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Archival Literacy and Archival Intelligence as strand of Information Literacy in the horizon of contemporary Archival Science


The purpose of this article is to present an overview of the discussions about the dyad Archival Science - Information Literacy, starting from the theoretical-conceptual framework "Conceptual dimensions for the insertion of Information Literacy in the Brazilian archival scenario". This is a literature review that aims to present the theoretical scope and the discussions already established on the themes, point out perspectives of research, as well as possibilities for insertion of new theoretical and practical elements to the universe that has been consolidating about Information Literacy and its aspects in the archival context. Based on the proposed structure and aiming to expand the list of relations around the dyad Archival Science - Information Literacy, three elements were included in axis III - Archive, of dimension 5 - Archival Science: Archive users, Archival Literacy and Archival Intelligence. The inserted elements, specifically Archival Literacy and Archival Intelligence, should configure as part of the theoretical-practical framework that makes up line 1 and be inserted, although in a transversal way in line 2, respectively "Archival theoretical-practical framework" and "Curricular guidelines, Pedagogical Projects and Precepts of Information Literacy", both in axis I - Archival Science of Dimension 5. In future research it will be possible to relate such elements with the other dimensions that make up the conceptual framework.

Information Literacy; Archival Science; Archival Users; Archival Literacy; Archival Intelligence

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