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Schooling inequality on standardized test scores and extended journey: an analysis of Pernambuco (Brazil) high school public system* * The entire dataset supporting this study’s results will be made available in an appropriate repository, along with the analysis scripts.

Desigualdade educacional nos exames de larga escala e a jornadas escolares extendidas: uma análise da rede pública de ensino médio de Pernambuco (Brasil)

Desigualdad educativa en exámenes masivos y jornadas escolares extendidas: un análisis del sistema de educación secundaria pública en Pernambuco (Brasil)


This paper analyzes the relationship between full-time journeys and schooling inequality in Pernambuco, Brazil. Using standardized test scores on the school level, we tested the inverted u-curve hypothesis proposed initially by Simon Kuznets in 1955 and adapted with a focus on schooling expansion and inequality by Rati Ram in 1990. We build a panel data analysis to perform the test, with data aggregated by region and scores on standardized tests as the output variable. Initially, the hypotheses described an inverted U-curve correlating schooling effectiveness and inequality. However, we have found that the relationship follows a regular U shape. It is also inferable that the equity of the result is more connected to the effects of the diversity of school typology, the location of schools, and the way the region is developed.

Extended School Day; Inequality; Educational Effectiveness

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil