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God's whip: the public re-emergence of the evangelical left between 2016 and 2018

The article presents the public re-emergence of the political activism of the evangelical left and places it in the conjuncture of the resurgence of national political polarization and the ideological radicalization of the evangelical right. This re-emergence, as demonstrated, precedes Bolsonarist rise. Such “progressive” or “left” evangelical actors compete with the evangelical right for visibility and legitimacy, distinguish themselves from their conservative peers, discredit their leaders as representatives of evangelicals, and promote progressive values ​​in this religious milieu. through an ordered repertoire with organizational and argumentative elements.

progressive evangelicals; left-wing evangelicals; evangelical left; evangelical right; evangelical political activism

Instituto de Estudos da Religião ISER - Av. Presidente Vargas, 502 / 16º andar – Centro., CEP 20071-000 Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Tel: (21) 2558-3764 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil