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Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor

Impact Factor

We received the following correspondence, greeting the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery for obtaining its 1st Impact Factor (0.963).

Domingo Braile



Congratulations to all of you from the BJCVS for the commitment and great achievements in recent years. I'm sending a big hug to all, especially to Ricardo Brandau and Dr. Braile.

Fernando Antoniali, Campinas/SP

Congratulations to you and all your team. People like you make me feel proud of Cardiac Surgery in Brazil and to reaffirm my belief in the work. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, God bless you.

Josalmir Amaral, Natal/RN

Congratulations Dr. Braile, Brandau and the entire team. We are aware of the difficulties and merits of this great achievement. Wish you much more success...

Leonardo Augusto Miana. Juiz de Fora/MG

Congratulation Prof. Braile, Brandau and everyone that is involved for the wonderful news. Hope that something even better will come along.

Lindemberg Mota Silveira Filho, Campinas/SP

Congratulations to Prof. Braile and Ricardo Brandau, who work really hard for this Journal.

Luciana da Fonseca/ José Pedro da Silva, São Paulo/SP

Congratulations to the editors for this great achievement.

Márcio Luiz Roldi, Vila Velha/ES

My congratulations to the entire team of the BJCVS, especially to Dr. Braile, Braile.

Mario Gesteira Costa, Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE

Dear friend Braile, I congratulate you and the entire team on this brilliant victory. You show us all that the determination and dedication are always worthwhile. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the Journal.

Paulo Roberto Brofman, Curitiba/PR

Congratulations! Braile, this is your greatest deed for the specialty.

Reinaldo Vieira, Campinas/SP

This news magnifies the cardiovascular surgeons, as with other recent achievements of the previous board, brings the cardiovascular surgeon and the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery to level we have always craved and deserved.

However, these achievements are not the end of a goal, in fact, they are just the beginning that will make us grow even more.

Dr Braile and all the directors, congratulations to all of you.

Sergio Ocampos, Campo Grande/MS

Dear Professor. Dr. Domingo Marcolino Braile,

During the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, which occurred between 23rd and 26th of June, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey, we were surprised with the presentation of Dr. Liu Jinfen, Shanghai, China.

Dr. Liu is an associate editor of the World Journal for Pediatric & Congenital Heart Surgery, which is the official journal of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery.

The theme of the lesson was Extracardiac Fontan with Direct Cavopulmonary Connections, when we realized that the surgery was projecting several figures and stating that it was a work published in a journal in Brazil.

At that time, we were surprised and proud as we are not accustomed to seeing the national scientific production published in our journals, being used as references and with much exposure.

The work which Dr. Liu was referring to was Alternative to an Extracardiac Fontan-type Operation: direct anastomosis between pulmonary trunk and inferior vena cava, published in the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery in 2008, issue 23(3), pages 439-441 [1,2]. ( o_tronco_pulmonar_ e_a_veia_cava_inferior).

I understand that this is a clear example and a message to all of us Brazilian cardiovascular surgeons that our journal is of enormous value, and it is definitely globalized and it is being seen by literally everyone. The impact factor of 0.963 that we have achieved should be a further stimulus for value and priority in our future publications.

Congratulations to RBCCV.

Ulisses Croti São José do Rio Preto, SP


1. Croti UA, Braile DM, Godoy MF, Avona FN. Alternativa para operação tipo Fontan extracardíaco: anastomose direta entre o tronco pulmonar e a veia cava inferior. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2008;23(3):439-41.

2. McKay R, Dearani JA. Extracardiac Fontan with direct cavopulmonary connections. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85(2):669-71.

Cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery: a relevant issue

Dear Editor,

We would like to inform you that on July 6 we received an online communication saying that the article "Cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery" published in this prestigious journal [1] is among the top 10 on the subject in the BioMedLib database [2]. This shows, in our view, two situations. First, the issue is extremely relevant in the scientific and cardiovascular area. Second, the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery is among the most important international scientific journals with a strong impact in the area. We also want to congratulate you for placing the journal among the best in the field of cardiovascular surgery. Below, we reproduce the communication received.

José Fernando Vilela-Martin, Renan Oliveira Vaz-de-Melo São José do Rio Preto-SP


1. Martin, JFV, Melo ROV, Souza LP. Disfunção cognitiva após cirurgia cardíaca. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc 2008;23(2):245-255.

2. Who is publishing in my domain? Top 10 articles published in the same domain since your publication; 2011. [cited 2011 Jul 06]. Disponível em:

Wanderley Neto is a citizen of Japaratinga

The city of Japaratinga won an illustrious citizen, the former vice-governor and internationally renowned cardiologist, José Wanderley Neto received the award.

The project was presented by the citizen councilor Bob Brazil (PMDB). He justified the award, saying that the dr. Wanderley was the first major government toucan Teotonio Vilela aid in the release of funds pledged to the paving of 5 km of paved road between the city center which is located on the north coast and river Manguaba paradise.

The councilman said that it did much to boost tourism in Japaratinga. The doctor who joined the PMDB was there to receive the award.

Wanderley is the son of the city of Cacimbinhas, married to physician Cashew Wanderley Simone, daughter of the popular former mayor of Maceió, Cashew Sandoval, has three children. One of them is Hugo Wanderley, councilman in Cacimbinhas and president of Uveal.

He is an international reference in cardiology, was a student of the doctor Adib Jatene and in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia has revealed to medicine in Brazil good people who have gone through their team. He is an exceptional human figure and very dear to Brazilian doctors.

Wanderley has a great virtue: he has patience to discover new talents in medicine.

Disfunção cognitiva após cirurgia cardíaca: um assunto relevante

Prezado Editor,

Gostaríamos de informá-lo que em 6 de julho recebemos um comunicado on line dizendo que o artigo sobre “Disfunção cognitiva após cirurgia cardíaca” publicado nessa conceituada revista [1] se encontra entre os 10 top sobre o assunto na base de dados BioMedLib [2]. Isto mostra, no nosso ponto de vista, duas situações. A primeira que o assunto é de extrema relevância no meio científico cardiovascular e a segunda que a Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular se encontra entre as mais importantes revistas científicas internacionais com forte impacto na área. Também queremos parabenizá-lo por colocar a revista entre as melhores no campo da cirurgia cardiovascular. Abaixo, reproduzimos a comunicação recebida.

José Fernando Vilela-Martin, Renan Oliveira Vaz-de-Melo, São José do Rio Preto-SP


  • 1. Croti UA, Braile DM, Godoy MF, Avona FN. Alternativa para operação tipo Fontan extracardíaco: anastomose direta entre o tronco pulmonar e a veia cava inferior. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2008;23(3):439-41.
  • 2. McKay R, Dearani JA. Extracardiac Fontan with direct cavopulmonary connections. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85(2):669-71.
  • 1. Martin, JFV, Melo ROV, Souza LP. Disfunção cognitiva após cirurgia cardíaca. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc 2008;23(2):245-255.
  • 2. Who is publishing in my domain? Top 10 articles published in the same domain since your publication; 2011. [cited 2011 Jul 06]. Disponível em:

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Dec 2011
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2011
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil