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Benchmarking of mobile apps on heart failure

Benchmarking de aplicaciones móviles sobre insuficiencia cardíaca



to analyze the mobile apps on heart failure available in the main operating systems and their usability.


benchmarking of mobile applications, systematic research, comprising 38 mobile applications for analysis of general information, functionalities and usability. Usability was assessed using System Usability Scale and Smartphone Usability Questionnaire, followed by the calculation of the agreement index and the exact binomial distribution test, with a significance level of p> 0.05 and a proportion of 0.90.


mobile applications had English as the predominant language (73.7%), were directed to patients (71.1%) and the predominant theme was disease knowledge (34.2%). Functionalities ranged from general features to the need for an internet connection. In assessing usability, heart failure was shown to be 92.1% -94.7% and p <0.05.

Final considerations:

the mobile apps on heart failure have varied content and adequate usability. However, there is a need to develop more comprehensive mobile applications.

Heart Failure; Mobile Applications; Telemedicine; Health Promotion; Diffusion of Innovation



analizar las aplicaciones móviles sobre insuficiencia cardíaca disponibles en los principales sistemas operativos y su usabilidad.


benchmarking de aplicaciones móviles, investigación sistemática, contemplando 38 aplicaciones móviles para análisis de información general, funcionalidades y usabilidad. La usabilidad se evaluó mediante dos instrumentos: System Usability Scale y Smartphone Usability Questionnaire, seguido del cálculo del índice de concordancia y la prueba de distribución binomial exacta, con un nivel de significancia de p>0.05 y una proporción de 0.90.


las aplicaciones móviles tuvieron el inglés como idioma predominante (73,7%), fueron dirigidas a pacientes (71,1%) y con un tema predominante el conocimiento de la enfermedad (34,2%). Las funcionalidades iban desde características generales hasta la necesidad de una conexión a Internet. En la evaluación de usabilidad, se demostró que la insuficiencia cardíaca era del 92,1%-94,7% y p>0,05.

Consideraciones finales:

las aplicaciones móviles sobre insuficiencia cardíaca tienen un contenido completo y una usabilidad adecuada. Sin embargo, es necesario desarrollar aplicaciones móviles más completas.

Insuficiencia Cardíaca; Aplicaciones Móviles; Telemedicina; Promoción de la Salud; Difusión de Innovaciones



analisar os aplicativos móveis sobre insuficiência cardíaca disponíveis nos principais sistemas operacionais e sua usabilidade.


benchmarking de aplicativos móveis, pesquisa sistemática, contemplando 38 aplicativos móveis para análise das informações gerais, funcionalidades e usabilidade. A usabilidade foi avaliada por dois instrumentos: System Usability Scale e Smartphone Usability Questionnaire, seguido do cálculo do índice de concordância e teste exato de distribuição binomial, sendo o nível de significância p>0,05 e proporção de 0,90.


os aplicativos móveis tiveram o inglês como idioma predominante (73,7%), eram direcionados aos pacientes (71,1%) e com temática predominante o conhecimento da doença (34,2%). As funcionalidades variaram de recursos gerais à necessidade de conexão com a internet. Na avaliação da usabilidade, mostraram-se insuficiência cardíaca interrevisores de 92,1%-94,7% e p>0,05.

Considerações finais:

os aplicativos móveis sobre insuficiência cardíaca possuem conteúdo variado e usabilidade adequada. Contudo, há necessidade de desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis mais abrangentes.

Insuficiência Cardíaca; Aplicativos Móveis; Telemedicina; Promoção da Saúde; Difusão de Inovações


Heart failure (HF) is an emerging global threat, with a current prevalence of 64.34 million cases on the planet (8.52 per 1,000 inhabitants), representing 9.91 million years lost due to disability and spending of US$346.17 billion(11 Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F. Global epidemiology and future trends of heart failure. AME Med J. 2020;5(15):1-6.
), with a prospect of an increase despite therapeutic advances. These data alert to the prioritization of preventive actions and {the imminence of considering new ways of care.

In order to facilitate the process of caring for people with HF, mHealth technologies, such as mobile applications (APP), stand out. In recent years, the number of APPs has increased exponentially in the most varied areas and has contributed to increase productivity and quality of health care, in addition to allowing the use of the most up-to-date clinical knowledge and supporting the clinical decision-making of professionals(22 Mayer MA, Blanco OR, Torrejon A. Use of health APP by nurses for professional purposes: web-based survey study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(11):e15195.
-33 Barra SCC, Paim SMS, Sasso GTMD, Colla GW. Métodos para desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis em saúde: revisão integrativa da literatura. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):1-12.
). When undertaken in the care of patients with HF, APPs contribute to survival and improved quality of life(44 Arulnathan A, Vaaheesan S, Denecke K. A mobile APPlication for self-monitoring for patients with heart failure. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;259:113-6.

5 Amorim DNP, Sampaio LVP, Carvalho GA, Vilação KHC. Mobile APPlications for the health and care of elderly. Rev Eletron Comun Inf Inov Saúde. 2018;12(1):58-71.
-66 Foster M. A mobile APPlication for patients with heart failure: theory- and evidence-based design and testing. Comput Inform Nurs. 2018;36(11):540-9.

After creating an APP, it is necessary to evaluate its content and functionality, to ensure the launch of a product suitable for the target audience. The development demands an understanding of functionalities and previous knowledge of APP already built for the theme. In this process, benchmarking is a technique that allows assessment of performance and results of this technology, analyzing, conclusively, whether they are positive or negative(77 Martinez-MillanaA, Jarones E, Fernandez-Llatas C, Hartvigsen G, Traver V. APP features for type 1 diabetes support and patient empowerment: systematic literature review and benchmark comparison. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018;6(11):e12237.

The evaluative concern was observed in studies that reviewed self-care APP for patients with HF(88 Athilingam P, Jenkins B. Mobile phone APP to support heart failure self-care management: integrative review. JMIR Cardio. 2018;2(1):1-16.
-99 Wali S, Demers C, Shah H, Wali H, Lim D, Naik N, et al. Evaluation of heart failure APP to promote self-care: systematic APP search. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(11):e13173.
), which corroborate that the existing ones are incomplete, of low quality, with bugs and unsuitable to the target audience, having little impact in disease management, in addition to excluding professionals and family members/caregivers. Still, they address only self-care, an important element in the complexity of a person with HF(1010 Cestari VRF, Moreira TMM, Pessoa VMP, Florêncio RS. Insuficiência cardíaca: interface com a vulnerabilidade em saúde. Curitiba: Editora CRV; 2019.), but not the only one.

The need to expand the review of APPs is highlighted, to cover all content and resources produced about HF and to involve all participants in the care process. Thus, it was proposed a systematic survey of all APPs about HF currently available in the virtual stores Play Store and App Store, aimed at patients and their families/caregivers and health professionals. Investigating its functionality and usability is essential to maximize its potential health promoter.


To analyze the mobile apps on heart failure available in the main operating systems and their usability.


Ethical aspects

This study did not require prior approval from an Institutional Review Board. Even so, the researchers’ ethical commitment is reiterated, as recommended by Resolution 466/12 of the Brazilian National Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde).

Type of study

This is a benchmarking of mobile applications, a systematic survey that sought to identify all the APPs about HF and their usability in the main operating systems.

Methodological procedures

In order to systematize the data collection for conducting benchmarking, the steps of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) checklist were followed. The steps taken were: 1) establishment of analytical objectives; 2) choice of terms; 3) enumeration of APP inclusion/exclusion criteria; 4) definition of information to be extracted; 5) analysis of results; 6) presentation of results and discussion.

Initially, the objectives of analysis were established: to identify APP over HF, download, analyze content and functionalities and classify them according to usability. The search was made easier with the use of heart failure terms.

APPs were included in the survey in any language that covered the HF theme and excluded if 1) required payment for installation, 2) needed author release for use (registration number and password), 3) were intended for event monitoring/scientific conference, 4) contained only books or guidelines, 5) acted as general health calculators, unspecific for HF and 6) provided only vital signs.

Data source

Searches for APPs were carried out in the Play Store and App Store virtual stores of iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) operating systems, respectively.

Data collection and organization

Two independent reviewers performed the screening of APPs in virtual stores. For this, three devices were used: a Samsung Galaxy S8, compatible with Android; an iPhone XS Max and an iPad Pro, version iPadOS 13.5.1, compatible with iOS.

Four searches were carried out in each virtual store, using each of the previously established terms individually. After the research, the APPs were previously selected via title and short description. This screening served to separate most APPs on cardiac health, in a generalized way. APPs that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were downloaded and analyzed.

Each reviewer organized the APPs in an information matrix in Microsoft Excel®, with description of identification (name, developer, author (s) responsible, year of launch, language, country of origin), target audience (patient, family/caregivers and students or health professionals), APP data (description, current version, number of downloads, rating/evaluation), content, features (features) and usability.

Draft of the data extraction tool was modified and revised, as needed, during the data extraction process for each included APP. Additional information and comments were recorded individually for further analysis.

APPs were tested for two weeks, as some needed control for a minimum period of one week to provide data (graphs) to users. At the end of that period, the researchers felt safe to collect the data and assess its usability.

Data analysis

The two independent reviewers carried out usability assessment mediated by two instruments. The first was the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, created by John Brooke, in 1986, and validated in Brazil by Tenório(1111 Tenório JM. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protocolo eletrônico para atendimento e monitoramento do paciente com doença celíaca. Rev Inform Teor Apl. 2010;17(2):210-20.
). The SUS questionnaire is used to evaluate products, services, hardware, software, websites and applications. It consists of ten questions and, for each one, users can answer on a scale of 1 (I strongly disagree) to 5 (I strongly agree).

For usability calculation, 1 is subtracted from the score for odd answers, and for even answers, the answer is subtracted from 5. To obtain the final average, multiply the value found by 2.5, which will give the final score (between 0 to 100). The SUS average is 68 points; below this value, the product has usability problems. Software that scores above 85 has excellent acceptance by users(1212 Lima CJM, Coelho RA, Medeiros MS, Kubrusly M, Marçal E, Peixoto Júnior AA. Desenvolvimento e validação de um aplicativo móvel para o ensino de eletrocardiograma. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2019;43(1):166-74.

The second questionnaire was version 1.0 of Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE), built and validated by Wangenheim et al.(1111 Tenório JM. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protocolo eletrônico para atendimento e monitoramento do paciente com doença celíaca. Rev Inform Teor Apl. 2010;17(2):210-20.
) after an exhaustive systematic literature review and the use of Item Response Theory (IRT) for the construction of its items. This questionnaire has 31 items and measures the usability of a smartphone APP at levels ranging from 30 (all respondents are more likely to disagree partially or totally with the items) to 80 (respondents begin to fully agree that the help/tip given by APP was helpful)(1313 Wangenheim CG, Borgatto AF, Nunes JV, Lacerda TC, Oliveira RJ, Krone C, et al. Sure: uma proposta de questionário e escala para avaliar a usabilidade de aplicações para smartphones pós-teste de usabilidade [Internet]. In: Interaction South America: 6ª Conferencia Lationamericana de Diseño de Interacción; 2014 nov 19-22; Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica Argentina; 2014 [cited 2020 Aug 12], p. 1-8. Available from:

The variables contained in the information matrix were analyzed and, when necessary, described using absolute and relative frequencies. To calculate the percentage of agreement between reviewers, the Agreement Index was adopted, considering an acceptable agreement rate of 90%(1414 Alexandre NMC, Clouci MZO. Validade de conteúdo nos processos de construção e adaptação de instrumentos de medidas. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2011;16(7):3061-8. 2011
). An exact test of binomial distribution was performed, indicated for small samples, with a significance level of p> 0.05 and a proportion of 0.90 of agreement, to estimate the statistical reliability of HF. Discrepancies in relation to the score were resolved through critical discussion among the reviewers.


The search resulted in 328 APPs, 250 in the Play Store and 78 in the App Store. After analyzing their titles, description of content and excluding duplicates, 316 were screened. After excluding those not related to the theme, 59 were selected for download and installed for complete evaluation. The APP selection process was described in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Flowchart for selecting applications from selected virtual stores

At the end, 38 APPs were analyzed. Figure 2 shows the APP logos, named, horizontally, from left to right: MyHeartAPP, CardioCALC, Insuficiencia Cardíaca, WOWME 2000, LifeCourse HF, Medly for Heart Failure, CardioExpert I, Heart Failure Manager, CardioSmart Heart Failure Explorer, Heart Failure-AZ Discussions, 3C-HF Score Calculator, Leben mit Herzinsuffizienz, LifeCurse Companion, Patient Education Atlas of Heart Failure, Rajan’s HF (R-hf) Risk Calculator, FAQs Heart Failure, Cardiac Care Plan, Slabe Serce, CV Risk Prognostic Model iCerca, ICFEP, iCAPP, HF Log, Cardiac Nursing Care Plans, CardioEnf-IC, Heart Failure, Heart Failure Info, Heart Failure Storylines, Clinical Cardiology, HF Path, CardioMed, CardioVisual, CaPriMur, ADHF/NT-preBNP Risk Score Calculator, HF Buddy, TreatHF, MED-HF, and Systolic Heart Failure.

