est d'une très grande importance, tant pour les fabricants de moulins, que pour l'usinier et le téchnicien. Les auteurs en se réferant au procédé utilise par LEHKY dans le calcul de la puissance des moteurs destines aux moulins des usines de sucre: 1.° - expliquent la deduction des formules presentées par le remarcable ingénieur des Establissements Skoda; 2.° - modifient le facteur 1,305 de la formule originale employee dans le calcul de la puissance nécessaire pour vaincre le frottement de la bagassière par 1,2987, quand on considère la vitesse lineaire des cylindres en mètres par minute; 3.° - presentent des exemples numériques de l'application directe des formules pour differentes types de moulins. démontrant que le procèdé utilise para LEHKY est pratiquement applicable à n'importe quel moulin.

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    El conocimiento de la potencia necessaria para la molienda de la cana de azucar, es de suma importância, tanto para los fabricantes de molinos, como para el fabricante y el tecnico azucarero. Los autores refiriendose al processo usado por LEHKY en el cálculo de la potencia de los motores destinados al movimiento de los molinos de las azucareras: 1 .o esclarecen la dedución de Ias formulas apresentadas por aquel notable ingeniero de los Establecimientos Skoda; 2.° - modifican el factor 1,305 de la formula original usada en el cálculo de la potencia necessaria para vencer el rozamiento de la bagacera, para 1,2987, cuando se considera la velocidad lineal de los cilindros en metros por minuto; 3.° - presentam ejemplos numéricos de aplicación direta de las formulas para distintos tipos de molinos, demonstrando que el processo usado por LEHKY, es practicamente aplicable á qualquier molino.
  • Microdeterminação do arsênico

    Ranzani, Guido

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Studying the application of those methods of microanalysis which avoid costly instalations and atempting to combine high precision with low cost, the author recomends a new method consisting of the following : a) exposure of a surface of 530.66 mm2 of Zn to the action of the acid. b) instalation of 3 series of HgBr2 paper in test tubes with an internal diameter of respectively 3,5 and 9 mm. c - mouting between two slides, covering the margins (with parafin etc.) with parafin in order to conserve the results of the determination without change due to the action of light or moisture. d) the results can be compared at a level of 0.00001 mgr. A203 or 0.000007575 mgr. As.
  • A influência dos pigmentos amarelo -laranja de vários alimentos na coloração da gema de ôvo de galinha

    Graner, E. A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The effect of different feeds in comparison with that of maize grains on the egg yolk color was observed. It was found that deep orange and yellow orange maize give satisfactory coloration to the yolk, respectively orange and yellow. The most intense color was observed when green feed was used in combination with deep orange maize. Green feeds as chicory, alfafa, cabbage, welsh onion and banana leaves and alfafa or chicory meal proved to be good in giving orange color to the yolk. Yellow yolk was obtained when Guinea grass or carica fruit were used in the ration. Carrot and beet without leaves did not give satisfactory color to the egg yolk. The observations with other feeds are being continued.
  • Determinação do sexo em pintos da raça Rhode Island Red

    Jardim, Walter Ramos

    Resumo em Português:

    Examinando 201 pintos de um dia da raça Rhode Island Red, de rebanho selecionado pela postura e considerando diversos caracteres, principalmente os relacionados com a côr da penugem, conseguimos acertar em 197, numa proporção de 98,01%, não relatada da bibliografia que conhecemos. Julgamos como mais importantes, os seguintes caracteres : mancha clara na asa notada em 100% dos machos e 6,30% das fêmeas; o anel claro na perna ocorreu em 91,80% dos machos e 3,70% das fêmeas. Estas duas particularidades, sòmente, permitem separação de sexo superior a 96%. O sinal junto ao ângulo posterior do olho foi observado em 95,10% das fêmeas e 36,70% dos machos; ponta da asa escura não ocorreu em um macho sequer, mas em 53.20% das fêmeas; ponta da asa clara foi notada em todos os machos e em 46,80% das fêmeas. Os demais caracteres mencionados no quadro, constituem elementos auxiliares de menor valor mas devem ser examinados para se esclarecerem dúvidas. Os erros decorreram de se dar mais importância à pinta escura na cabeça que ao anel claro na perna e à mancha no bordo da asa. O presente trabalho contribui para o esclarecimento do assunto principalmente por considerar o anel claro da perna e o sinal escuro próximo ao ângulo posterior do olho, caracteres valiosos e ainda não apontados anteriormente. Ainda mais, a observação metódica e conjunta de um grande número de atributos relacionados com o dimorfismo sexual constitui um subsídio ao esclarecimento de tão interessante questão.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper refers to sex differentiation in one day chicks of the Rhode Island Red Breed, which has been selected by the laying capacity in the flock pertaining to the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz". The A., taking as a basis the light staining of the anterior edge of the wing, the fair ring of down of the chick leg, immediately a bove the tibiotarsic joint, and dark spot that occurs sometimes near the posterior angle of the eye, besides other characters of minor importance, was able to separate correctly 197 out of 201 chicks, what represents 98,01% of the total number.
  • A sarna das orelhas dos coelhos

    Bergamin, Armando

    Resumo em Português:

    A experiência foi realizada com o propósito de encontrar um tratamento eficaz e de fácil aplicação na cura da sarna das orelhas do coelho doméstco. Foram tomados 5 lotes de 3 coelhos e tratados com Detefon, Insect-o-Blitz, Terebentina e óleo, D. D. T. a 10% e vaselina e Querozene. Foram feitas 4 aplicações com intervalos de 4 dias. Chegámos à conclusão de que o melhor tratamento foi o D. D. T. a 10% e vaselina que produziu os melhores resultados e que pode, por isso, ser indicado. A terebentina e óleo também pode ser indicada como eficiente. Quanto aos outros tratamentos é possível que produzam efeitos satisfatórios fazendo-se uma diluição conveniente, afim de atenuar a ação causticante dos ingredientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals with the results obtained in one experiment with rabbits, made in order to see which treatment should be the best one against ear canker. Five treatments, each one with 3 rabbits, were tried : Detefon, Insect-o-Blitz, Turpentine with oil, DDT with 10% of vaseline and Kerozene. The best results were obtained with DDT-10% and vaseline-90% which proved to be more efficacious, saving the animals quickly than the other treatment.
  • Análise do tamanho e da forma do ôvo em galinhas das raças Rhode Island Red e Light Sussex e do híbrido entre essas duas raças

    Graner, E.A.; Trivelin, A. P.

    Resumo em Português:

    O tamanho e a forma do ôvo tem sido objeto de estudos por parte de vários autores (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) que concluiram serem esses caracteres influenciados não somente por fatores mesológicos mas também por fatores genéticos quantitativos. Para alguns, esses caracteres do ôvo de galinha são exclusivamente maternais enquanto que para outros o macho contribue também para sua variação. Os dados encontrados na literatura sobre esse ponto encontram-se ainda em conflito. O tamanho do ôvo, determinado pelo seu peso, foi mais estudado do que a sua forma. No presente trabalho fizemos uma análise do tamanho não pelo peso mas sim pelos valores do maior e do menor diâmetro. Para o estudo da forma, determinamos o índice entre essas duas medidas, de maneira semelhante àquela utilizada por MARBLE (7). Os ovos utilizados para a análise foram obtidos de grupos das raças Rhode Island Red e Light Sussex e do híbrido Rhode x Sussex. Uma análise da variância feita em ovos de 30 galinhas da raça Sussex, durante um mês de postura, mostrou que a diferença entre os indivíduos foi sempre maior do que aquela da mesma galinha, confirmando assim aquilo já salientado por vários autores, que os ovos de uma mesma galinha são pouco variáveis (4,5 e 7). Para a comparação do tamanho e da forma do ôvo nos três grupos foram tomadas medidas dos ovos de um mesmo dia de postura. A análise do maior diâmetro mostrou que a raça Rhode Island Red tem ovos com um comprimento menor do que aquele dos ovos da raça Light Sussex. Do cruzamento das duas raças, obteve-se um híbrido com ovos de comprimento ainda maior. A dominância do tamanho, quanto ao comprimento, obtida nesta análise, concorda com a observação de outros, de que ovos pequenos são dominantes sobre os ovos grandes (5). Entretanto, a dominância dos ovos grandes sobre ovos pequenos foi também constatada por outros autores (5). No que se refere à largura, a raça Rhode estudada apresentou como no caso do comprimento, um valor menor do que aquele da raça Sussex. O híbrido entre essas duas raças apresentou um valor intermediário para o menor diâmetro. Uma análise da correlação entre os dois valores, menor e maior diâmetro, mostrou que eles estão positivamente correlacionados, porém fracamente. Fatores contribuindo para o comprimento parecem agir independentemente daqueles determinando a largura. A análise do índice menor/ maior diâmetro, escolhido para expressar a forma do ôvo, mostrou que as raças Rhode e Sussex têm ovos com a mesma forma, se bem que maiores na raça Sussex do que na Rhode. A forma dos ovos no híbrido Rhode x Sussex foi, porem diferente, com um valor para índice maior, indicando assim serem eles mais arredondados do que os ovos das raças utilizadas no cruzamento. Estes resultados quanto à forma, determinados pelo valor do índice menor/maior diâmetro diferem daqueles encontrados por MARBLE (7). em galinhas da raça Barred Plymouth Rocks, onde o híbrido apresentou esse índice numa forma intermediária na primeira geração. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que o tamanho e a forma do ôvo estão na dependência de fatores genéticos de natureza quantitativa e que, para os três grupos estudados a) os ovos postos por uma mesma galinha têm praticamente o mesmo tamanho e a mesma forma; b) o coeficiente de correlação entre maior e menor diâmetro é fraco; c) os ovos da raça Rhode Island Red estudada são mais curtos do que aqueles da raça Light Sussex; d) ovos curtos são dominantes sobre ovos compridos; e) a forma do ôvo é a mesma nas duas raças estudadas e diferente no híbrido, que apresentam ovos mais arredondados.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Size and shape in eggs of Rhode Island Red and Light Sussex breeds and in the hibrid Rhode x Sussex were studied. These characters are influenced by quantitative genes. Major and minor diameter were used for estimating size of the eggs and the ratio minor/major diameter for shape indice. It was found, in the material analyzed, that: a) the eggs laid by the sa- me chick are pratically uniform; b) the correlation coeficient between major and minor diameter is weak; c) Rhode Island Red has short eggs than Light Sussex; d) short eggs is dominant on long eggs; e) egg shape is the same in Rhode Island Red and Light Sussex breeds and different in the hibrid, which has rounder eggs than the breeds.
  • Comportamento da raça Light Sussex em Piracicaba

    Torres, A. Di Paravicini

    Resumo em Português:

    Na Seção Técnica de Avicultura e Cunicultura desta Escola foram feitas durante três anos observações sobre o comportamento da raça Light Sussex, em contraste sobretudo com a Rhode I. Red. Verificou-se ser mais precoce no desenvolvimento, mais pesada, de carne mais tenra, de maior intensidade e menor persistência de postura, de menor fertilidade, do maior precocídade de postura, de maior predisposição ao choco e de maiores ovos. Apresenta boas qualidades de adaptação e criação que a tomam muito recomendável para as pequenas criações caseiras ou dos sitios, no mesmo sistema em que é geralmente criada na Inglaterra. Só excepcionalmente convirá a uma granja industrial preocupar-se com sua criação em larga escala.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Three years of observations on Light Sussex breed conducted at the Poultry Departament of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture are reported in this paper. The breed was compared mainly with the Rhode Island Red and the following conclusion obtained : The Light Sussex is fast growing, early maturing heavier, fine fleshed, more persistent and with greater dutchs. greater groodiness and lays larger eggs. The breed shows quality of adaptation being recommended for town or farm flocks in the same way generally used in England. Exceptionally could be recommended for commercial flocks.
  • III - A ocorrência das células anexas dos estômatos na família Rubiaceae

    Accorsi, Walter Radamés

    Resumo em Português:

    As minhas primeiras observações sobre a ocorrência das cédulas anexas dos estômatos na família Rubiaceae foram feitas na epiderme foliar de Coffea arabica L.. Em seguida, examinei a epiderme de 20 espécies, pertencentes a 9 gêneros e cultivadas no Parque da E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz". Em virtude da constância das células anexas, analisei, a princípio, as espécies e variedades de Coffea (ao todo 28 indivíduos) existentes na coleção de cafés do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas e, depois, o maior número de gêneros e espécies da família. Para a realização desse trabalho, solicitei de várias instituições material botânico, tanto vivo como herborizado, constante de folhas; consegui reunir, assim, copiosa quantidade de espécies. Feita a separação das duplicatas e das fôlhas de epiderme de difícil extração, as espécies se reduziram a 553. Do exposto neste e nos trabalhos que publiquei (1,2), posso concluir que as duas células anexas dos estômatos, na família Rubiaceae, constituem um caráter anatômico de família, muito embora me faltem alguns gêneros para seu estudo completo. Minha conclusão se apoia nos três pontos básicos seguintes: 1 - Que as duas células anexas dos estômatos, com as ca- racterísticas descritas, ocorrem entre as Rubiales sómente na família Rubiaceae. 2 - Que as espécies estudadas até agora revelaram, sem exceção, as duas células anexas nos estômatos. 3 - Que as células anexas poderão constituir, no caso de sua inconstância, um caráter diferencial de espécie ou de gênero.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present paper the author gives the final results of his studies about the significance of the two annex cells of the stomata of the Rubiaceae as anatomical family character, part of which has been previously published. After having verified that in the Order Rubiales the Family Rubiaceae is the unique to show stomata provided with two annex cells differing in size and shape, the author has extended his observation over 553 species belonging to 107 genera, having not found till the present time a single discrepant case. Even though in the future some species not yet investigated come to show stomata devoid of ajinex cells, even In this case the annex cells do not lose their importance at least as specific or generic character. However, the author is inclined to consider, on the light of-the facts in hand, the two annex cells of the Rubiaceae stomata as good anatomical family character.
  • Comparação das raças Rhode Island Red, Light Sussex e seu mestiço: ovos, pintos e frangos

    Jardim, Walter Ramos; Bergamin, Armando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The breeds Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red and the hibrid Light Sussex x Rhode Island Red, from the Poultry Department of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture, at Piracicaba, S. Paulo, were studied in this paper, Tre authors, analysing eggs, pullets and chick growing arrived to the following conclusion: a) eggs of the Light Sussex breed were haevier; b) the Light Sussex breed was early maturing; c) the cross studied did not show hibrid vigor.
  • A influência da alimentação verde na postura

    Jardim, W. R.; Trivelin, A. P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A test was conducted at Poultry Department of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture to prove the effect of green feed on egg production. One hundred Rhode Island Red hens at plain laying period were divided in ten pens. The lot A was constituted of pens 1 to 5 and the lot B of pens 6 to 10. During 16 days the pens 1 to 5 did not receive green feed and the pens 6 to 10 received it with abundance. After and for a period of 30 days the situation was inverted. The analysis were made considering, a) the production of all chickens and b) discarding the chickens with irregular laying. In both cases the results were statistically insignificant, proving that green feed did not improve egg production.
  • Alimentação dos marrecos II: ração de marrecas para postura - Ração balanceada x Ração grosseira, barata

    Bergamin, Armando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author studied in this paper the substitution of a balanced ratio for an economic ratio composed of 50% of sugar beet and 50% of balanced ratio, in feeding ducks egg production. It was found that the combination had no advantage since the production of eggs was very much reduced.
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil