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Orienteering is a sport that stands out for its pedagogical and formative potential because it includes physical, cognitive and social aspects that contribute to the integral education of students. Its reproduction or recreation in the school context can be a concrete experience of transformation and stimulus to the student leadership actions. The present study aims at showing the possibilities of inserting Orienteering in school units over the years of Basic Education by presenting it as a model of educational sport. This is a descriptive study with propositional characteristics. The specificities of this sport are shown based on Pierre Bourdieu’s relational perspective, the analytical model of the 5E’s proposed by Wanderley Marchi Júnior, and on the document analysis of the National Common Curricular Base. The pedagogically rich content that could be included in Physical Education classes is emphasized.

Orienteering; School Context; Educational Sport; Physical Education


O Esporte Orientação (EO) se destaca pelo potencial pedagógico e formativo, pois engloba aspectos físicos, cognitivos e sociais que contribuem para a formação integral dos estudantes. A sua reprodução ou recriação no contexto escolar pode ser uma experiência concreta de transformação e estímulo às ações de protagonismo estudantil. O objetivo do presente estudo é indicar as possibilidades de inserção do EO nas unidades escolares, em todos os anos de ensino da Educação Básica, apresentando-o como modelo de esporte educacional. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de característica propositiva. Buscou-se apresentar as especificidades do esporte fundamentas na perspectiva relacional de Pierre Bourdieu, no modelo analítico do 5E’s de Wanderley Marchi Junior e na análise documental da Base Nacional Comum Curricular, ressaltando o conteúdo rico que pode ser contemplado nas aulas de Educação Física durante o processo educacional.

Orientação; Contexto Escolar; Esporte Educacional; Educação Física


The sport conceptualization and understanding has undergone changes in the historical trajectory of societies. Therefore, its conception must not be guided ‘only’ as a socially and historically determined phenomenon. A broader analysis of its concept needs to be sought, which reflects and treats its polysemic condition by interpreting the multiple meanings, senses, contexts and functions that this phenomenon allows and prescribes1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:
and, thus, overcome some contemporary resistance to understanding and applying it in the school environment.

The sport takes place in different contexts, levels of demand, different senses and meanings, both for the practitioner and the spectator, appreciator2Gonzalez FJ, Darido SC, Oliveira AAB. Lutas, capoeira e práticas corporais de aventura. Maringá: EDUEM; 2017..

In order to direct the study and contextualize the practice of modern sport in the school environment, the definition of what sport is, presented by professor and researcher Wanderley Marchi Júnior, will be shown. Such a definition is considered to have a significant approximation with the normative document of the National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) that defines the essential learning for Basic Education students in Brazil. The author describes that:

[...] sport is understood as a physical, social, economic and cultural procedural phenomenon, dynamically and historically built, which is on the scene in most peoples and intercontinental cultures, regardless of nationality, language, color, creed, social position, sex or age, besides having become globally popular, and having its meaning re-dimensioned by the contextual logic of the commodification, professionalization and spectacularization processes. 1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:

According to Pierre Bourdieu3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153. , a French sociologist, sport is configured as a field in which the positions of the agents and social structures dispute and compete, interconnected according to the objects of interest and different positions on social issues.

Considering the social issues, the process of sport globalization and spectacularization is noteworthy, which has increasingly been on the scene in society, perhaps due to the growth of sport insertion and its dissemination in the media, as well as the approximation with realities1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:
),(4Tahara AK, Cagliari MS, Darido SC. Celular, corrida de orientação, Educação Física Escolar: elaboração e avaliação de um material didático. Arq Ciên Esp 2017[cited on 16 mai. 2023];5(1). Available from: Available from: .

Providing opportunities for reflections on the correlation between sport and media, and recognizing the different possibilities of practicing sport in society, in environmental education, activities in nature, among others, might help students to incorporate these practices into their lives, which contribute to the human and critical education with better conditions to appreciate and enjoy the sporting phenomenon4Tahara AK, Cagliari MS, Darido SC. Celular, corrida de orientação, Educação Física Escolar: elaboração e avaliação de um material didático. Arq Ciên Esp 2017[cited on 16 mai. 2023];5(1). Available from: Available from: .
),(5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:
),(6Barroso ALR, Darido SC. Compreensão e avaliação de um modelo de classificação do esporte na educação física escolar: visão de professores. Conexões, 2019;1:e019011. DOI:
),(7Avelino JVM, Domingues SC. Aquecimento Global e a Educação Física: A conscientização a partir da corrida de orientação. RevBEA, 2020;15(7):20-32. DOI:

These correlations and contributions of the sport practice provide (and it should provide) significant contributions to the teaching and learning process in the school environment where students have the right to expand their knowledge, experiences and possibilities of choices8Silva MS, Bracht V. Na pista de práticas e professores inovadores na educação física escolar. Kinesis, 2012;30(1). DOI:

As an educational institution, the school environment is not aimed at training athletes. On the contrary, deepening a sport modality in its time and spaces is rarely possible. Thus, one should seek experiences in the school environment that represent needs and possibilities of moving and reconstructing. This might emerge as alternatives to qualify the experience of sport9Rodrigues HA, Darido SC. A técnica esportiva em aulas de educação física: um olhar sobre as tendências socioculturais. Movimento 2008;14(2);135-154. DOI:

Therefore, Physical Education classes should be thought according to the following dimensions: conceptual (what the student should know), procedural (what they should know how to do) and attitudinal (how to be and relate). Such dimensions go beyond an education that prioritizes technical and tactical gestures, since they offer parameters for strengthening actions that ensure essential learning, such as resolving complex demands of everyday life10Sousa DQO, Araujo AC, Santos AP. Esporte Orientação: relato de experiência pedagógica no ensino médio. Cad Form RBCE 2015[cited on 24 Apr 2023];6(2):88-100. Available from:

The NCCB advises that Physical Education classes need to privilege, through pedagogical actions, the development of a set of skills by making use of thematic units. Thus, it proposes Physical Education skills in eight dimensions of knowledge: experimentation, use and appropriation, fruition, reflection on action, construction of values, analysis, understanding and community leadership, which reinforce that the teaching actions should go beyond and expand learning possibilities through contextualized education5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:

The document, through the thematic unit known as Adventure Corporal Practices (ACP), advocates that the practitioners, when interacting with a challenging environment, experience body expressions centered on skills and feats caused by unpredictability situations5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:

Orienteering is an individual sport according to which the practitioners orient themself with skill in natural environments or urban spaces with the purpose of navigating along a certain unfamiliar route the fastest and safest possible from point to point to find control points in the terrain, sequentially marked and previously mapped11Federação Internacional de Orientação (IOF). Orientação. [internet] [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from: https://
. This makes the participants to explore capabilities to interact with a challenging environment and experience moments of skill and prowess.

Being approached under a pedagogical, competitive, environmental and tourist way12Alburquerque FNB. A prática da orientação na geografia escolar: da vertente esportiva à pedagógica. Rev Pind 2022:3(3):107-123. DOI:
, Orienteering makes us reflect on the complexity of this sport by adding potential to its application in interdisciplinary and transversal themes, attributing to these contexts the external logic of the sport, and evidencing the possibility of it be a model of educational sport.

Orienteering has a pedagogical and training potential that includes, among several skills, the possibility of developing physical, cognitive and social aspects through which the students have the chance to broaden their view of environmental preservation, the direct relationship with the environment they live in, the location-spatial correlation, the possibility of participating on equal terms, besides many other contributions to the teaching and learning process, breaking hegemonic practices of the school environment13Correa, LVOM, Badaró LF, Souza J, Pimentel, GGA. Práticas corporais de aventura e biografias de movimento na educação física escolar. Hum & Inov 2020[cited on 16 May 23];7(10):253-265.. Available from: file:///C:/Users/guima/Downloads/2893-Texto%20do%20artigo-10743-1-10-20200623%20(2).pdf ),(14Carvalho JC. Jogos de Corrida de Orientação para Escolas. São Paulo: Editora Yolbook; 2020.),(15Campos R, Poletto RS, Magalhães Neto AM. O ensino da corrida de orientação na educação básica: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. In: Souza, LMV, Ciências do esporte e educação física: saúde e desempenho. Ponta Grossa: Atena; 2000, p. 13-42.),(16Franco LCP, Tahara AK, Darido SC. Práticas corporais de aventura nas propostas curriculares estaduais de educação física: relações com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Corpoconsc 2018[cited on 16 May 2023]; 1(22):66-76.. Available from: Available from:

Through Orienteering, the teacher can propose the expansion of individual and collective practices that provide the students with some qualities, such as self-esteem, overcoming, quick decision-making and problem solving, in addition to the development of physical fitness and motor skills. This can be a concrete experience of transformation and stimulus to student leadership actions10Sousa DQO, Araujo AC, Santos AP. Esporte Orientação: relato de experiência pedagógica no ensino médio. Cad Form RBCE 2015[cited on 24 Apr 2023];6(2):88-100. Available from:,(17Luz DC, Oliveira AAB. Orientação: Um Tesouro pedagógico das práticas corporais de aventura. Cad Ed Fís Esp 2021;19(3);227-231. DOI:
),(18França DL. Práticas corporais de aventura nas aulas de educação física: as possibilidades pedagógicas no 5º ano do ensino fundamental. Curitiba. Dissertação [Master Degree in Education] - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curitiba, 2016[cited on 16 May 2023]. Available from: Available from:

The present study aims at showing the possibilities of inserting Orienteering in the school units over the years of Elementary School by presenting it as a model of educational sport. This is a descriptive study with propositional characteristics that seeks to reveal greater familiarity with the theme and make it clearer, in addition to showing possibilities of intervention that starts from the perception of reality to understand the phenomena, articulating the empirical work to theoretical reflections.


Based on a theoretical perspective, an analytical model of modern sport and a normative document for the school systems in Brazil, this study aims at subsidizing possibilities for applying Orienteering in school Physical Education (PE), pointing it out as a potential pedagogical component for the development of physical, cognitive and social skills of Elementary School students.

The study is developed in stages based on the following directions: Pierre Bourdieu's relational perspective and Orienteering; Educational Sport in the analytical model of the 5E's proposed by Wanderley Marchi Júnior; the Orienteering space in the National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) and possible methodological proposals. Such directions are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1:
Study design

Pierre Bourdieu's relational perspective and orienteering

In order to understand the Theory of Fields structured by Pierre Bourdieu3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153. , which interconnects the reproduction mechanisms of society and its cultural perspectives, a discussion on some concepts that configure the relations of disputes among the agents and social structures is essential. According to the author, field is:

[...] a state of power relations among the agents or institutions engaged in the struggle or, if we prefer, the distribution of the specific capital, which accumulated in the course of previous struggles, guides subsequent strategies. This structure, inserted in the origin of the strategies destined to transform it, is also always on the scene at stake: the struggles, whose space is the field, have the monopoly of the legitimate violence as their purpose (specific authority), which is characteristic of the considerable field, that is, definitively the conservation or subversion of the specific capital distribution structure (3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153. );(123Gonzalez FJ, Darido SC, Oliveira AAB. Lutas, capoeira e práticas corporais de aventura. Maringá: EDUEM; 2017..

Therefore, the social structures, which aim at distancing themselves from external influences in order to protect the hegemony of internal beliefs, are interconnected to the size of their power, that is, the greater their autonomy, the greater their decision-making power and modifications of external factors19Bourdieu P. O Poder simbólico. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil; 2001.. The field is a dynamic space in constant movement. This emphasizes the dialectic between field pressure and the agents' actions20Bourdieu P, Wacquant LJD. An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1992..

In general, the position of the agents in the field or even subfields is related to the habitus, which refers to the individual and collective history of the agents. Under this premise, the habitus of the agents takes into account the strategic mode of their performance in the field where the position, influence and historical cultural baggage will influence their actions21Starepravo FA, Mezzadri FM. Algumas contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu e Norbert Elias à discussão de políticas públicas para o esporte e lazer. In: Anais do X Simpósio Internacional Processo Civilizador; 2007 [cited on 16 May 2023]; Campinas. Available from: Available from: processoscivilizadores/portugues/sitesanais/anais10/Artigos_PDF/Fernando_Augusto_Starepravo.pdf processo...

On the other hand, the agents in the field and their specificities in relation to the habitus are related to the accumulation of capital (cultural, economic, symbolic and social), to be inserted or to understand social disputes, which defines the chances of success in certain disputes22Bueno IAS, Marchi Júnior W. Conceitos fundamentais para leitura do campo esportivo pela perspectiva teórica bourdieusiana. Sociologias Plurais 2020;6(1):8-28. DOI:
. The concept of capital according to the Bourdieusian theory enables us to understand and asses the social space as a hierarchical space permeated by an unequal distribution of resources23Bourdieu P, Tomaz F. A gênese dos conceitos de habitus e de campo. Bertrand Brasil; 1989.. The references or resources acquired can be owned by an individual, a group, a community, a country, etc.3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153. ), (24Bourdieu P, Passeron JC. A reprodução: elementos para uma teoria do sistema de ensino. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves; 1975..

The concepts of field, habitus and capital are essential for contextualizing the factors that involve educational sport. As a training institution, the school is a place for the reproduction of social structures, transference of capital from one generation to another and accumulation of cultural capital25Bourdieu P. Capital Cultural, Escuela y Espacio Social. México: Siglo Veinteuno; 1997..

According to Bourdieu25Bourdieu P. Capital Cultural, Escuela y Espacio Social. México: Siglo Veinteuno; 1997., the family plays an important role in the sense of offering cultural capital that should be expanded by the school through new possibilities.

In order to be legitimized the cultural capital transmitted in the school environment needs to be shown to students in a neutral way. Each individual becomes characterized by a socially inherited baggage (from family and school articulation) of economic capital, social capital and cultural capital; the latter is constituted by tastes in art, cooking, sports, among others26Nogueira CMM, Nogueira MA. A sociologia da educação de Pierre Bourdieu: limites e contribuições. Edu & Soc 2002; 78:15-35. DOI:

Considering the taste for sport, Bourdieu asks the following question: “How do people come to have a ‘taste’ for sport and precisely for a certain sport more than another, as a practice or as a spectacle?3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153.

Thinking about sport manifestations leads us to two possible answers, that is, sport in relation to other practices; and the need to contextualize sport practices and the spectrum of representations and social signs (supply and demand)3Bourdieu P. Como é possível ser esportivo. In: Bourdieu P. Questões de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. p. 136-153. ),(25Bourdieu P. Capital Cultural, Escuela y Espacio Social. México: Siglo Veinteuno; 1997.. The connection of dynamics fields + habitus + capital brings us pertinent discussions on the themes that involve sport25Bourdieu P. Capital Cultural, Escuela y Espacio Social. México: Siglo Veinteuno; 1997..

Educational sport in the analytical model of the 5E's by Wanderley Marchi Júnior

The Analytical Model of the 5 E's proposes a sport analysis model in contemporaneity, which:

[...] seeks to construct a reference for sports analysis based on five dimensions inserted in the macro-social context, which allow better situating, understanding and discussing the sport phenomenon in its complex correlations: Emotion, Aesthetics, Ethics, Spectacle and Education11Federação Internacional de Orientação (IOF). Orientação. [internet] [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from: https://

The formative principle of Sport inter-relates the perspectives of the different social dimensions.

Based on the educational dimension, analyzes that contribute to the reflective education of human beings in modern society can be carried out, especially regarding the sporting phenomenon. This dimension relates and dialogues with Emotion, Aesthetics, Ethics and Spectacle, always with a formative intention1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:
. Thus, education problematizes and supports reflections on all aspects of practice, beyond the function of teaching practice.

The application and correlation of the sporting dimension must be observed under the essence and context of the social reality involved1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:
. Thus, it will be feasible to broaden the discussions on sport in the educational context by associating it with formative perspectives, characteristics, behaviors and values of current society.

In other words, it means understanding, discussing, reflecting (and why not in the educational environment, that is, the school) on Sport and factors that lead, for example, to the creation of new sport modalities that value overcoming and aesthetics, overlapping ethical pre-determined values.

The correlation between society and sport in the contemporary context leads to reflections on the interconnections among contexts, dimensions and meanings. Through the educational dimension, technical and specific knowledge on sports is given by understanding the different characteristics of each one1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:

The society likes, admires, practices and consumes sport by reproducing, for example, the sporting attitudes of professionals1Marchi Júnior W. O esporte “em cena”: perspectivas históricas e interpretações conceituais para a construção de um Modelo Analítico. Rev da ALESDE, 2016;5(1):46-67. DOI:
. Thus, the theme of Educational Sport assumes different and rich meanings to Physical Education contents in the school context.

It is necessary to bring to the school environment, through Educational Sports, a greater understanding of the world, control of emotions, overcome of challenges and, consequently, a greater approximation between human education (preparing for social life) and its social role.

Organizing initiatives that promote teaching through a respectful relationship between the school culture and the culture of origin of the students, that is, listening to and valuing their speeches and experiences26Nogueira CMM, Nogueira MA. A sociologia da educação de Pierre Bourdieu: limites e contribuições. Edu & Soc 2002; 78:15-35. DOI:
, can help school performance, which relieves the school from mere reproductions of content.

Thus, by inserting Orienteering practices in the school environment, the teacher, respecting the levels of knowledge, experiences, speeches and age, provides the students with possibilities for overcoming challenges. The students, motivated and focused on the objective, manage to control distractors and achieve meaningful learning.

Overcoming challenges, making quick decisions and having courage are some characteristics of Orienteering learning. These characteristics are also fundamental for life in society. If such characteristics are intentionally inserted in the school context, they give students the opportunity to identify their skills, emotions and self-control.

Orienteering space in the NCCB and possible methodological proposals

The NCCB contemplates the inclusion of Orienteering in the thematic unit known as ACP over the final years of Elementary School. However, asking questions that help us to build this process is essential: What purpose to teach Orienteering? What should the student learn? What to teach in Orienteering? What should the student know how to do? How and when to teach Orienteering? What correlations and meanings will the students be able to make with their daily life by using the experiences with Orienteering?

What purpose to teach Orienteering?

It is a primary function of PE teachers, who use elements of body culture to build knowledge through the teaching and learning process, to propose meaningful and reflective activities5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:
),(27Barroso ALR, Darido SC. Voleibol escolar: uma proposta de ensino nas dimensões conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal do conteúdo. Rev Bras Ed Fís Esporte 2010.[cited on 16 mai. 2023];24:179-194. Available from: Available from:

Thinking about these practices demands a difficult process of breaking paradigms already rooted in school history. Addressing themes that relate corporal practices to the environment and nature in the school context might stimulate unique experiences that make students recreate and enjoy practices by building solid knowledge and expertise that enhance social values.

With the experiences, students should be able to get involved in corporal practice without the help of the teacher or specialist. The intention must be to prepare a citizen in an integral way, capable of recognizing and questioning aspects that involve sport, leaving aside performance and technicality, exploring the formation of values and character for the exercise of citizenship28Gonzalez FJ, Fraga AB. Afazeres da Educação Física na escola: planejar, ensinar, partilhar. Erechin: Edelbra, 2012..

Knowing how to practice and practicing to know are skills that need to be inserted in the teaching and learning process29Franco LCP, Oliveira EC, Oliveira IL, Oliveira MA. Atividades Físicas de Aventura: proposta de um conteúdo na Educação Física Escolar no ensino fundamental. Rev Arq Mov 2011[cited on 16 mai. 2023]; 7(2):18-35. . Available from: Available from:

Since Orienteering requires strategic reasoning and intelligence confrontation, experimenting and experiencing this modality at school can contribute to the formation of moral and ethical values, which collaborates with the behavioral development of students and the development of future citizens with knowledge beyond physiological one for themselves and their family12Alburquerque FNB. A prática da orientação na geografia escolar: da vertente esportiva à pedagógica. Rev Pind 2022:3(3):107-123. DOI:
),(13Correa, LVOM, Badaró LF, Souza J, Pimentel, GGA. Práticas corporais de aventura e biografias de movimento na educação física escolar. Hum & Inov 2020[cited on 16 May 23];7(10):253-265.. Available from: file:///C:/Users/guima/Downloads/2893-Texto%20do%20artigo-10743-1-10-20200623%20(2).pdf .

Guided by the NCCB, when privileging the ACP, the teacher must contemplate the knowledge dimensions. Chart 1 shows examples of each of them by making a link with learning purposes through Orienteering teaching, explored in one or more methodological proposals.

It is worth mentioning that these are suggestions. It is up to the teachers interested in the application to understand and reframe them according to their school reality.

Chart 1
Knowledge dimensions and possible correlations with Orienteering purposes.

When starting the practice, some methodological strategies can be suggested from the research of different types of maps, equipment for the practice, and exhibition of videos related to the sport and construction of sketches of the school space, among others.

What should the student learn? What to teach in Orienteering?

In order to answer these questions that make teachers uneasy in their professional practice, and based on the safety of the official guiding document, that is, the NCCB, the present study shows a model for classifying Sports on an internal logic, having as reference the criteria of cooperation, interaction with the opponent, motor performance and tactical objectives of the action (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Classification of sports in the NCCB

This classification model distributes sport modalities into categories, bringing together sports that have similar driving requirements in the development of their practices, namely: sports without opponent interaction (performance, precision and combinatorial technique), and sports with opponent interaction (net/divided court or rebound wall, field and bat, invasion or territorial and combat).

Performance (without opponent interaction) consists of a set of modalities that are characterized by comparing the results recorded in seconds, meters or kilos5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:
. Considering this classification, a possibility of inserting Orienteering at school is identified, since in official competitions, regarding the pedestrian modality, the result of the athletes’ performance (who run their routes without proximity to their opponent) is compared according to the time spent to complete the route.

Another possible classification characterizes sports according to the following: when practitioners are affected in different ways by the practice environments (without environmental stability, changeable) and practiced in non-standard spaces (requiring adaptation of motor actions to environmental variations, such as Orienteering), and sports with environmental stability or practiced in standardized spaces. If this classification is considered, Orienteering is framed in the changeable non-standard environment, which offers uncertainty and choices of routes to the participants, thus, allowing a new possibility of teaching action30Gonzalez FJ. Sistema de classificação de esportes com base nos critérios: cooperação, interação com o adversário, ambiente, desempenho comparado e objetivos táticos da ação. Rev Dig 2004 [cited on 16 mai. 2023];10(71). Available from: Available from:

Why to teach Orienteering? What should the student know how to do?

Orienteering practice consists in identifying a problem, seeking the best solution and taking action. It requires memorization skills and quick thinking in decision making.

In order to discover the best route, the students need to make connections (map x terrain) and ask themselves: Where am I? Where am I going? How am I going to get there?

These questions can lead to significant learning aspects, which enhance decision-making power. The learning process depends on the attention that the students give to the object, that is, the interest in something to be known. When the students are attentive to the object, they perceive it and make references in their memory to store the information, thus, organizing a learning cycle (attention, perception and memory)31Pereira DW. Pedagogia da aventura na escola: proposições para a base nacional comum curricular. Várzea Paulista: Fontoura 2000..

When analyzing a terrain and its correlation with the map, the students are placed in a situation of decision-making, which allows them to know themselves and recognize the environment, which requires other aspects such as courage (deciding), responsibility (choosing) and consciousness (consequences of choice, acting).

Some skills, such as, paying attention to the object (map x terrain), noticing the reference points that differentiate environments, choosing the route, memorizing and acting efficiently, are aspects of human orientation that during the teaching and learning process enhance the students’ integral development31Pereira DW. Pedagogia da aventura na escola: proposições para a base nacional comum curricular. Várzea Paulista: Fontoura 2000..

The correct choice will result in less physical effort, less time on the course, concentration on the task, achievement of goals, new experiences and satisfaction for having had good decisions. This enables the students to feel safe and able to calmly solve problems generated in situations of lack of control or ‘stress’, making them more aware of their human potential.

Considering the ACP thematic unit inserted in the NCCB, the teacher must offer possibilities according to which the students can explore expressions and forms of corporal experimentation. These must be centered on skills and feats caused by situations of unpredictability that arise when the practitioners interact with a challenging environment, differentiated based on the environment they need to be performed: in nature and/or urban areas.

The ACP broadens and sensitizes corporal production and its correlation with nature. Sports in nature, due to the characteristics of the scenario, allow going beyond disciplinary learning, in addition to bringing specific learning together with meaning and significance, such as ecological awareness, attitudes of admiration, respect and preservation of nature, overcoming challenges, and managing risks29Franco LCP, Oliveira EC, Oliveira IL, Oliveira MA. Atividades Físicas de Aventura: proposta de um conteúdo na Educação Física Escolar no ensino fundamental. Rev Arq Mov 2011[cited on 16 mai. 2023]; 7(2):18-35. . Available from: Available from:
),(32Silva MAF. Esporte Orientação: Conceituação, resumo histórico e proposta pedagógica interdisciplinar para currículo escolar. Porto Alegre. Monografia [Graduação em Educação Física]. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; 2011 [cited on 16 May 23]. Available from:

Teaching Orienteering in its sport aspects (sport in its traditional form), tourism (leisure, fun, entertainment), environmental awareness (protection standards and less environmental impact in competitions) and, primarily, with regard to the pedagogical aspect, is aimed at improving the quality of teaching and motivation, regardless of performance, but rather its contribution to the integral training of the participant12Alburquerque FNB. A prática da orientação na geografia escolar: da vertente esportiva à pedagógica. Rev Pind 2022:3(3):107-123. DOI:

How and when to teach Orienteering?

Deciding on the expected and precise time for teaching Orienteering at school will depend on a number of factors. The school reality will direct the actions that can integrate teaching in the school's political pedagogical project by providing experimentation during PE classes, offering a project in the second shift, and dedicating some classes of the bimester/trimester to organize the distribution of content and objectives.

Next, a spatial methodological progression model designed for Orienteering is shown (Figure 3). This model proposal implies a gradual advancement of progression in three levels of learning: discovery, mastery and technique33Scopel AJSG, Fernandes AV, Retamal FC, Pimentel GGA, Noda LM, Santos S. Atividades Físicas Alternativas: Práticas Corporais de Aventura. Curitiba: Intersaberes; 2020..

Figure 3
Spatial methodological progression model for Orienteering

It is seen that in the transition from the immediate surroundings to the close ones there is a resumption of concepts and contents. Transversal themes can be included here, such as respect for the environment in view of ecological awareness for quality of life.

When teaching, the teacher must respect the individuality and pace of each student’s learning by proposing ludic games, allowing and instigating concentration, using alternative and accessible materials, bringing activities with simplicity of motor requirements, favoring autonomy in unfamiliar environments, bringing the teaching and learning process in a spiral way and with attention to the speech and experiences of students.

It should also be mentioned that the difficulties the teacher may face at school, in terms of materials or equipment, can be overcome with creativity. The important thing is to recognize the ability to promote the development of psychomotor, social and cultural aspects, among others, through Orienteering.

The teachers manage to transmit knowledge when they recognize the success of the students. Regarding Orienteering, when the teacher is not following the student during the course, which occurs most of the time, a frank dialogue must exist so that observing if the students understood the activity is possible.

What correlations and meanings will the students be able to make with their daily life by using the experiences with Orienteering?

Orienteering can significantly contribute to the integral education of the students, as it includes diverse broad principles of daily life, such as ethical and moral aspects, responsibility and autonomy, fair play, contact with the environment, development of physical and cognitive aspects.

The ability to guide oneself individually, even in an unfamiliar environment through Orienteering learning, enhances the development of autonomy. Moreover, other aspects of everyday life might also be developed: being engaged in a task, realizing one’s physical and mental capacity to resolve situations, acting with respect and cooperation with others and the environment, having a sense of direction and distance, etc.

Next, a proposal for forwarding and structuring Orienteering in the school context is shown based on the characteristics and abilities of the students, adequate to the specific sport objectives in Elementary School. This organization is based on experiences lived in the school environment, supported by the book ‘Orienteering at school for children aged 6-2 years’, developed by the Swedish Orienteering Federation and translated into Portuguese34Andersson G. Cool, genial und man lernt dazu! Orientierungslauf an schulen: Fur kinder und jugendliche im alter von 6 bis 15 jahren. [traduzido por Luiz Sergio Mendes: Legal, incrível e educativo! Orientação na escola: para crianças de 6 a 12 anos]. 2015[cited on 30 May 23]. Available from:
. They are subject to readaptation, discussion and reorganization (Chart 2 ).

Chart 2
Methodological proposal for teaching Orienteering per year of Elementary School

Chart 2

In addition to the human development capabilities already mentioned, there are other correlations and meanings that the students will be provided with through their experiences in Orienteering, such as different manifestations of corporal culture, reflections on quality of life, free time, media, spectacle sport, professional sport, harmonious relationship with nature, individualized and simplified view of the fields of knowledge, learning about cartography, aesthetics, ethics, use of digital equipment, among others33Scopel AJSG, Fernandes AV, Retamal FC, Pimentel GGA, Noda LM, Santos S. Atividades Físicas Alternativas: Práticas Corporais de Aventura. Curitiba: Intersaberes; 2020.),(35Paixão JA. O esporte de aventura como conteúdo possível nas aulas de educação física escolar. Motriv 2017;29 (50):170-182. DOI:

Introducing techniques, symbols and colors, history, transversal and interdisciplinary themes can help the students’ physical, cognitive, social and affective development, thus, improving their ability to understand the world and their correlation with space.

The pedagogical proposals and methodological approaches in the school units must incorporate contemporary themes that affect everyday life with regard to the local, regional and global spheres in a transversal interdisciplinary way by adopting integrative, interactive and collaborative strategies, and proposing integration between the areas of knowledge and high interaction. The idea is providing the students with a culture of knowledge according to which they can encourage themselves to stand and reflect on their leadership role5Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular [internet]. Brasília, DF: MEC; 2018. [cited on 24 Apr 2023]. Available from: Available from:

Search of interdisciplinary in PE classes through Orienteering make approximation and collaboration among areas possible.


The macro theoretical view shown in the present study based on the studies by Pierre Bourdieu, the Analytical Model of the 5E's by Wanderley Marchi Júnior and the highlighted points of the NCCB, supports the possibilities of including Orienteering practice in the school environment, considering all the possible contributions to the integral development of the students.

It is noteworthy that the Bourdieusian theory shows a dialectics among the agents and social structures that articulates the importance of knowledge transmission or reproduction in the school context, taking the particularities of social spaces into account. The approximations of the agents and structures make teaching and themes that address sport in the school context possible and relevant.

The proposals and possibilities for teaching Orienteering in the school context are based on the guiding document of the Brazilian teaching process. Based on the learning levels, the teachers will be able to perform their pedagogical work safely.

The proposals for Orienteering practices must be understood in their complexity and favor reflections and connections among the physical, biological, social, cultural and psychological aspects by giving a new meaning to human relationships. The experiences lived in the school environment should provide rich and meaningful opportunities.

Further investigations on the subject might contribute to the expansion of scientific and academic knowledge. In this sense, it is believed that new contributions will bring debates and support under the sphere of sport in the educational field, as well as prepositions of a sociological nature, alternating between classic and contemporary authors.

We hope that the proposal for organizing and developing Orienteering shown in the present study, which is the result of research and experiences in everyday school life, can effectively contribute to encourage teachers to experiment it in their pedagogical practices.


This study was financed in part the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil - CAPES - Finance Code 001


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Edited by

Editor: Carlos Herold Junior

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Aug 2022
  • Reviewed
    24 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    04 May 2023
Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790 - cep: 87020-900 - tel: 44 3011 4315 - Maringá - PR - Brazil