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Online journals as research-training devices: a conversation with the Avatar film 1 1 Responsible Editor: César Donizetti Pereira Leite. 2 2 References correction, bibliographic normalization services and English version: Juliano Lima (Tikinet) - 3


Inspired by research conducted in Curricula and Daily Life of the Education course at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, the authors, based on the paradigm of complexity (Morin, 2003), principles of multireferentiality (Ardoino, 1998 ; Macedo, 2012), and the research approach with everyday life (Alves, 2008) aim to show, in light of the movie Avatar, how online journals can be used as an experiential device which enhances curriculum acts, considering factors such as such as: differences, diversity, alterity, autonomy, and authorship, among others. In this perspective, they bring education and arts closer together, encompassing the cultural, historical, literary, and political aspects inherent to the film.

Cinema; Acts of curriculum; Online journals; Cyberculture

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