Figure 2
Logos of the selected applications

The first APPs developed for patients with HF were launched in 2012 (2; 5.4%). After 2013, there was a continuous increase, with a higher number launched in 2018 (11; 28.9%) and, as of 2018, there was a reduction in launches. With regard to the country of origin, the United States concentrated the largest number of APPs, with 13 (34.3%), followed by Spain (4; 10.6%), Canada and Brazil (3; 7.9%), Italy, United Kingdom and India (2; 5.3% each), France, Germany, Singapore, Netherlands, Kuwait, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria and Poland (1; 2.6% each). Despite the variety of countries, English was the predominant language (28; 73.7%), followed by Spanish (4; 10.6%), Portuguese (3; 7.9%), and French, German and Polish, with one (2.6%) each.

The themes (descriptions/objectives) were diverse and included knowledge (educational), self-care (management, self-management, monitoring and recognition of signs and symptoms and recording of physical activities), decision-making (choice of treatment and assistance guides), follow-up of patients (professional follow-up at the outpatient clinic and follow-up by the multidisciplinary team after hospital discharge), calculators for patients with HF (diagnosis, complications, prognosis and mortality/hospitalization) and Systematization of Nursing Care (care plans) (Table 1) .

Table 1
Characterization of selected applications in Google Play (Android) and App Store (Apple) stores

APPs were targeted at health professionals, students and patients and their family members/caregivers. Among health professionals, two (5.3%) were specific to primary care physicians and four (10.6%) to nurses. Three (7.9%) APPs were also directed to university students in the health field and only two (5.3%) included family members/caregivers, although many patients with HF need their support to carry out their daily care.

The theme of knowledge was explored in 13 (34.2%) APPs; the themes of self-care and decision-making were found in seven (18.4%) each; six (15.8%) APPs were developed to prepare calculations for patients with HF; three (7.9%), for patient follow-up; two (5.3%) brought the Systematization of Nursing Care.

CardioVisual and CardioExpert I had more than 100,000 downloads and were the most evaluated. CardioVisual is aimed at healthcare professionals and patients and is in version 5.1.6; has 3.6 stars out of 869 reviews. CardioExpert I is version 7.6.235, with 4.9 stars out of 1,129 reviews. Other APPs with more advanced versions were Heart Failure Manager (v.10.5.1), Heart Failure Storylines (7.17) and HFPath (v.6.1).

Table 2 discusses information on the content, features, and usability of the selected APPs. The contents covered involved, mainly, habits (physical activity, weight control, feeding and water intake), well-being (living with the disease, mood and cognitive assessment), clinical data (anatomy, pathophysiology of the disease, vital signs and treatment) and disease management (management, post-discharge, multiprofessional follow-up and financial planning).

Table 2
Characterization of selected applications for content, features and usability

APPs contained various features: general, data insertion, diagnostics and those that require internet connection to control the management panel. Among the general ones, the use of texts (44.7%), figures (21.1%) and videos (18.4%) was more common. In the data insertion features, users’ profile data (15.8%) and clinical data (55.3%). As for the resources that required internet connection, the use of links (4; 10.6%) and sending e-mails to health professionals (4; 10.6%) were more observed.

In the usability analysis by SUS, it was observed that 34 APP (89.5%) scored with a score > 68 points, instrument cutoff score, and 16 (42.1%) score above 85. The agreement rate among the observers was 92.1%, with p>0.05 for all items of SUS. Four (10.5%) APP obtained a borderline score (between 50 and 67 points), but still acceptable. The APP that did not reach the cutoff point were Patient Education Atlas of Heart Failure (50 points), Heart Failure Manager (62.5 points), Systolic Heart Failure (62.5 points) and Clinical Cardiology (52.5 points). Scores below 50 are considered without usability.

Based on SURE, the agreement rate among the observers was 94.7%, with p>0.05. It was found that four (10.5%) APP were at level 30 (Patient Education Atlas of Heart Failure, Clinical Cardiology, Cardiac Care Plans and Cardiac Nursing Care Plans); two (5.3%) at level 40 (Systolic Heart Failure and Heart Failure Info); seven (18.4%) at level 50; eight (21.1%) at level 70; 17 (44,7%) at level 80.


The growth of the Internet increases the sale of smartphones and, with this, studies of construction and validation of APP, which already exceeds 165,000(1515 Gomes MLS, Rodrigues IR, Moura NS, Bezerra KC, Lopes BB, Teixeira JJD, et al. Evaluation of mobile APP for health promotion of pregnant women with preeclampsia. Acta Paul Enferm. 2019;32(3):275-81.
), portraying interest in the development of mobile technologies, collaborating in the construction of a new modality of health care(44 Arulnathan A, Vaaheesan S, Denecke K. A mobile APPlication for self-monitoring for patients with heart failure. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;259:113-6.
). This statement becomes clearer when observing the increasing construction of APP over the years.

Mobile APPs are shown to be innovative health care technologies. They are educational resources that allow improvement of teaching-learning, applied in different contexts(1616 Silveira MS, Cogo ALP. Contribuições das tecnologias educacionais digitais no ensino de habilidades de enfermagem: revisão integrativa. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017;38(2):e55204.
). In this sense, APPs, focusing on promoting patient knowledge, aims to meet the implementation of self-care practices(1717 Mendez CB, Salum NC, Junkes C, Amante LN, Mendez CML. Aplicativo móvel educativo e de follow up para pacientes com doença arterial periférica. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2019;27:e3122.
). In HF, self-care is vital to successful management. In an almost experimental research, HFApp, app for monitoring symptoms, reminders, education and screening of physiological data, proved effective to self-care, but was not significant in terms of awareness of the symptoms of the disease(66 Foster M. A mobile APPlication for patients with heart failure: theory- and evidence-based design and testing. Comput Inform Nurs. 2018;36(11):540-9.

The APP enables adequate follow-up of patients and assists in the clinical decision-making process of professionals, contributing to the development of reliable diagnoses and targeted therapeutic guidelines/conducts(33 Barra SCC, Paim SMS, Sasso GTMD, Colla GW. Métodos para desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis em saúde: revisão integrativa da literatura. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2017;26(4):1-12.
), in addition to remote consultations(1818 Müthing J, Brüngel R, Friedrich CM. Server-focused security assessment of mobile health APP for popular mobile platforms. J Med Internet Res. 2019;21(1):e9818.
). In order to test the viability of a teleguidance APP with 692 german HF patients, a prospective study showed the technology as promising because it continuously reflected patient health information daily(1919 Werhahn SM, Dathe H, Rottmann T, Franke T, Vahdat D, Hanseful G. Designing meaningful outcome parameters using mobile technology: a new mobile APPlication for telemonitoring of patients with heart failure. ESC Heart Failure. 2019;6(3):516-25.
). Thus, it allowed effective monitoring by health professionals, in addition to guiding decision-making.

With this technology, we can see the use by all those involved in the care process, in order to promote comprehensive care. When used by health professionals, it enables evidence-based practice. Therefore, it is relevant that professionals appropriate these tools to strengthen care and invest in safer care(1717 Mendez CB, Salum NC, Junkes C, Amante LN, Mendez CML. Aplicativo móvel educativo e de follow up para pacientes com doença arterial periférica. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2019;27:e3122.
). When developed for patients, APPs work as strategies that facilitate self-care, maintain autonomy and independence. For family members/caregivers, who play an important role in the care of HF patients, APPs are an additional form of information(55 Amorim DNP, Sampaio LVP, Carvalho GA, Vilação KHC. Mobile APPlications for the health and care of elderly. Rev Eletron Comun Inf Inov Saúde. 2018;12(1):58-71.

Family members of patients with chronic diseases, such as HF, use the Internet to seek medical information more than the general public; on the other hand, use app(2020 Kim H, Powell MP, Bhuyan SS. Seeking medical information using mobile APP and the internet: are family caregivers different from general public? Med Syst. 2017;41(3):38.
)less. One justification found by these authors is that, possibly, family caregivers do not have enough time or find it difficult to use mobile APP focused on care. Sociodemographic factors and poor health and digital literacy are also associated with limited access to and use of APP in health. However, when they use them, they become more informed and empowered(2121 Conceição LSE, Pessôa LAGP. Low literate consumers: experience in social media and instant messengers: an exploratory research. Soc Cont Gestão. 2018;13(3):1-19.

The development of an APP involves more than producing and delivering the product ready for the customer, requires a whole procedure that covers, including, the characterization of versions. Semantic versioning (SemVer) is a set of particularity rules that show how app version numbers were developed, that is, the amount of changes you have made and which changes were compatible or not with the previous version(2222 Pressman RS, Maxim BR. Engenharia de software: uma abordagem profissional. 6 ed. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill; 2016.). It is a set of good practices and customs of software development that indicates the larger version (major), minor version (minor) and patch version, arranged among ready: major.minot.patch.

SemVer is important to give the customer a notion of the software’s stability status, enabling you to identify whether the new version has new features or bug fixes(2323 Fernandes JM, Machado RJ. Requisitos em projetos de software e de sistemas de informação. São Paulo: Novatec; 2017.). Thus, users can know what to expect when they will update the software(2424 Marinacci J. Construindo aplicativos móveis com JAVA. São Paulo: Novatec; 2012.). In the APP analysed, increasing versions were observed, indicating adaptation of contents with terms and words used worldwide, such as the addition of functionalities. Thus, it is perceived that SemVer is a break from the way of being moved by keeping the APP up to date.

There was a number of varied downloads, a value calculated by the number of users who enter the APP page and download. However, this number does not mean number of mobile phones with the APP installed. Some factors can influence the count of downloads, such as competition between search engines. The best way to minimize this problem is to invest in both stores to host the APP. In addition, having both versions is recommended for good performance, in addition to the reach of a larger number of people without restriction of use on only one of the operating systems.

In addition, APPs presented a variety of functions, essential for disease management. Although HF has no cure, changes in lifestyle can increase patients’ quality and life expectancy. Continuous monitoring and care of daily vital signs allows to recognize changes or complications early. However, self-monitoring rates are low, as patients often forget to record relevant information, such as signs and symptoms, vital signs, and medications in use(44 Arulnathan A, Vaaheesan S, Denecke K. A mobile APPlication for self-monitoring for patients with heart failure. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;259:113-6.
). This complicates check-ups and makes it difficult to identify your condition’s worsening.

Thus, APP that provide resources that offer a comfortable use for patients, with interactive elements that provide reliable information, such as data insertion, can increase patient safety, decrease hospitalization episodes, and share their data with health professionals. APP with risk stratification and diagnostics are essential tools for health professionals and patients for providing prognosis and personalized treatment(2525 Bayés-Genís A, Lupón J. The Barcelona Bio-HF Calculator. JACC: Heart Failure. 2018;6(9):807-11.

When designing an interactive system, it is necessary to seek an understanding of users’ needs, so that one can meet, with objectivity and quality, the desired experience in performing the task that will be projected(2626 Lowdermilk T. Design centrado no usuário: um guia para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos amigáveis. São Paulo: Novatec; 2019.). The criterion regarding the material relevance and its applicability is important if it presents a valid and understandable content for a target audience, but does not have viable and relevant applicability, this material needs to be critically rethought(2727 Girão ALA, Sampaio RL, Aires SF, Oliveira ICL, Oliveira SKP, Carvalho R. MEDSAFE: protótipo de um jogo virtual sobre preparo e administração de medicamentos. Rev Min Enferm. 2019;23:e1239.

Usability is a prerequisite for spreading mobile APP use to health and is defined as a set of software attributes that are based on the effort required for the use and individual evaluation of such use by an implicit set of users. The usability score is intrinsically correlates with better reliability of(2828 Yasinia M, Marchand G. Mobile health applications, in the absence of an authentic regulation, does the usability score correlate with a better medical reliability?. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;216:127-31.
)content. Added to these factors are the lack of confidence in technology, frustration with design and navigation features, and an interest in having technology to support your self-management of the(2929 Sarkar U, Gourley GI, Lyles CR, Tieu L, Clarity C, Newmark L, et al. Usability of commercially available mobile applications for diverse patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2016;31(12):1417-26.
-3030 Sousa CS, Turrini RNT. Desenvolvimento de aplicativo de celular educativo para pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2019;27:e3143.

The use of mobile APP usability questionnaires is important because of special components such as connectivity issues, battery and security and privacy challenges(3131 Zhou L, Bao Jie, Setiawan MA, Dantono A, Parmanto B. The mHealth APP Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ): development and validation study. JMIR mHealth uHealth. 2019;7(4):e11500.
). There are several ways to conduct a usability study, being the use of questionnaires, the fastest and most practical way. The usability of the APPs analyzed was evaluated by two independent researchers using two instruments: SUS, which evaluates the general context(1111 Tenório JM. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protocolo eletrônico para atendimento e monitoramento do paciente com doença celíaca. Rev Inform Teor Apl. 2010;17(2):210-20.
) and SURE, smartphone-specific(1313 Wangenheim CG, Borgatto AF, Nunes JV, Lacerda TC, Oliveira RJ, Krone C, et al. Sure: uma proposta de questionário e escala para avaliar a usabilidade de aplicações para smartphones pós-teste de usabilidade [Internet]. In: Interaction South America: 6ª Conferencia Lationamericana de Diseño de Interacción; 2014 nov 19-22; Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica Argentina; 2014 [cited 2020 Aug 12], p. 1-8. Available from:
). According to the SUS instrument, the vast majority of APPs scored above the cut-off score of the instrument.

Although SUS is widely used, this instrument was not designed to evaluate the usability of mobile health APP(3131 Zhou L, Bao Jie, Setiawan MA, Dantono A, Parmanto B. The mHealth APP Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ): development and validation study. JMIR mHealth uHealth. 2019;7(4):e11500.
). Thus, it was also decided to use SURE. It was found that the majority were at level 80 of sure, level at which respondents begin to fully agree that the help /tip given by the APP was useful, in addition to anure with the other items. This demonstrates the high level of satisfaction, which establishes intelligibility, learning, operability, attractiveness, and compliance with the(3232 Guimarães C, Santos F, Fontana IM. Design e engenharia de usabilidade: aplicação prática na criação de um aplicativo. Design Technol. 2017;14:11-29.
() ))usability goals.

The repercussion of APPs for HF is vast and relevant, as it includes important themes, directed to all those involved in the care process. Therefore, it is necessary to support development and improvement, with a view to improving health practices. However, it was observed that themes such as vulnerability in health, mental health, sexual activity, social and family support, palliative care, side effects of medications, vaccinations and family planning were not addressed.

It was observed that, among health professionals, only physicians and nurses were contemplated. Multidisciplinary team support plays a crucial role to improve the quality of life of patients and family members since the diagnosis of the disease(3333 Kida K, Doi S, Suzuki N. Palliative care in patients with advanced heart failure. Heart Failure Clin. 2020;16(2):243-54.
), being the gold standard for monitoring patients with HF and its multiple comorbidities. This includes physicians, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, pharmacists, dentists, physiotherapists, physical educators and social workers(3434 Comitê Coordenador da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca. Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica e Aguda. Arq Bras Cardiol [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2020 Aug 18];111(3):436-539. Available from:
). Furthermore, it is important to highlight the absence of a caregiver as a user.

Study limitations

It is worth noting that the research presented limitations regarding searches, such as the non-inclusion of paid APP and/or that required registration by the institution or health professional, making it impossible to handle.

Contributions to nursing and health

Furthermore, the results strengthen the current knowledge about the APP available for download and handling about HF, by exploring the thematic scope and usability. Furthermore, it makes possible the identification of gaps, aiming at the development of new APPs that address relevant and indispensable themes, together with the appropriate usability. Moreover, it directs the use of resources that assist professionals, patients and family/caregivers in the involvement and adhering of care and in clinical decision-making.


The APPs currently available on HF have comprehensive content and adequate usability that can guide patients, family members/caregivers, health students, physicians and nurses. However, the findings showed the need to develop PAAs with more themes, such as vulnerability in health, palliative care, mental health, social support, sexual activity, essential in the care of patients with HF, in addition to the integration of other professionals from the multidisciplinary team.


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Edited by

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Antonio José de Almeida Filho

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 Oct 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Nov 2020
  • Accepted
    12 Apr 2021
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil