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This paper presents the analysis of the equivalence degrees between the terms that designate the places and agents responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France. To this end, four corpora were created: two of them are constituted by the legislation governing passports in these countries; the other two present a specialized bibliography on the subject. In these corpora, the terminology studied was identified. In order to establish the equivalence degrees between the terms in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and French of France (FF), this study was based on the theoretical assumptions of Bilingual Terminology, more specifically in the proposal of Dubuc (2002) regarding the terminological equivalence degrees. As a result of this analysis, 3 cases of partial equivalence, 10 cases of total equivalence and 11 cases of empty equivalence relation were found. Based on these results, it is possible to infer that, although the passport is a document that exists both in Brazil and in France, its domain is marked by particular issues of each country that are reflected in the terminology associated with it.

terminology; passports; equivalents


Este artigo apresenta nossas análises sobre os graus de equivalência entre os termos que denominam os locais e os agentes responsáveis pela emissão dos passaportes no Brasil e na França. Para tanto, criamos quatro corpora , sendo dois compostos pela legislação que rege os passaportes nesses países e outros dois com uma bibliografia especializada no assunto em português e em francês. Nesses corpora , identificamos a terminologia a ser estudada. Para estabelecermos os graus de equivalência entre os termos em Português do Brasil (PB) e Francês da França (FF), fundamentamo-nos nos pressupostos teóricos da Terminologia Bilíngue, mais especificamente na proposta de Dubuc (2002) com relação aos graus de equivalência terminológica. Como resultados deste estudo, encontramos três casos de equivalência parcial, dez de equivalência total e onze de vazio de equivalência. A partir desses dados, podemos depreender que, apesar de o passaporte ser um documento que existe tanto no Brasil quanto na França, seu domínio é marcado por questões particulares de cada país que se refletem na terminologia em pauta.

terminologia; passaportes; equivalentes


The passport is a personal and non-transferable document that allows its holder to leave his/her country and return to it without bigger problems ( MOLINARI, 2016MOLINARI, M. P. Terminologia do domínio dos passaportes franceses: estudo terminológico e elaboração de glossário monolíngue francês. Orientadora: Lidia Almeida Barros. 2016. 128 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos) – Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 mar. 2020.
). Although it is a document that exists both in Brazil and in France, it is governed by a legislation that is very particular to the reality of each country. This is mainly because there is a strong relation between the legal structure of a nation and its culture, politics, society and history, which influence the laws of each place.

In this sense, this study proposes to conduct a terminological-comparative study on the terms in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and French of France (FF) that designate the places and agents responsible for issuing passports in these countries. Its intention is to verify how this equivalence relation occurs, observing the differences and similarities between the terms in question. Thus, it is hoped that its results contribute to better communication in the area.

In order to carry out this research, the theoretical assumptions of Bilingual Terminology ( AUBERT, 1996AUBERT, F. H. Introdução à metodologia da pesquisa terminológica bilíngue. São Paulo: Humanitas, 1996. (Cadernos de Terminologia). ; CABRÉ, 1993CABRÉ, M. T. La terminología: teoría, metodología, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Editorial Antártida/Empúries, 1993. ; CURTI-CONTESSOTO, 2019CURTI-CONTESSOTO, B. F. Terminologia de certidões de casamento: estudo terminológico bilíngue e elaboração de glossário português-francês. Orientadores: Lidia Almeida Barros, Maurizio Babini. 2019. 551 p. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos) - Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 mar. 2020.
; JESUS; ALVES, 2009JESUS, A. M. R.; ALVES, I. M. Estabelecimento de equivalências em Terminologia multilíngue no campo da Astronomia. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIN, , 6., 2009, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. João Pessoa: Ideia: Associação Brasileira de Linguística, 2009. v.1, p.298-306. , among others) and, more specifically, the proposal of degrees of equivalences elaborated by Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. are adopted. This work is also based on a specialized bibliography in the field of passports in order to better understand the concepts designated by the terms studied.

This paper is organized as follows: first, the theoretical constructs that are adopted are presented; in the next section, the methodology used for identifying the terms and establishing their degrees of equivalence is exposed; then, the results of this study are presented; and finally, some considerations conclude this work.

The equivalence(s) in Terminology

It is known that “each sociocultural group understands, organizes and structures in its own way the semantic potential, the semantic substance common to all groups” ( BARBOSA, 1989BARBOSA, M. A. Léxico, produção e criatividade: processos do neologismo. 2.ed. São Paulo: Global, 1989. , p.121). In this way, each community organizes reality in its own way.

In the case of terminologies, it is not different. Since special languages are part of the general language, the terms are also subject to influences and interference at all levels due mainly to the needs that arise from new social situations. These situations, however, are not always the same for different people. Thus, even if it is the same domain of expertise, since it develops in different countries, this domain is under influence – making, consequently, its evolution not identically in these nations. Because of this particular evolution to each linguistic community, it is that “the structuring of the reality of a special language may not coincide in different languages” ( CABRÉ, 1993CABRÉ, M. T. La terminología: teoría, metodología, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Editorial Antártida/Empúries, 1993. , p.107, our translation), especially in the areas of human and social sciences, since they are directly related to the social organization of a people and, therefore, accompany the transformations of society that are, in fact, very particular to each community.

Since these differences exist, the dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge among people depends “on the existence of terminologies properly constructed in all languages to and from which a transfer of knowledge and technology is intended” ( AUBERT, 1996AUBERT, F. H. Introdução à metodologia da pesquisa terminológica bilíngue. São Paulo: Humanitas, 1996. (Cadernos de Terminologia). , p.24, our translation). This dissemination has become very common today, as we live in an almost entirely globalized and interconnected world. Thus, the borders among countries have become increasingly thin and the communication among people, governments and experts, for example, is inevitable and it needs to work as appropriately and efficiently as possible.

Regarding specialized communication between two or more languages, it involves, in particular, the dissemination of terms that convey specific concepts that, in turn, translate the technical knowledge of an expertise field. For the communication of this type of knowledge being possible, it is necessary the terminological equivalence between languages.

In the field of bilingual terminology studies, seeking equivalences between the terms of the source language (SL) and the target language (TL)

[…] it is not just about translating the structures from one language to another based on some intended equivalent designations, but it is about collecting the denominations that users of the target language actually employ to refer to a particular concept and, ultimately, proposing alternatives of denomination to situations poorly resolved by the experts of the domain. ( JESUS; ALVES, 2009JESUS, A. M. R.; ALVES, I. M. Estabelecimento de equivalências em Terminologia multilíngue no campo da Astronomia. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIN, , 6., 2009, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. João Pessoa: Ideia: Associação Brasileira de Linguística, 2009. v.1, p.298-306. , p.299, our translation)4 4 In this research, the terms autorité de police and autorité policière were found. The first refers to the highest authority responsible for administrative security ( CHEVANDIER, 2019 ). This authority can be, in this sense, the maire [mayor], which takes care of the management of municipalities, or the préfet [prefect], which directs departments (FRANCE, 2018). This type of security service is the responsibility of Police générale , and not Police nationale . The second, in turn, concerns the competence itself, that is, the power given to certain bodies and agents to exercise police services (cf. CORNU, 2004 ), and not to the servant himself/herself. For this reason, it is possible to understand that autoridade policial cannot be confused with autorité de police and autorité policière . .

Accordingly, the establishment of equivalents presupposes that the terms used by TL users in a specialty area designate the concepts5 5 On official websites, occurrences of Police fédérale referring to the Brazilian Federal Police were found (cf. FRANCE, 2020d). However, it is not possible to classify it as its equivalent from the terminological point of view adopted in this work, since Police fédérale , as a government body, does not exist in France. Consequently, it is not a terminological unit used in the same domain in FF. equivalent to those conveyed by the terminological units in the same domain in SL.

Since this study considers that the specialty areas are not organized and do not evolve in the same way in different countries, it understands that there are, in these areas, “different linguistic inventories and, consequently, semantic values that are not always totally coincidental” ( CURTI-CONTESSOTO, 2019CURTI-CONTESSOTO, B. F. Terminologia de certidões de casamento: estudo terminológico bilíngue e elaboração de glossário português-francês. Orientadores: Lidia Almeida Barros, Maurizio Babini. 2019. 551 p. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos) - Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 mar. 2020.
, p.43, our translation). Along these lines, equivalences do not always take place in a perfect way. In this sense, a SL term may not designate exactly the same concept or has the same use of its equivalent in TL (even if they are used in the same domain of specialty in different languages). In addition, there may be no equivalents in TL if there are concepts that only exist in SL.

Given this problem, terminological equivalence can be established from different degrees. Regarding this issue, this work adopted the considerations of Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. . Fig. 1 illustrates the types of equivalence degrees proposed by the author:

In Fig. 1 , it is possible to see three degrees of equivalence proposed by Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. , which are: total equivalence, partial equivalence and empty equivalence. The first circle indicates total equivalence, since the term of TL fully covers the concept designated by the term of SL, besides presenting the same use and sociolinguistic level in the same domain of specialty as the term of SL. In the second circle, it is the partial equivalence in which the terms A and B do not fully cover these three aspects in the domain in question. The third circle illustrates the case of empty equivalence, in which the terms studied do not present any of these aspects in common.

Hereby, based on Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. , these three aspects (concept, use and sociolinguistic level) were analyzed in order to establish the degrees of equivalence between the terms designating the places and the agents responsible for the issuance of passports in BP and FF. It was observed, then, whether the term of TL:

  1. designates exactly the same concept of the term in SL of the same domain;

  2. occurs in the same domain in the two languages studied, i.e., they present the same use;

  3. presents the same sociolinguistic level as SL. If the terms studied show the three criteria, they are total equivalents. If they have at least one and a maximum of two of these criteria, provided that they correspond to each other from a conceptual point of view, even partially,6 6 This work considers variants as “each of the existing forms of a term” (ISO 1087, 1990, p.6, our translation). It is important to say that, in this paper, the question related to terminological variants is not discussed, although it considers their existence. It is also important to say that the fact of mentioning one term before the other does not indicate that it is its preferred form. it is a case of partial equivalence. Finally, if they do not meet any of these criteria, it is an empty equivalence.

This research took place in both directions, i.e., BP↔FF. Thus, the same research procedure was performed, sometimes starting from the BP as SL, sometimes from the FF. Furthermore, this paper presents a bilingual comparative study of the terminology in question. The next section, the methodology of this work is exposed.


In order to carry out this study, four corpora were created: PassCorpusBR, constituted by Decree nº 5978, of 4 December 2006 (BRAZIL, 2006) regarding the issuance of passports in Brazil; BIBLPassCorpusBr, composed of a specialized bibliography on the subject. In FF, there are the PassCorpusFR, formed by Decree No. 2005-1726 of 30 December 2005 (FRANCE, 2005) and Decree No. 2012-20 of 6 January 2012 (FRANCE, 2012), which are related to the issuance of passports in France; and the BIBLPassCorpusFR consisting of a specialized bibliography on the subject.

From these textual corpora, here understood as sets “of selected texts that serve as the basis for a terminological analysis” ( PAVEL; NOLET, 2003PAVEL, S.; NOLET, D. Manual de Terminologia. Tradução de Enilde Faulstich. Gatineau. Quebec: Government of Canada, 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 set. 2017.
, p.119, our translation), the terminology designating the places and agents that issue the passports in Brazil and France was found. For that, they were stored separately in the software Hyperbase ( BRUNET, 2015BRUNET, E. Hyperbase version 10. Unice: Université Nice, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 set. 2015.
). With the help of one of its tools, Concordance (list of concordances), two lists were generated (one in BP and the other in FF) with the lexical items present in PassCorpusBR and PassCorpusFR organized in alphabetical order. As an illustration, Fig. 2 is an image of the list of concordances of the PassCorpusFR regarding the occurrences of préfet:

In Fig. 2 , it is possible to see préfet and the lexical items that occur to its right and to its left (concordances). Moreover, syntagmatic terms, such as préfet de police , for example, which occurs in the previous figure, were identified.

By means of the analysis of the lists of concordance in BP and in FF, only the terms that designate the places and agents responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France were selected. In total there were 45 terms.

In BP, 22 terminological units were found: 1. agente consular ; 2. agente da Polícia Federal ; 3. autoridade policial ; 4. chefe da repartição consular ; 5. chefe da repartição diplomática ; 6. chefe da missão diplomática ; 7. chefe do posto ; 8. cônsul ; 9. consulado ; 10. consulado-geral ; 11. cônsul-geral ; 12. DDV ; 13. departamento consular ; 14. departamento da Polícia Federal ; 15. divisão de documentos de viagem ; 16. embaixador ; 17 funcionário consular ; 18. posto ; 19. repartição consular ; 20. setor consular ; 21. vice-cônsul ; 22. vice-consulado .

In FF, 23 terms were found: 1. agence nationale des titres sécurisés ; 2. agent consulaire ; 3. ambassadeur ; 4. ANTS ; 5. chef de mission diplomatique ; 6. chef de poste ; 7. chef de poste consulaire ; 8. chef de poste diplomatique ; 9. consul ; 10. consul général ; 11. consulat ; 12. fonctionnaire consulaire ; 13. mairie ; 14. poste consulaire ; 15. préfecture ; 16. préfecture de police ; 17. préfet ; 18. préfet de police ; 19. section consulaire ; 20. sous-préfecture ; 21. sous-préfet ; 22. vice-consul ; 23. vice-consulat .

After the identification of the terminology designating the places and agents responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France, a comparative-terminological study was carried out in order to verify the degrees of equivalence among these terms, as well as to find the similarities and differences among them. This process was developed based on the contributions of Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. , which was previously presented. In this sense, the concepts designated by these terminological units were analyzed in order to find the terminological hooks between them, i.e., the semantic features that are repeated in the two analyzed concepts to verify if they designate exactly the same concept in the domain in question. It was also verified if these terms have the same usage and the same sociolinguistic level. The next section, this part of our research and its results are presented.


In this section, the degrees of equivalence maintained among the terms that designate the places and agents responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France were analyzed. At the end of the discussion, Table 1 , which organizes the studied terminology based on the results achieved, is presented.

Table 1
– The degrees of equivalence found from BP to FF.

One of the terms found in our study is autoridade policial [police authority]. It designates a servant who, when exercising state power in his/her own name, makes decisions, imposes rules, restricts legal assets and individual rights, within the limits of the law; the police authority is also known for being the police delegate, that is, the head of police missions, and acts in the issuance and inspection of Brazilian passports (BRAZIL, 2016). It is, therefore, a terminological unit that refers to a specific Brazilian police officer, who can be both the officer who goes to the field ( agente [agent]) and the one who is the chief responsible for the missions ( delegado [delegate]). In our corpora, it specifically refers to the Federal Police authorities.

In FF, however, there is no term that designates this same concept.7 7 The term agence consulaire was not included in these analyzes, since it does not designate a body responsible for the issuance of passports (FRANCE, 2020e). It is managed by a consul honoraire , who is a voluntary government agent abroad (FRANCE, 2020f). In BP, the terms consulado honorário and cônsul-honorário can be considered, respectively, total equivalents of agence consulaire and consul honoraire according to the perspective adopted in this work. It is, consequently, a case of empty equivalence. Unlike what happens in BP, there are two specific terms in FF that refer to agents who work within the scope of federal police services in France, which are officier de police nationale [national police officer] and commissaire de police .

The first one designates a Police nationale [National police] agent who can replace commissaires de police in the performance of their duties, in addition to ensuring operational command and execution of police and internal security services (FRANCE, 2020a). Thus, the concept named by that term does not cover the semantic feature referring to chief responsible for police services , inasmuch as it does not refer to this officer.

It is mainly at this point that officier de police nationale differs from commissaire de police , which designates the agent who has a Police nationale service post, thus belonging to the design and management body under the authority of the Ministère de l’Intérieur [Ministry of the Interior] (FRANCE, 2020b). In this way, his/her performance is similar to Brazilian delegates, but the commissaire de police differs with respect to services related to passports.

In this sense, the terms officier de police nationale and commissaire de police do not occur in our corpora. This is because these agents are not responsible for the issuance of French passports – something that is done by Brazilian police authorities. Thereby, the concepts named by the terms officier de police nationale and commissaire de police do not cover the semantic trait related to passport services in which area our study is focused. In addition, they are more specific terms than autoridade policial . Therefore, none of them can be considered their total or partial equivalent.

Another term found in this research is agente da Polícia Federal [Federal police agent], who has no FF equivalent. This terminological unit designates the person who performs in investigative acts, in addition to developing activities of a police and administrative nature that are the responsibility of the Federal Police, such as the issuance and inspection of passaportes comum, de emergência e para estrangeiros [common and emergency passports and passports to foreign people] (BRAZIL, 2018). For this reason, it is possible to understand that the concept of this term refers to an agent linked to a Brazilian body (the Departamento da Polícia Federal [Federal Police of Brazil]) that, in addition to dealing with police and investigative issues in our country, provides services related to these three types of passports.

In France, the agent who has police authority and acts for the governmental body that takes care of these issues at the national level is designated by the term officier de police nationale (FRANCE, 2020c). However, as shown previously, this terminological unit does not occur in our corpora in FF, since this employee does not take care of the issuance of French passports.

Hence, the term agente da Polícia Federal does not have an FF equivalent in the domain of study, since no agent working in the body responsible for providing police services in France has the authority to issue French passports. Because of that, there is no term in FF that designates exactly the same concept as the term in BP and that presents the same use and the same sociolinguistic level in the domain in question. It is, then, another case of empty equivalence.

Following this same line of reasoning, Departamento da Polícia Federal can be analyzed. This term designates the body that exercises the powers of the judicial and administrative police of Brazil in order to contribute to the maintenance of law and order, thus preserving the democratic state of law, and has, among its attributions, the function of issuing and supervising passaportes comum, de emergência e para estrangeiros (BRAZIL, 2020a). Thus, this term occurs in our corpus, since the Federal Police is in charge of handling the issuance of these types of passports in our country.

For that reason, the Departamento da Polícia Federal is organized, in Brazil, in a peculiar and different way from the French Police nationale . In this sense, the Federal Police is subordinate to the Ministério da Justiça e de Segurança Pública [Ministry of Justice and Public Security], while the Police nationale is linked to the Ministère de l’Intérieur .

In addition, in France, this governmental body is not responsible for the issuance of any type of French passport and, as a result, the term Police nationale does not occur in our corpora. Thus, for the term Departamento da Polícia Federal , there is no equivalent in FF, neither total nor partial.8 8 The difference between a consulado ( consulat ) and an embaixada ( ambassade ) is expressed in the semantic features related to its operations abroad: in BP and FF, the first case deals with the relations between the State and the people while the second takes care of the relations between two States (BRAZIL, 2020e; FRANCE, 2020f). Consequently, Brazilian and French embassies cannot issue passports, except in cases where there is a setor consular ( section consulaire ) within them. As in the previous case, this is also configured in an equivalence empty, according to what Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. proposes.

Outside Brazilian national territory, there are other agents who take care of the issuance of passports. This is also a reality in France, since that nation also has agents abroad who have this responsibility. This service is provided to Brazilians and French people who are in countries other than their homeland.

Moreover, the term funcionário consular [consular officer], which refers to every person, including the head of the consular post, responsible for the exercise of consular functions (BRAZIL, 1967). As a variant9 9 The term chefe da repartição diplomática was found with low occurrence, especially, in older texts (as an illustration, cf. BRAZIL (1934b)). It is not, therefore, a term currently used. The same is not true in relation to the terminological unit embaixador that is used today, as it is chefe de missão diplomática . of this term, cônsul [consul] was found in our corpus. This officer has the responsibility to perform two functions mainly: “the first one is the registration function (births, deaths, contracts, among others) and the second is the consular function, which helps Brazilians in situations of vulnerability, such as prisoners or sick people” (BRAZIL, 2015, our translation). In addition to these two duties, these professionals take care of passaportes comum [ordinary passports], diplomático [diplomatic passports] and oficial [official passports].

In FF, there is the term fonctionnaire consulaire that also refers to French agents who exercise functions related to the consulate, among which is the issuance of passeports diplomatiques [diplomatic passports] and de service [official passports] (FRANCE, 1971). These agents can also be designated consuls [consuls], although the consular relations convention of 1963 signed in Vienna prefers the term fonctionnaire consulaire instead of consul ( CORNU, 2004CORNU, G. Vocabulaire juridique. Paris: Puf, 2004. ). Despite this preference, the term consul can still occur, since it is used in the Decree No. 2005-1726 of 30 December 2005 regarding French passports.

Since these officers are responsible for similar types of passports, the pairs cônsul x consul and funcionário consular x fonctionnaire consulaire designate the same concept and have the same use and the same sociolinguistic level, since they occur in our field of study. In this way, they can be considered total equivalents to each other.

The concepts designated by these terms are generic in this area, insofar as they comprise all consular officers, including those who are responsible for heading a Consulate General. This agent in particular is called, in BP, as cônsul-geral [consul general] (BRAZIL, 2020b) and, in FF, as consul général [consul general] (IATE, 2020). Thus, these terms can be considered total equivalents, as they occur in the same domain, have the same sociolinguistic level and designate the same concept.

In this investigation, the terminological unit vice-cônsul [vice-consul] was also found. It denominates the agent who replaces the consul in his/her eventual impediments or absences ( SILVA, 2006SILVA, De P. Vocabulário jurídico. 27.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2006. ). In the corpora in FF, where is the term vice-consul [vice-consul] that refers to the one who replaces consul in his/her absence (TLFI, 2020). In addition to designate the same concept, they present the same use and the same sociolinguistic level in the domain in question. Therefore, this is another case of total equivalence.

Other consular officers are designated by the term agente consular [consular officer] ( DINIZ, 2005DINIZ, M. H. Dicionário jurídico. 2.ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005. ). In FF, agent consulaire [consular officer] concerns consular officers who act under the authority of the head who appointed them and are responsible for exercising functions within the departments, such as issuing certificates, giving visas, among others ( CALVO, 2009CALVO, C. Dictionnaire manual de Diplomatie et de Droit International public et privé. New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange, 2009. ). In this way, it is possible to infer that these terms can be total equivalents, insofar as they designate the same concept and present the same use and socio-linguistic level in the domain in question.

The following scheme organizes the generic-specific relation between these terms:

Graph 1
– Generic-specific relation between the terms designating consular officers.

Depending on the consular office in which they operate, these officers may assume a leadership position. Due to this, in the corpus in BP, there is the term chefe da repartição consular [chief of the consular post] that refers to the person in charge of this capacity (BRAZIL, 1967). In FF, the term chef de poste consulaire [chief of the consular post] designates this same concept (FRANCE, 1971). Hence, these two terminological units are total equivalents, since they designate exactly the same concept, have the same use and socio-linguistic level in the same domain.

Consular officers perform their duties in places that are abroad and named by some of the terms found in this research. Thus, in these places, passaportes comuns, diplomáticos and oficiais are issued, in the case of Brazilians (BRAZIL, 2006) and passeports ordinaires, de mission and de service [service passports] in the case of French people (FRANCE, 2005).

In this respect, the term posto [post] was found. It refers to three different places: repartição consular [consular post], embaixada [embassy] and missão [mission] or delegação [delegation] accredited to international organizations, such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (BRAZIL, 2020b). Among these three places, only the repartição consular is responsible for the issuance of passports. There is, however, an exception for embaixada: when this body has a setor consular within it, it becomes competent in terms of issuing and inspecting passports (cf. BRAZIL, 2019a).

In our study, the term poste [post] was found. It refers sometimes to poste diplomatique [ diplomatic post ] and other times to poste consulaire [consular post] (FRANCE, 2019a). However, in the corpora in FF, there is only poste consulaire , i.e., the reduced form poste was not found. Therefore, posto and poste partially correspond to each other from a conceptual point of view, do not have the same use in the field of passports, but have the same sociolinguistic level. So, they can be considered partial equivalents.

In our corpora in BP, the term chefe do posto [chief of the post] was also found. It refers to agents who have a leading position in Brazilian posts (BRAZIL, 1967). These agents can be the chefe da repartição consular or the embaixador [ambassador], for example. In FF, there is chef de poste [chief of the post], which can refer to chef de poste consulaire [head of the consular post] or chef de poste diplomatique [head of the diplomatic post] (FRANCE, 1971; FRANCE, 2019b). However, this terminological unit does not occur in our corpora. So, it is possible to understand that this is another case of partial equivalence, since chefe do posto and chef de poste do not have the same use in the studied domain, but they have the same sociolinguistic level and a correspondence from the conceptual point of view.

Repartição consular designates the unit, which can be a consulado-geral , a consulado , a vice-consulado or a setor consular of an embaixada, which represents the Brazilian Government before the Brazilian community abroad, protecting and providing assistance to Brazilian citizens in its jurisdiction, respecting the limits established by the international treaties in force and the legislation of the foreign country (BRAZIL, 2020c). In FF, the term poste consulaire refers to consulat général, vice-consulat, consulat, agence consulaire and to a section consulaire of an ambassade (FRANCE, 1971). Therefore, repartição consular and poste consulaire can be considered total equivalents, as they refer to the same concept and have the same use and sociolinguistic level in the domain in question.10 10 In BP, the term prefeitura is, from the point of view of its expression, very close to the term préfecture in FF. However, prefeitura refers to the place where municipal administration is carried out. Thus, this term cannot be considered equivalent (neither total nor partial) of préfecture , because the levels of administration, as well as their services, do not correspond. In addition, unlike French préfectures, prefeituras cannot issue any type of passport. Consequently, the semantic feature related to this issue is not present in the concept designated by the term prefeitura , although it is by préfecture , which further distances them from the semantic-conceptual point of view.

As types of repartições consulares , the terms consulado [consulate] (or departamento consular ), consulado-geral [general consulate], vice-consulado [vice-consulate] and setor consular [consular section] were found in our corpora in BP. These places can issue Brazilian passports. In the corpora in FF, consulat [consulate] consulat général [general consulate] and vice-consulate [vice-consulate] occur as types of postes consulaires .

The first term in BP designates the governmental body abroad that deals with commercial interests and demands of national citizens who are outside the country ( DINIZ, 2005DINIZ, M. H. Dicionário jurídico. 2.ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005. ). In FF, there is consulat , which refers to the set of consular services in a place abroad, as well as the building that houses these services ( CORNU, 2004CORNU, G. Vocabulaire juridique. Paris: Puf, 2004. ). Thus, these two terms refer to the same concept, have the same use and socio-linguistic level in the field of passports and, consequently, can be considered as total equivalents.

In turn, the second specific type of consular office found is consulado-geral , which concerns the body headed by the consul general and which has authority over a consular constituency larger than the consulate (BRAZIL, 1934a). Consulat général can be, in this sense, its total equivalent, since it also designates this concept and presents the same use and sociolinguistic level in the field of passports.

The third term is vice-consulado , which designates a subordinate governmental body to the Consulate-General, the Consulate and/or the Diplomatic Mission that is the seat of its consular jurisdiction (BRAZIL, 2010a). In FF, vice-consulate , which designates the place where vice-consul practices its functions (TLFI, 2020), can be considered its total equivalent.

Finally, the fourth term in BP is setor consular , which designates a place within an embaixada 11that has to provide services to Brazilian citizens related to the issuance of travel documents, notarial acts and records, for example, valid with Brazilian and foreign authorities, and the issuance of visas to foreigners who wish to visit or stay in Brazil (BRAZIL, 2020d). In FF, section consulaire refers to the same type of sector located within an ambassade (FRANCE, 2010). Along these lines, the terms setor consular and section consulaire refer to the same concept and have the same use and socio-linguistic level in the domain in question. Hence, they can be classified as total equivalents.

In the case of setores consulares and sections consulaires , the agents who assume the position of head of these places and who have the competence to issue passports are not the chefes da repartição consular and the chefs de poste consulaire . They are, in fact, chefe da missão diplomática [head of diplomatic mission] (or embaixador, chefe da repartição diplomática 12) and chef de mission diplomatique [head of diplomatic mission] (or ambassadeur, poste diplomatique ), respectively. The first term designates the highest Brazilian authority abroad that is responsible for coordinating all the activities of the offices and issuing passports from setores consulares (BRAZIL, 2010b). The second term refers to the authority that represents the French government abroad and has, among his/her missions, to issue passports (FRANCE, 2005). For this reason, these terms can be classified as total equivalents.

The Brazilian posts that are abroad respond to a sector located within the Ministério das Relações Exteriores [Ministry of foreign affairs]. This is the Divisão de Documentos de Viagem [Travel Documents Division] (or DDV ) that designates the place responsible for the authorization related to the issuance of passports and authorizations to return to Brazil by posts abroad and, in national territory, issues passaportes diplomáticos and oficiais (BRAZIL, 2020d). It is, therefore, different from Departamento de Polícia Federal , since this terminological unit does not have the features related to the issuance, in Brazil, of these specific types of passport, but it refers to the place where there is the issuance of passaportes comuns, de emergência and para estrangeiros . In addition, this department is not responsible for the posts abroad.

In FF, the term Agence nationale des titres sécurisés [French national agency for secure documents] (or ANTS ) was found. It designates the agency that takes care of the management and controls of the authenticity and validity of all types of French passports, ensuring its maintenance and managing the passport instruction and issuance system (FRANCE, 2015). Unlike DDV, ANTS assists two French ministries: the Ministère de l’Intérieur , which is responsible for the issuance of the passeports de service and to which the préfectures (which handle the issuance of passeports ordinaires, de mission, temporaires and grand voyageur ) are subordinate (FRANCE, 2019c; MOLINARI; CURTI-CONTESSOTO; BARROS, 2020), and the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères , which takes care of the postes consulaires located abroad and, therefore, the issuance of passeports ordinaires abroad and passeports diplomatiques in national territory (FRANCE, 2019d; MOLINARI; CURTI-CONTESSOTO; BARROS, 2020).

Thus, the semantic configuration of these two terminological units is not exactly the same, since they refer to bodies that are organized in a particular way in Brazil and France and have different competencies regarding the types of passports that they can issue in these countries and abroad. The use of these terms in the domain in question is also different. Although they present the same sociolinguistic level, it is not possible to consider them as total or partial equivalents to each other, since their concepts are more distant than closer. It is, then, two cases of empty equivalence.

Another term found in our investigation is mairie [city hall], which designates the place where requests for passeports ordinaires, passeports de mission and passeports temporaires are made and the withdrawal of these documents, as well as the governmental body in which municipal administration services are provided and the conseil municipal [city council] is hosted (CILF, 2020). In BP, there is no term that exactly designates the same concept, since, despite being the body responsible for the municipal administration, the prefeitura [city hall] does not host the Câmara Municipal [city council] and does not allow Brazilians to apply for passports and collect them there (cf. BRAZIL, 2019b). For this reason, this term does not occur in the corpora in BP and, therefore, does not have the same use as mairie in the domain in question. Prefeitura and mairie present, however, the same sociolinguistic level. Then, it is possible to consider them as partial equivalents.

The terminology unit mairie occurs in our corpora because it is through it that French citizens can apply for their passports and withdraw them when they are ready. However, it is not the responsible of the mairies to issue these documents (cf. FRANCE, 2005). This role is done by préfectures [prefectures] in France.

Thereby, the term préfecture , which occurs in our corpora in FF, refers to the place where the départements [departments of France] management services are performed (CILF, 2020). This headquarters is subordinated to the Ministère de l’Intérieur and is one of the places responsible for the issuance of the passeports ordinaires, passeports de mission and passeports temporaires (FRANCE, 2020g). Thus, the concept of this term comprises the semantic feature of place of issuance of these three types of passports .

In Brazil, there is no governmental body that performs the same functions as the French préfecture . This is because our political-administrative division is different and, as a result, our country does not have départements , but Estados [states]. Therefore, the concept designated by the term préfecture does not exist in BP.13It is, therefore, a case of empty equivalence.

Préfectures are headed by préfets [prefects]. This term designates the senior officer of the préfecture and his/her duties include those of the Commissioner of the Republic and other territorial posts occupied by members of this body, as well as those of a government service mission ( CORNU, 2004CORNU, G. Vocabulaire juridique. Paris: Puf, 2004. ). Since it is appointed by the President of the Republic and considered a representative of the State, préfet must maintain public order and security of property and people, allow the exercise of citizens’ rights and freedom, in addition to coordinating government policies, economic development, jobs and the environment, among others (FRANCE, 2013). His/Her functions are partly similar to those of the governador [governor] in Brazil, but they are not exactly the same, since the political and administrative organization of these two countries is different. Since there is no governmental body like this in Brazil, there is no equivalent term for préfet in BP.

In France, the cities of Paris, Marseille and Lyon, being larger than the others, are especially subdivided into arrondissements and, therefore, have sous-préfectures [subprefectures]. Thus, this term designates to headquarters of arrondissement , whose administration is its responsibility ( CORNU, 2004CORNU, G. Vocabulaire juridique. Paris: Puf, 2004. ). Its concept also includes the semantic feature of place of issuance of passeports ordinaires, passeports de mission and passeports temporaires . There is, however, no equivalent in BP for this term, since, in Brazil, this governmental body does not exist. It happens for the same reason as in the previous terms: there are no Brazilian cities that are subdivided into arrondissements . It is, then, another case of empty equivalence.

Like préfectures, sous-préfectures have a representative head of préfet in these places. This agent is designated by the term sous-préfet [subprefect] that includes, in its semantic configuration, the feature associated to the responsibility for the issuance of passeports ordinaires, passeports de mission and passeports temporaires in sous-préfectures (FRANCE, 2005). As it refers to an agent that does not exist in the Brazilian political-administrative organization, there is no equivalent in BP for the term sous-préfet . It is, thereupon, another case of empty equivalence.

In addition to the préfectures and sous-préfectures spread throughout French territory, there is, especially in Paris, the préfecture de police [Prefecture of Police]. This terminological unit designates the governmental body responsible for the issuance of passeports ordinaires, passeports de mission and passeports temporaires (FRANCE, 2005), which must be requested through mairies that work in the circumscription of a préfecture (FRANCE, 2020h). After préfecture de police issues these documents, it sends them to mairies , where French citizens must pick them up.

In that place, préfet de police acts as chief authority. This term, then, designates the responsible for the security of people and property, as well as civil security of the Paris agglomeration and its departments (FRANCE, 2019e), in addition to having the competence to issue these types of French passports (FRANCE, 2005). For the same reason as in the previous case, it is also an empty equivalence.

In Table 1 , the terminology designating the places and agents that are responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France are organized in alphabetical order and from the point of view of their equivalence relations.

In Table 1 , there are eleven empty equivalences, i.e., eleven terms that have no equivalents in both languages pair and domain studied. In addition, there are partial (three cases) and total (ten cases) equivalences among the terminological units that occur in the corpora, although these relations occur in a lesser total number than the cases in which there is no equivalence.

Final considerations

In this work, a comparative study of the terminology designating the agents and the places responsible for the issuance of passports in Brazil and France was carried out. Therefore, the degrees of equivalence maintained between the terms in BP and FF were discussed, observing the differences and similarities between them from the linguistic and sociolinguistic point of view.

Thereby, it was verified that, in the domain in question, there are eleven cases of empty equivalences, three partial equivalences and ten total equivalences. These data show that there are similarities and differences in the domain studied in relation to the topic in discussion. The similarities can be seen, above all, in the terms that designate agents and places located outside the territory of Brazil and France. In most of these cases, these terminological units correspond to each other completely, since they refer to bodies and servants that tend to be organized in a similar way.

The cases of empty equivalence, however, stand out in our eyes, since they reveal different aspects related to the organization of the bodies and agents responsible for the issuance of passports within the territory of these countries. This way, in Brazil, it is up to the Departamento de Polícia Federal , as a place, and the agentes da Polícia Federal , as agents, to issue passaportes comuns, de emergência and para estrangeiros . In France, this issue is a matter for the préfectures , which have, as a head, the préfets that are responsible for the passeports ordinaires, passeports temporaires and passeports de mission: There is no correspondence between these governmental bodies, since they have different functions in these countries, and are a reflection of the legal and socio-cultural particularities that underlie the studied terms.

The results presented in this paper contribute to a contrasting terminological reflection between BP and FF relating the subject in focus – which can help the translators’ work, for example. This study also collaborates with better communication in the studied area, and it brings data about a very specific terminology in that pair of languages, which are not available in dictionaries. For this reason, it was necessary to rely on the specialized bibliography in the domain in question in order to better understand the concepts designated by most of the terms studied.

Figure 1
– Degrees of equivalence proposed by Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. .

Figure 2
– List of concordances of préfet .


We express our thanks to Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the financial support granted for the development of this study, and to the Professor Lídia Almeida Barros, Ph.D., for the support and guidance offered to us during its development.


  • 1
    Original: “[…] não se resume em traduzir as formas de uma língua para outra baseando-se em algumas denominações pretendidamente equivalentes, mas colher as denominações que os usuários da língua de chegada efetivamente empregam para se referirem a um determinado conceito e, em último caso, propor alternativas de denominação a situações mal resolvidas pelos especialistas do domínio. ” ( JESUS; ALVES, 2009JESUS, A. M. R.; ALVES, I. M. Estabelecimento de equivalências em Terminologia multilíngue no campo da Astronomia. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIN, , 6., 2009, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. João Pessoa: Ideia: Associação Brasileira de Linguística, 2009. v.1, p.298-306. , p.299).
  • 2
    In this work, concept is considered as “[…] a unit of thought constituted by abstraction based on characteristics, features, attributes or properties common to a class of objects, relations or entities, and this concept can be expressed by a term or a symbol.” ( BARROS, 2007BARROS, L. A. Conhecimentos de terminologia geral para a prática tradutória. São José do Rio Preto: NovaGraf, 2007. , p.37, our translation).
  • 3
    This means that if two terms do not correspond from the conceptual point of view (neither partially nor fully) and do not also have the same use in the domain under discussion, but have the same sociolinguistic level, thus presenting one of the criteria proposed by Dubuc (2002)DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. 4.ed. Québec: Linguatech, 2002. , it is not possible to classify them as partial equivalents. Therefore, the conceptual and use relation between terms of different languages have a greater weight in establishing equivalents than the sociolinguistic level of the terminology units studied.
  • 4
    In this research, the terms autorité de police and autorité policière were found. The first refers to the highest authority responsible for administrative security ( CHEVANDIER, 2019CHEVANDIER, T. et al. Les polices administratives. Le courrier des maires, [s.l.], n.331, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 fev. 2019.
    ). This authority can be, in this sense, the maire [mayor], which takes care of the management of municipalities, or the préfet [prefect], which directs departments (FRANCE, 2018). This type of security service is the responsibility of Police générale , and not Police nationale . The second, in turn, concerns the competence itself, that is, the power given to certain bodies and agents to exercise police services (cf. CORNU, 2004CORNU, G. Vocabulaire juridique. Paris: Puf, 2004. ), and not to the servant himself/herself. For this reason, it is possible to understand that autoridade policial cannot be confused with autorité de police and autorité policière .
  • 5
    On official websites, occurrences of Police fédérale referring to the Brazilian Federal Police were found (cf. FRANCE, 2020d). However, it is not possible to classify it as its equivalent from the terminological point of view adopted in this work, since Police fédérale , as a government body, does not exist in France. Consequently, it is not a terminological unit used in the same domain in FF.
  • 6
    This work considers variants as “each of the existing forms of a term” (ISO 1087, 1990, p.6, our translation). It is important to say that, in this paper, the question related to terminological variants is not discussed, although it considers their existence. It is also important to say that the fact of mentioning one term before the other does not indicate that it is its preferred form.
  • 7
    The term agence consulaire was not included in these analyzes, since it does not designate a body responsible for the issuance of passports (FRANCE, 2020e). It is managed by a consul honoraire , who is a voluntary government agent abroad (FRANCE, 2020f). In BP, the terms consulado honorário and cônsul-honorário can be considered, respectively, total equivalents of agence consulaire and consul honoraire according to the perspective adopted in this work.
  • 8
    The difference between a consulado ( consulat ) and an embaixada ( ambassade ) is expressed in the semantic features related to its operations abroad: in BP and FF, the first case deals with the relations between the State and the people while the second takes care of the relations between two States (BRAZIL, 2020e; FRANCE, 2020f). Consequently, Brazilian and French embassies cannot issue passports, except in cases where there is a setor consular ( section consulaire ) within them.
  • 9
    The term chefe da repartição diplomática was found with low occurrence, especially, in older texts (as an illustration, cf. BRAZIL (1934b)). It is not, therefore, a term currently used. The same is not true in relation to the terminological unit embaixador that is used today, as it is chefe de missão diplomática .
  • 10
    In BP, the term prefeitura is, from the point of view of its expression, very close to the term préfecture in FF. However, prefeitura refers to the place where municipal administration is carried out. Thus, this term cannot be considered equivalent (neither total nor partial) of préfecture , because the levels of administration, as well as their services, do not correspond. In addition, unlike French préfectures, prefeituras cannot issue any type of passport. Consequently, the semantic feature related to this issue is not present in the concept designated by the term prefeitura , although it is by préfecture , which further distances them from the semantic-conceptual point of view.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Oct 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    24 Mar 2020
  • Accepted
    29 June 2020
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, 01049-010 São Paulo - SP, Tel. (55 11) 5627-0233 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil