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The Stone, The Informant and the Ethnographer: about when the expectations of our fieldwork are not realized


The objective of this paper is to reflect about the researcher-researched relationship during the practice of the ethnographic research. The purpose is to problematize issues such as the relationship of intersubjectivity between researcher and native, the native agency during the fieldwork and the experience of “being affected” (Favret-Saada 2005), which can be experienced by the researcher in the course of the fieldwork. The starting point is an experience of the fieldwork conducted during one of the pilgrimage rituals in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil, known as “visit to the Horto”. As reported in the text and explained at the title, this fact is around me (the ethnographer), one of my key informants and a stone.

fieldwork; ethnography; pilgrimage; popular devotion

Instituto de Estudos da Religião ISER - Av. Presidente Vargas, 502 / 16º andar – Centro., CEP 20071-000 Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Tel: (21) 2558-3764 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil