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This article aims to characterize and systematize the scientific production by Brazilian stricto sensu postgraduate courses in Psychology regarding young people in Higher Education, developed from 2008 to 2017. The state of knowledge was outlined by means of keyword searches in the CAPES theses and dissertations catalog. In the end of the search, 78 works were selected, and information, obtained by reading the abstracts, was tabulated in Excel spreadsheets and analyzed quantitatively, considering: a) region, b) institution, c) year of defense, d) theoretical perspective, e) types of research, f) methodological procedures and g) themes studied. Among the results, the following stand out: the studies mostly come from the Southeast region; there is a greater number of productions and qualitative research works between the years 2013 and 2017. Concerning young people’s health, themes and studies on the true meaning of policies for access and permanence in Higher Education predominate.

young; college students; bibliographical research


Este artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar e sistematizar a produção científica da pós-graduação stricto sensu Brasileira em Psicologia sobre jovens no Ensino Superior, elaborada no período de 2008 a 2017Santos, A. de F. L. (2017). O estado do conhecimento dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Psicologia e Educação da Região Norte brasileira: aproximação e distanciamento com as questões indígenas (Dissertação de Mestrado). Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Porto Velho-RO. Recuperado de:
. O estado do conhecimento foi realizado por meio de buscas por palavras-chave no catálogo de teses e dissertações da CAPES. Foram selecionados 78 trabalhos, cujas informações, obtidas por meio da leitura dos resumos, foram tabuladas em planilhas Excel e analisadas quantitativamente, considerando-se: a) região, b) instituição, c) ano de defesa, d) perspectiva teórica, e) tipos de pesquisa, f) procedimentos metodológicos e g) temáticas estudadas. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se que: os estudos advêm majoritariamente da região sudeste; há um maior número de produções entre os anos de 2013 e 2017 e de pesquisas qualitativas. No que se refere às temáticas, predominam estudos sobre a saúde dos jovens e sobre significações diante das políticas de acesso e permanência no Ensino Superior.

jovens; estudantes universitários; pesquisa bibliográfica


En este artículo se tiene como objetivo caracterizar y sistematizar la producción científica del posgrado stricto sensu brasileño en Psicología sobre jóvenes en la enseñanza universitaria, elaborada en el período de 2008 a 2017. En estado del conocimiento se realizó por intermedio de búsquedas por palabras clave en el catálogo de tesis y tesinas de la CAPES. Se seleccionaron 78 estudios, cuyas informaciones, obtenidas por intermedio de la lectura de los resúmenes, se tabularon en planillas Excel y analizadas cuantitativamente, considerándose: a) región, b) institución, c) año de defensa, d) perspectiva teórica, e) tipos de investigación, f) procedimientos metodológicos y g) temáticas estudiadas. Entre los resultados, se pone de relieve que: los estudios vienen mayoritariamente de la región sudeste; hay un mayor número de producciones entre los años de 2013 e 2017 y de investigaciones cualitativas. En lo que se refiere a las temáticas, predominan estudios sobre la salud de los jóvenes y sobre significaciones delante de las políticas de acceso y permanencia en la enseñanza universitaria.

Palabras clave:
jóvenes; estudiantes universitarios; investigación bibliográfica


Higher learning is a privileged space for human formation in our society. It is therefore a major context for formal education and cultural appropriation, interaction, and development. It provides pedagogical situations for teaching and learning that demand greater autonomy and freedom of study choices for students while, at the same time, posing further challenges related to the appropriation of philosophical, technical, and scientific knowledge. Such emerging demands, when compared to basic education, reverberate subjectively in the constitution of psychism by students or apprentices.

Among the changes that this moment of school education promotes in the students’ life and development, we can include: cognitive, emotional, ideological, moral, social, and economic processes, the development of awareness, the construction of future projects, professionalization, student failure, and so on (see Cunha & Carrilho, 2005Cunha, S. M.; Carilho, D. M. (2005). O processo de adaptação ao ensino superior e o rendimento acadêmico. Psicologia Escolar Educacional, 9(2), 215-224.
; Moura & Facci, 2016Moura, F. R. de; Facci, M. G. D. (2016). A atuação do psicólogo escolar no ensino superior: configurações, desafios e proposições sobre o fracasso escolar. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 20(3), 503-514.
; Serpa & Santos, 2001Serpa, M. N. F.; Santos, A. A. A. (2001). Atuação no ensino superior: um novo campo para o psicólogo escolar.Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 5(1), 27-35.).

Considering its specificities, the target public in this mode of education is mostly made up of people younger than 30 years (see data from research by the “Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior [Andifes], or National Association of Administrators of Federal Institutions of Higher Education, & “Fórum Nacional de Pró-Reitores de Assistência Estudantil” [Fonaprace], or National Forum of Student Assistance Deans, 2019; “Instituição Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira” [Inep], or Anísio Teixeira National Institution for Educational Research and Studies 2017). This public, according to the social and historical demarcation of youth/adolescence in our society, supposedly experiences a period of preparation/entrance into adult life and labor (Bock, 2007Bock, A. M. M. (2007). A adolescência como construção social: estudo sobre livros destinados a pais e educadores. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 11(1), 63-76.
), under significant differences due to different objective conditions experienced by the young population, based on the different indexes of social class, gender, sexuality expression, race/ethnicity, and intersectionality. Dimensions that point at the complexity of the relations are created in this formative scenario and demonstrate the relevance of the theoretical, practical, and scientific eye of psychology on the theme.

According to Vygotski (1932/2006Vygotski, L. S. (2006). El problema de la edad. Em L. S. Vygotski, Obras escogidas. Tomo IV: Psicologia Infantil (pp. 251-273). Madri: A. Machado Libros., p. 264),

the social situation of development is the starting point for all dynamic changes produced throughout development during each age period. [...] because social reality is the true source of development, the possibility of transformation from social to individual. [our translation]

From the perspective of Cultural-Historical Psychology, human development does not stem from the maturing of innate or naturally determined psychic processes. It is actually a result of established cultural and social relations among individuals in a determined context. That is, development includes daily interactions and macrosocial, political, and economical relations that are part of the wider organization of society (Sirgado, 2000Sirgado, A. P. (2000). O social e o cultural na obra de Vigotski.Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, SP,21(71), 45-78.

In this sense, social situations are the factors that promote structural change in the conscience of individuals and in social realities, and consequently in personalities and other psychological processes. Social situations also define the way such individuals relate with reality, in an interconnected dialectical dynamics, which becomes increasingly complex at each phase of life (Vygotski, 1932/2006Vygotski, L. S. (2006). El problema de la edad. Em L. S. Vygotski, Obras escogidas. Tomo IV: Psicologia Infantil (pp. 251-273). Madri: A. Machado Libros.).

Vygotski has not theoretically or scientifically elaborated on the specific theme of development of young people (aged between 18 and 25 years) and did not believe that such development was submitted to the same laws of child development but rather to the chain of development of mature ages (Vygotski, 1932/2006Vygotski, L. S. (2006). El problema de la edad. Em L. S. Vygotski, Obras escogidas. Tomo IV: Psicologia Infantil (pp. 251-273). Madri: A. Machado Libros.). However, the studies and theories of the author on adolescence prove pertinent. Here, we briefly highlight the fact that it is a moment of more complex development of superior psychic functions (characterized by semiotic mediation), of interests, of personality, and of thought due, mainly, to the formation of scientific concepts promoted by the school processes of teaching and learning, in view of the central formative role that school plays in our society (see Duarte, 2013Duarte, N. (2013). A individualidade para-si: contribuição a uma teoria histórico-social da formação do indivíduo (3ª ed.). Campinas, SP: Autores Associados.; Leal, 2010Leal, Z. F. de R. G. (2010). Educação escolar e constituição da consciência: um estudo com adolescentes a partir da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural (Tese de Doutorado). Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP.
; Sforni, 2004Sforni, M. S. de F. (2004). Aprendizagem conceitual e organização do ensino: contribuições da teoria da atividade. Araraquara: JM Editora.).

The school will enrich the students by producing in them formative necessities that do not come up spontaneously in daily life. The school’s function is not, therefore, to adapt the students to everyday life necessities. Its function is to produce in the students the necessities referring to more elevated spheres of objectivation of human gender. (Duarte, 2013Duarte, N. (2013). A individualidade para-si: contribuição a uma teoria histórico-social da formação do indivíduo (3ª ed.). Campinas, SP: Autores Associados., p. 213).

In the case of young people who get access to higher education, a privilege reached by only 15.7% of the Brazilian population aged 25 or older (according to data by the “Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [IBGE/PNAD], or, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics 2017), it is important to consider the fact that the specificities of this level of education include the appropriation of scientific concepts and professionalization, and the very production and criticism of knowledge by means of research (Pimenta, Anastasiou, & Cavallet, 2003Pimenta, S. G.; Anastasiou, L. das G. C.; Cavallet, V. J. (2003). Docência no ensino superior: construindo caminhos. In: R. L. L. Barbosa (Ed.), Formação de educadores: desafios e perspectivas. São Paulo: Editora UNESP.). In this sense, according to the authors, the most important characteristics of university formation are the critical command of technical and scientific knowledge, which implies historical analysis, the promotion of scientific investigation skills, of reflection, and of the autonomous search for knowledge. Thus, pedagogical practices are not based exclusively on the transmission of content, but in research.

These aspects configure a plural environment for ideas, conceptions, theories, epistemologies, problems, and objects of study and analysis. The environment that, nonetheless, cannot be abstracted from the characteristics a society that is broader, more capitalistic, more productivist, more dehumanized, more controlled by individualism, by competition, by meritocracy, and by the exclusion of the different. The social practices and relations necessarily constitute and form human psychism and subjectivity, and can even cause psychosocial and ethical-political suffering.

Based on these points and considering the importance of the eye of psychology on young people in higher education, we conducted a bibliographical research on the state of knowledge on the theme. The study had the objective to characterize and systematize the scientific production of Brazilian stricto sensu post-graduation in psychology on young people in higher education, produced in the period from 2008 to 2017.

We know that Psychology is not one, that is, the theoretical/epistemological perspectives that were produced are distinct. The same difference can be observed in the ways of understanding the processes of teaching and learning, schooling, human development, young people, psychism, etc. As a result, we have the importance of investigating the effective contributions of this field of knowledge and the advancements promoted towards overcoming classic individualizing, psychologizing, pathologizing reasoning, which abstract psychism and its related woes from broader historical, social, and cultural conditions.

Besides that, it is important to emphasize that part of the period marked out for the research involved the expansion of higher education in Brazil, as well as an amplification of opportunities for access to this level of education for the low-income population. Between the years of 2003 to 2010 and 2011 to 2016 (respectively in the governments of Lula and Dilma Rousseff) there was the implementation of programs for university expansion, student assistance, scholarships, affirmative actions and policies etc. (Mancebo, 2017Mancebo, D. (2017). Crise político-econômica no brasil: breve análise da educação superior. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, SP, 38(141), 875-892.). What we intend to find out is whether such policies are part of the scientific studies of psychology and how.

Finally, it is impossible to deny the importance of this study in the current political context of heated debate on the future of Brazilian education, especially concerning the limitations to be faced by higher education when it comes to restrictions to federal public funding announced in the past three years and, more ostensibly, in 2019.


Among the diverse modes of bibliographical research, there are the state of the art and the state of knowledge. Such research modes lead, in addition to the systematization of knowledge on a certain theme, “[...] recognize the most important investigation results, identify themes and predominant or emerging approaches, as well as blanks and unexplored fields open to future research” (Sposito, 2009Sposito, M. P. (2009). A pesquisa sobre Jovens na Pós-Graduação: um balanço da produção discente em Educação, Serviço Social e Ciências Sociais (1999-2006). In: M. P. Sposito. (Ed.), Estado da Arte sobre juventude na pós-graduação brasileira: educação, ciências sociais e serviço social (1999-2006)(Vol. 1, pp. 17-56). Belo Horizonte, MG: Argvmentvm., p. 17). Such aspects are also discussed by several authors including Ferreira (2002Ferreira, N. S. A. (2002). As pesquisas denominadas “estado da arte”. Revista Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, SP, 79, 257-272.
); Santos (2006Santos, R. N. M. (2006). A Ciência e o Novo Estado do Conhecimento: a contribuição da ciência da informação. Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia Ciência da Informação, 11(22), 16-29.
), Romanowski and Ens (2006Romanowski, J.; Ens, R. (2006). As pesquisas denominadas do tipo .Estado da ArteE em Educação. Revista Diálogo Educacional, Curitiba, PR, 6(19), 37-50.).

Although some authors define the modes as synonymous, we are based on Romanowski and Ens (2006Romanowski, J.; Ens, R. (2006). As pesquisas denominadas do tipo .Estado da ArteE em Educação. Revista Diálogo Educacional, Curitiba, PR, 6(19), 37-50.) in order to identify our research as state of the knowledge, considering the exclusive use of one type of scientific publication: we focused on the production of post-graduate students that is available in the CAPES online databank - theses and dissertations catalog.

The searches were realized in the first semester of 2018, by means of the following keywords: Adolescents OR young people AND higher education; adolescents OR young people AND IES; adolescents OR young people AND university; adolescent university students; young university students.1 1 In order to include the key-words into the platform, we used the operators AND and OR in the search expression for adding terms and, thus, expand results, according to guidance by Katyusha Madureira Loures De Souza for research in the CAPES bank on the website:

With these searches, we found a total sum of 21.860 works. Applying year filters (2008-2017) and area of knowledge: psychology, we obtained 888 works, which went through previous assessment according to the following exclusion criteria: a) repeated; b) not related to adolescents/Young university students2 2 In some cases, this analysis required the reading of parts of the dissertation or the thesis to guarantee a more accurate assessment before inclusion or exclusion in the works. However, for the other tabulations, the analysis was based exclusively in the production abstracts. ; d) not realized in Brazilian post-graduation programs in the psychology area. Thus, 78 works were selected.

All abstracts from the selected productions were read and the information was organized and tabulated into Excel worksheets, according to previous analysis categories. They are: year of publication, title, author, type of production (thesis or dissertation); institution, region, objectives, type of research, methodological procedures, theoretical-epistemological perspective.

Subsequently, we proceeded to the analysis of the abstracts for identification a posteriori of the most important investigated themes on young people in higher education. Seven major themes were categorized:

  1. ) Psychological assessment on young people in higher education - Studies for the validation of psychological assessment instruments, in which young university students become the subject of research and, in some cases, samples by convenience;

  2. ) Health of young people in higher education - studies on: a) physical health; b) mental health; c) sexuality; d) drug abuse and risky behavior among young people in higher education.

  3. ) Young people and policies/access programs/permanence in higher education - studies on/with: a) young people with special necessities and inclusion b) black young people (black and mixed races) and indigenous and affirmative actions; c) young people and access/ permanence;

  4. ) Young people and formation in higher education - research on: a) teaching and learning processes; b) the meaning of education and higher education;

  5. ) Social relations and experiences by young people in higher education - studies on: a) interpersonal relations in higher education; b) representations on violence and bullying; c) political participation/collective student organization;

  6. ) Subjective and individual constitution of young people in higher education - studies on: a) life project and professional insertion; b) constitution of psychism/ formation of the self;

  7. ) Representations of young people on diverse themes - investigations on representations and significations of young university students on diverse issues that are not directly connected to higher education, such as green consumerism, affective relationships of intimacy, social networks, and so on.

The criteria for distribution and production were defined by means of titles, keywords and information from abstracts. In cases where the works were related to more than one category, we chose to classify them into the theme that, based on indications by the authors themselves, should be more related to the work.

Our work is characterized by the quantitative analysis of exploratory nature, by means of which we aimed to map out and characterize the selected production.


In the analysis of the 78 works, we observed that most productions come from master’s degree programs. There were 63 dissertations and 15 theses on young people in higher education, which corresponds to, respectively, 81% and 19% of the total sum of works. Such results might be related to the greater concentration of mastering courses than of doctoring courses in Brazil: respectively, 100 mastering courses and 60 doctoring courses, even though the proportion of works does not correspond to the proportion among courses.

Research works on the theme were produced in the five Brazilian geographical regions, but most of them come from the southeast. In this region, we located 37 works (48%), which seems to be connected to the fact that this region concentrates the greatest number of psychology post-graduation courses in the country. The second greatest producer is the northeast, with 17 works (20%); followed by the south, with 13 (16%); the mid-west with 8 (10%), and the north with 5 works (6%).

Concerning the north of the country, it is necessary to consider the recent emancipation of some states such as Acre and Roraima, which were only raised to such category in the 1980s. This aspect, in addition to demographic density, to inequalities in the financing of learning institutions, and to the distribution/formation of doctors in the country, are related to the restricted number of stricto sensu post-graduation courses.

Therefore, we have evidence of the importance of the information to be assessed by means of knowledge of the historical, political, and economical process in the Brazilian regions, since such process interferes in education, and consequently, in the inequality of scientific production among regions.

In Illustration 1, we can observe the distribution of the analyzed productions according to the learning institutions: the federal universities concentrate 64% of the production, the private institutions provide 24%, and the state universities provide 12%. In other words, 78% of the production comes from public institutions. This result is also related to the number of federal and private institutions that offer post-graduation courses because, according to data provided by the Sucupira platform, most of the programs are clustered on major urban centers.

Illustration 1
Number of Stricto Sensu productions in Psychology on young people in higher education, analyzed in accordance with learning institutions.

Concerning the production of dissertations and theses in Brazil, Gazzola and Fenati (2010Gazzola, A. L. A.; Fenati, R. (2010). Pós-Graduação Brasileira no Horizonte de 2020. In: Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação (PNPG), 2011-2020. Documentos SetoriaisVolume II. Brasília, DF, CAPES., p. 11) emphasize that the organization of post-graduation is linked to a country’s economic development itself: “[...] we still keep a concentration of the quality and of the most innovative programs in the most economically privileged regions [...]”.

When it comes to the year of publication, we can observe a significant increase in the production after the year of 2013, which was kept in the subsequent years. The production average in the first five-year period (2008-2012) was 4.8 works per year, in contrast to the second five-year period (2013-2017), which was 10.8 works/year. In the second five-year period, 64.23% of the works on the theme are concentrated. The year 2016 concentrated the greatest number of research works, representing a total sum of 19.23% with 11 dissertations and 4 theses (see Illustration 2).

Illustration 2
Number of Stricto Sensu productions in psychology on young people in higher education, analyzed in accordance with course and year.

The observed increase in the second five-year period concerns all sets of investigated themes on young university students, which will be subsequently presented. We have concluded that such factor is a reflection of both an increase in the number of psychology post-graduation programs and the scenario of expansion of educational policies for higher education, such as: the “Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais” (REUNI), or Program for Support and Plans for Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities, between the years 2007 and 2011; the ”Plano Nacional de Assistência Estudantil” (Pnaes), or Student Assistance National Plan”, in 2010; the “Sistema de Seleção Unificada” (Sisu), or Unified Selection System, in 2012, and Law no. 12.711 from 2012, which implemented affirmative action for entrance into higher education.

Another important research aspect was the identification of the theoretical-epistemological perspectives that underlie the Psychology studies on higher education. In 24.38% of the cases, the authors did not clarify such perspectives, which is a fact that can be explained by different reasons; for example, a choice that is either deliberate or imposed by the complexity that a post-graduate student needs to face in order to obtain command over a certain perspective in the short time allotted to mastering courses.

In other courses, the authors made reference to areas of practice and/or production of psychology knowledge, but not to the numerous involved theoretical perspectives. Another example is the one of Social Psychology, which includes diverse approaches. In this last case, we have chosen to present the name indicated by the author of the work.

According to the information presented in Illustration 3, among the works that identified the theoretical-epistemological affiliation, the historical materialistic basis predominates, representing 19.23% of the publications. These publications include: historical-cultural psychology, with seven works; Social-historical Psychology and Critical-historical Psychology by Saviani, each one with three works; the Dialogical Philosophy of Language in Bakhtin’s circle, with two works. The theory of social representations was the second most mentioned one: 14.10% of the publications.

Illustration 3
Number of Stricto Sensu productions, analyzed in accordance with the adopted theoretical perspective/ area of knowledge.

Concerning the method, we have observed that, in 46% of the works, the type of realized research was not specified, even when authors specified the used approach and methodological instruments/procedures. In the other 54%, we have found: cross-sectional research, exploratory study, ethnography, theoretical-empirical, empirical, life history, intervention research, case study, experimental outlining, theoretical, and descriptive research.

Cross-sectional research is indicated in six works, representing 8%. Exploratory study, ethnography, and theoretical-empirical were mentioned in five works, each approach representing 6%. Empirical research, life history, and intervention research are mentioned in four works each (5%). Case studies and experimental research appear in three works (4%). In two (3%) works, theoretical research appears and one is classified as descriptive.

We have observed an important preoccupation among researchers concerning methodological issues in their research works. Their explanations on the characteristics of the used procedures and instruments are systematized in Illustration 4.

Illustration 4
Number of Stricto Sensu Productions analyzed in accordance with the research methodological instruments / procedures.

In 32% of the analyzed works, combined procedures were used. They included: interviews, questionnaires, psychological and/or observation tests; in one of the analyzed doctorate theses, comprehensive interviews, ethnographical description, participating observation, and field notes were used. The use of interviews appears in 26% of the works; the questionnaire appears in 24%; participating observation, in 9%; and focal group, in 4%.

The procedure that we have classified as intervention activity concerns modes of intervention research, which represent 5% of the works. Such activities were developed by means of round tables, reading and writing workshops, group workshops, and the mapping of inequalities.

These results demonstrate a balance in the use of semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and combined procedures for distinct investigation objectives. We observed, however, that the use of questionnaires appears more often in research works that involve psychological assessment and social representations.

Concerning sets of themes on the investigation with/on young people in higher education, we have observed that health and policies for access and permanence are the most frequent ones, followed psychological assessment, and of the subjective and individual constitution. That is what is demonstrated by Table 1. Complete data can be found in Frame 1, at the end of the article, in Appendix.

Table 1
Number and percentage of Stricto Sensu Productions, analyzed in accordance with the studied sets of themes

Out of the 17 works on the health of young students in higher education, a) three are about physical health, such as heart health and sleep; b) five on mental health and psychological well-being; c) four on sexuality, essentially on HIV prevention; d) five on drug abuse and risky behavior, such as drinking alcohol and driving motor vehicles. In cases a) and b), the studies concern the health and quality of life in face of the demands of higher education; in cases c) and d) there is a discussion on the fact that university students constitute contingent at risk of HIV contamination, in addition to alcohol and drug abuse.

Concerning the policies for access and permanence in higher education, the works are based on experience reports, significations, perspectives, and social representations of: a) young people with disabilities regarding inclusive policies (three works), b) black young people regarding affirmative action policies (five productions) and indigenous people and the schooling process (two productions); c) young people in situations of poverty and entrance / permanence in higher education (seven productions).

We found 10 works on the application and/or validation of instruments for psychological assessment and measuring on several issues. Among them: body image, memory and facial recognition, position and social status; racial prejudice; career and transition into the job market; executive functions and alcohol abuse. Only three of these works specifically refer to formation in higher education: one on attitudes regarding the “Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes” (ENADE), National Exam for Student Performance; one on cognitive and noncognitive processes of the adaptation to this mode of teaching, and another on learning strategies.

Out of the ten productions on individual and subjective constitution, five approach life projects and five approach the formation of the self, the psychological constitution or the identity of young students. The used nomenclatures indicate distinct theoretical epistemological affiliations, such as the ones of Cultural Psychology, Social-historical Psychology, of symbolic interactionism; of social representations. One of them was not specified by the authors.

Out of the nine works on the formation in higher education, five refer to the processes of teaching and learning, more focused on the students’ learning, one with a focus on failing and the other one with a focus on the teacher/student relationship. Four other works concern social representations, meanings/significations/perspectives of the students on formation in higher education.

The theme of social relations and the of experiences in higher education were the object of analysis of nine scientific productions: five on interpersonal relations and sociability; two on bullying and representations on violence; two on the collective organization of students.

Finally, six other works are a result of investigations on significations, social representations by university students concerning diverse themes that are not directly related to formation in higher education, but to society in general, such as: green consumerism, affection relationships of intimacy, homoparental adoption; digital social networks, Brazil and the state of Pará.


In this text, characterized as state of knowledge, based on quantitative analysis of exploratory nature, we have approached the stricto sensu scientific production in the area of psychology on young people in higher education and presented a general panorama of research works realized in the area. We emphasize the fact that we did not have the intention to cover all aspects of the topic. We recognize the possibility of blanks, even though they are not intentional, in our research. Also, there is the need for qualitative analysis of such production.

Generally speaking, the results indicate trends in the area that are already evident in studies on other themes, such as the predominance of production in the county’s southeast, the significant number of works that do not identify the theoretical-epistemological affiliation and the predominance of research works based on qualitative procedures.

On the other hand, the theme-based mapping of the studies on young university students reveals that psychology comprehends broader sets of themes, which are diverse and not centered exclusively on learning processes or problems that classically constitute the marks of scientific production and the practice by professionals in the area of basic education (see Moura & Facci, 2016Moura, F. R. de; Facci, M. G. D. (2016). A atuação do psicólogo escolar no ensino superior: configurações, desafios e proposições sobre o fracasso escolar. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 20(3), 503-514.

The practice by psychologists with young people in higher education, for example, was the target of discussions in only two works, both on the subjective constitution of individuals in formation. In one of them, the emphasis was on the work of the school psychologist; another one consisted of the analysis of an intervention proposed by a psychologist with medical school students. It is important to ponder that such figure is related to the exclusion of works that were not exclusively based on young people. Moura and Facci (2016Moura, F. R. de; Facci, M. G. D. (2016). A atuação do psicólogo escolar no ensino superior: configurações, desafios e proposições sobre o fracasso escolar. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 20(3), 503-514.
) also observe the emerging production on the practice by school psychologists in higher education.

On the other hand, we have found out that the most recurrent proposals for investigation by psychologists concern social representations, senses/meanings in addition to the perspectives and personal experiences of the young people participating in the studies.

However, it is important to point out that the traditional psychologized and pathologized view on young people and formation processes predominate in the studies we have analyzed, more emblematically in the ones related to the psychological assessment and the health of the students, which correspond to 35% of the research works. The naturalized and essentialist notion of youth, according to which this stage is characterized as a moment of risk and vulnerability, also predominates in addition to the notions of adaptation and centrality of the role played by studying and learning.

However, we have found research works on affirmative actions, collective organization, gender, and professional formation. Such research works, which correspond to 27% of the total amount, hint at critical and non-reductionist views on subjectivity, on psychology and on youth, and present these views as a moment of human development that is socially constructed and related to markers of social class, gender, expression of sexuality, ethnicity/race disability.

We expect that, based on this mapping of theses and dissertations on young university students, other researchers will open their eyes to the need to establish new routes for discovery among young people and university formation.


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  • 1
    In order to include the key-words into the platform, we used the operators AND and OR in the search expression for adding terms and, thus, expand results, according to guidance by Katyusha Madureira Loures De Souza for research in the CAPES bank on the website:
  • 2
    In some cases, this analysis required the reading of parts of the dissertation or the thesis to guarantee a more accurate assessment before inclusion or exclusion in the works. However, for the other tabulations, the analysis was based exclusively in the production abstracts.
  • This paper was translated from Portuguese by Régis Lima


Quadro 2
Works about Young People in Higher Education According to Themes.




Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 June 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Sept 2019
  • Accepted
    10 Aug 2021
Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil