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Moral Development in Bioethics: Stages, Patterns or Moral Realms?


Based on Piaget’s evolutionary-cognitive theory, Kohlberg presented an influential theory of moral development, postulating a stratified, structured and non-reversible unfolding of moral judgement in children and adolescents, whereas adults reach and remaln in a certaln moral stage which is no longer surpassed. This is usually the conventional level at which individuals are competent to interact in communities in the wake of prevalent norms and laws. Applied ethics confronts professional agents with new dilemmas, not previously considered by conventional morality and requiring new moral perspectives. This additional development of moral education that prevall in individual maturation; rather, the moral realm of individual is widened within the level of the moral development they have achieved. Bioethical competence is galned by an extension of one’s moral structure, rather than by further ascent in the moral scale. Based on Taylor, MacIntyre and Ricoeur, we suggest that narrative can enrich a person in such a way that they develops the sensitivity to better understand moral values involved in biomedical situations, as well as improving their competence to discuss and suggest adequate solutions to emerging dilemmas.

Bioethics; Morality; Psychology Social - education

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