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Renewal: ongoing process in BJCVS


Renewal: ongoing process in BJCVS

Domingo M. Braile

The Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) closes the year 2012 with many achievements, a result of hard work of the Editorial Board, the Board of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery and reviewers, who always are fundamental to the scientific level of our journal is growing.

An example is the number of citations, always growing, reflecting the Impact Factor (IF), which rose from 0.963 in 2011 to 1.239 in that year. As I emphasized in the Editorial from Issue 2.27 [1], the goal for 2013 is to overcome 1.599 in order that we may be classified as boundless"B1" according to CAPES criteria in Medicine I, II and III.

To continue our ascent, because in Scimago (the Scopus database) our index is 1.281, as described in the graph below (Fig. 1), it is necessary to continue to be cited, in addition to maintain our renewal process. One is to increase the visibility of BJCVS. For this, we are finalizing preparations for the journal is available in PubMed Central (PMC), an online repository of open access publications in the area of Health Sciences. Currently, there are 2.5 million articles, published in over 3000 journals [2].

But to be part of the PMC, some requirements are needed. The files must be converted to XML format and the images must be of high quality (Table 1). Thus, BJCVS will increase the requirement in respect of the details of the figures and graphs.

We ask that authors pay attention to submit their studies, as if the images are not within standards, the system will not allow the process to move forward. If there are doubts, the BJCVS Editorial Board and GN1, the company responsible for managing the journal's website (, will be available for the necessary assistance.

The new picture standard will be clear in the Journal's Rules, which will be updated to fit the new reality of the journal, available in several databases, as demanding quality standards, as quoted above, in addition to be available in multiple formats ( HTML, PDF, e-pub and flip), beyond the printed edition. Each of these databases has its own characteristics, for which the journal must be appropriate, at the risk of jeopardizing the quality of the product.

We also emphasize ethics. It is useless to have a modern look, be at the edge of technological advances, if we treat this aspect as secondary. I have always been concerned about this issue and therefore we are providing a link to the COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) website, so that everyone can clearly understand the requirements to avoid unpleasant problems. I suggest the authors and reviewers who access the site (, which has a vast amount of material that will certainly be of much use.

Concurrently, we are adopting the Crossref, which operates a system of link cross-reference, which allows a researcher to click on a reference cited in a publication by the editor A and be taken directly to the cited content on a publishing from editor B. The link cross-reference system is based on the consensus around the DOI - digital object identifier - as identifier to their collections [3].

This system minimizes the risk of plagiarism, which unfortunately is still a serious problem in the scientific community. The concept of plagiarism is widespread. The Caldas Aulete Dictionary, in its online version, defines as "Presentation of imitation or copy of intellectual or artistic work of others as of their own authorship" [4]. However, if passages of others study are not cited it is considered plagiarism. All the care is not enough to not take risks and be subject to the penalties imposed by the law, among other sanctions.

Within this topic, I suggest reading the presentation I made, along with Prof. Dr. Décio dos Santos Pinto Jr., at the Health Forum, during the Workshop of Scientific Publishing promoted by the Brazilian Association of Science Editors (ABEC), in November, in Florianópolis. The PowerPoint file is available here (

Parallel to this, we took an important step towards reducing the time between the completion of each issue and the availability of articles in Thomson (ISI). As each volume is ready, Thomson will be informed and will download data directly from our site. Before, the data were "captured" page of BJCVS in SciELO, which by internal issues, takes longer to deliver the journal.

We also acquired a cutting-edge software for desktop publishing, which will increase the quality of the journal in both print edition and in the online version, in addition to streamline the production. I appreciate the support of the Board of BSCVS, which has always met our demands.

In 2013, the BSCVS hold its 40th Congress, on 18th to 20th April, in Florianópolis, Florianópolis, SC, which once housed the Congress in 2007. It is an extremely pleasant, with adequate infrastructure for such events. The BSCVS Board and the Executive Local Committee, coordinated by Dr. Lourival Bonatelli Filho, are already working to ensure that the success of previous years is repeated, providing scientific enrichment and socialization among cardiovascular surgeons and other health professionals in Brazil and abroad. In the next issue we will return to the theme.

The articles available for testing by the Continuing Medical Education (CME) in this issue are: "On-Pump or Off-Pump? Impact of risk scores in coronary artery bypass surgery" (p. 503), "Independent predictors of prolonged mechanical ventilation after coronary artery bypass surgery" (p. 520), "Does diabetes mellitus increase immediate surgical risk in octogenarian patients submitted to coronary artery bypass graft surgery?" (p. 600), "Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: meta-analysis and meta-regression of 13,524 patients from randomized trials" (p. 631).

In addition to the articles in this issue, with important contributions to the practice of cardiovascular surgery, I recommend reading the following editorials, which bring out issues that serve for reflection and discussion. The authors present their arguments with data and discuss with mastery. This is one of the tasks of a scientific publication: promoting understanding, promoting discussion among peers, so that knowledge can advance, becoming the benefit of the community.

I also highlight the special article "Cardiac surgery: the infinite quest", written by Dr. Rodolfo Neirotti (p. 614), divided into three parts, to be published until the edition 28.2, in which he outlines some theories and provocative points of view (using his own words) on cardiac surgery, demonstrating how the specialty has to gain if their "actors" are willing to break some paradigms.

I conclude by wishing all those who collaborate with BJCVS this year a 2013 full of success!

My warmest regards,

Domingo Braile




  • 1. Braile DM. Novo fator de impacto: 1,239. Meta é passar de 1,5 em 2013. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2012;27(2):I-IV.
  • 2
    PubMed Central. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29/11/2012.
    » link
  • 3
    Brasil. Seer/Ibict. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30/11/2012.
    » link
  • 4
    Dicionário Caldas Aulete. Versão Digital. Disponível em: Acesso em 30/11/2012

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Mar 2013
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2012
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil