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Gender and autonomy: the case of the direct unconstitutionality action n. 4.424


This article analyzes the judicial reasoning in the Direct Unconstitutionality Action n. 4.424, about the Lei Maria da Penha (Law n. 11.340/2006), aiming to debate how this decision impacts the protection of women’s rights. The theoretical analysis departed from concepts and issues that are present in the feminist theoretical debate about autonomy. Perceiving the Supreme Court decision as an advance in women's rights protection coexists in a disharmonious way with traditional approaches about the family and gender stereotypes.

Domestic violence; Autonomy; Preferences

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - 7º Andar, CEP: 20.550-013, (21) 2334-0507 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil