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This number of DIREITO GV LAW REVIEW publishes a collection of articles on some important Brazilian regulatory issues. There are articles on the WTO, Brazilian Pre-Salpetroleum, corruption, social currency and regulatory agencies. Put together, they show the growing importance of Law for the reflection on national problems.

In fact, the main purpose of this collection is to point at the importance of Law in thinking about Brazil.This Law Review is open to other articles of this kind, preoccupied with national dilemmas from the point of view of Law.

This issue also features two articles on Contracts; one on the dispersion of jurisdictional decisions and the other on the expressive analysis of contracts. Both articles do not follow the doctrinal pattern typical of the Brazilian legal milieu.

Doctrine is surely important for Law, but is not the only point of view to be taken into account. There are few studies on Contracts in Brazil that take different perspectives and this impoverishes our legal culture.This Law Review expects more articles of this kind to be submitted to it.

This issue contains also with four articles on Criminal Law and Criminology. The first is a translation of an article by Alvaro Pires, the second is about Nina Rodrigues and the last two are empirical studies on causality and on the punishment of youngsters in Brazil.

There is also one article on the international protection of the elderly and another on the principle of universalization in John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas.

There are also two book reviews, one on Norberto Bobbio and "The New Global Economy and Developing Countries" by Dani Rodrik.

We hope our readers enjoy this issue and authors feel motivated to submit new articles to our Law Review.

We also like to thank the support of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), which granted us funds to edit the two volumes of this year's Revista DIREITO GV (process number: 403048/2010-9. Announcement MCT/ CNPq/ MEC/ CAPES Nº 68/2010).

Enjoy your reading!

The Editor

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Nov 2011
  • Date of issue
    June 2011
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito de São Paulo Rua Rocha, 233, 11º andar, 01330-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3799 2172 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil