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Nitrous oxide emission from excreta of different beef cattle breeds finished in feedlot

Emissão de óxido nitroso de excretas de diferentes raças de gado de corte terminados em confinamento


The objective of this work was to compare nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from urine and manure of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot. Twenty Nellore and 20 crossbred bulls were fed a diet consisting of 75% concentrate and 25% roughage. Excreta were applied to the pens after 43 days of confinement, when N2O monitoring started through static chambers. The data were subjected to the analysis of variance, and averages were compared by Tukey’s test. The N2O fluxes from urine and manure were similar among the breeds, with important peaks after rain events. The cumulative emissions of N2O from urine per kilogram of body weight gain (BWG) and the total emissions from manure per kilogram of BWG were 22.7% and 24.4% higher in Nellore cattle. There is no breed effect on N2O flux and cumulative emissions by excreta from confined beef cattle; however, the crossbreed emits less per kilogram of BWG. There is a high correlation between rainfall volume and the N2O emissions of the next day, which indicates a period between rain occurrence and the increase in N2O emission.

Index terms
Angus; genetic groups; greenhouse gas emission; Nellore


O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as emissões de óxido nitroso (N2O) pela urina e pelas fezes de bovinos Nelore e mestiços (Nelore x Angus) terminados em confinamento. Vinte bois Nelore e 20 mestiços foram alimentados com dieta composta de 75% de concentrado e 25% de volumoso. As excretas foram aplicadas nos currais após 43 dias de confinamento, quando se iniciou o monitoramento de N2O por meio de câmaras estáticas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Os fluxos de N2O da urina e das fezes foram semelhantes entre as raças, com picos importantes após a ocorrência de chuvas. As emissões cumulativas de N2O da urina por quilograma de ganho de peso corporal (GPC) e as emissões totais das fezes por quilograma de GPC foram 22,7% e 24,4% maiores na raça Nelore. Não há efeito da raça sobre o fluxo de N2O e as emissões cumulativas de excretas de bovinos de corte confinados; entretanto, o gado mestiço emite menos por quilograma de GPC. Há alta correlação entre o volume de chuva e as emissões de N2O do dia seguinte, o que indica um período entre a ocorrência de chuva e o aumento da emissão de N2O.

Termos para indexação
Angus; grupos genéticos; emissão de gases do efeito estufa; Nelore


Nitrous oxide (N2O) production in the soil occurs mainly through the processes of nitrification and denitrification (Cardoso et al., 2017CARDOSO, A. da S.; QUINTANA, B.G.; JANUSCKIEWICZ, E.R.; BRITO, L. de F.; MORGADO, E. da S.; REIS, R.A.; RUGGIERI, A.C. N2O emissions from urine-treated tropical soil: effects of soil moisture and compaction, urine composition, and manure addition. Catena, v.157, p.325-332, 2017. DOI:
), with the latter being responsible for the largest daily fluxes (Smith, 2017SMITH, K.A. Changing views of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soil: key controlling processes and assessment at different spatial scales. European Journal of Soil Science, v.68, p.137-155, 2017. DOI:
). Specifically on pastures, N2O emissions from cattle excreta are generally more influenced by climatic factors, with a marked increase after rain events in the summer (Barneze et al., 2014BARNEZE, A.S.; MAZZETTO, A.M.; ZANI, C.F.; MISSELBROOK, T.; CERRI, C.C. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle in Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v.92, p.394-397, 2014. DOI:
; Bretas et al., 2020BRETAS, I.L.; PACIULLO, D.S.C.; ALVES, B.J.R.; MARTINS, M.R.; CARDOSO, A.S.; LIMA, M.A.; CHIZZOTTI, F.H. Nitrous oxide, methane, and ammonia emissions from cattle excreta on Brachiaria decumbens growing in monoculture or silvopasture with Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.295, art.106896, 2020. DOI:
; Zhu et al., 2021ZHU, Y.; BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K.; MERBOLD, L.; LEITNER, S.; PELSTER, D.E. Nitrous oxide emission factors for cattle dung and urine deposited onto tropical pastures: a review of field-based studies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.322, art.107637, 2021. DOI:
; van der Weerden et al., 2023VAN DER WEERDEN, T.J.; NOBLE, A.N.; BELTRAN, I.; HUTCHINGS, N.J.; THORMAN, R.E.; DE KLEIN, C.A.M.; AMON, B. Influence of key factors on ammonia and nitrous oxide emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. Science of the Total Environment, v.889, art.164066, 2023. DOI:
). However, there is little information on N2O emissions from excreta from beef cattle reared in feedlot in tropical regions (Maciel et al., 2021MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
). In this system, the absence of vegetation and the high animal density increase soil compaction, i.e., result in a high soil bulk density, which leads to a higher N2O emission (Cardoso et al., 2017CARDOSO, A. da S.; QUINTANA, B.G.; JANUSCKIEWICZ, E.R.; BRITO, L. de F.; MORGADO, E. da S.; REIS, R.A.; RUGGIERI, A.C. N2O emissions from urine-treated tropical soil: effects of soil moisture and compaction, urine composition, and manure addition. Catena, v.157, p.325-332, 2017. DOI:

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from feedlot pens are being investigated in several countries, such as the United States and Canada (Parker et al., 2018PARKER, D.B.; WALDRIP, H.M.; CASEY, K.D.; WOODBURY, B.L.; SPIEHS, M.J.; WEBB, K.; WILLIS, W.M. How do temperature and rainfall affect nitrous oxide emissions from open-lot beef cattle feedyard pens? Transactions of the ASABE, v.61, p.1049-1061, 2018. DOI:
; McGinn et al., 2019MCGINN, S.M.; FLESCH, T.K.; BEAUCHEMIN, K.A.; SHRECK, A.; KINDERMANN, M. Micrometeorological methods for measuring methane emission reduction at beef cattle feedlots: evaluation of 3-nitrooxypropanol feed additive. Journal of Environmental Quality, v.48, p.1454-1461, 2019. DOI:
). However, in Brazil, there is only one known study evaluating N2O emissions from excreta from cattle reared in feedlot (Maciel et al., 2021MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
). Furthermore, there is no known information, in the literature, about the effect of different breeds on these emissions under feedlot conditions. Pelster et al. (2016)PELSTER, D.E.; GISORE, B.; KOSKE, J.K.; GOOPY, J.; KORIR, D.; RUFINO, M.C.; BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from cattle excreta on an East African grassland. Journal of Environmental Quality, v.45, p.1531-1539, 2016. DOI:
, for example, observed that the excreta from Friesan (Bos taurus taurus) steers showed lower cumulative emissions than those from the Boran (Bos taurus indicus) breed, but on pastures. This difference could be attributed to the fact that taurine cattle frequently have a greater average daily gain and nutrient use efficiency than zebuine cattle (Maciel et al., 2019MACIEL, I.C. de F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; TOMICH, T.R.; RIBEIRO, L.G.P.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; LOPES, L.S.; MALACCO, M.R.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; THOMPSON, L.R.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Could the breed composition improve performance and change the enteric methane emissions from beef cattle in a tropical intensive production system? PloS One, v.14, e0220247, 2019. DOI:
), which may reduce N concentration in the excreta and the amount of N2O emitted. From these findings, the hypothesis of the present study is that the excreta from crossbred cattle (Nellore x Angus) emits less N2O than that from Nellore cattle.

The evaluation of N2O emission from the urine and manure of different breeds reared in feedlot can provide information about the emission dynamics of this gas and the environmental impact of this system. This assessment can generate more accurate information for carrying out GHG inventories and determining which breeds generate less environmental impact in tropical conditions.

The objective of this work was to compare N2O emissions from urine and manure of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot.

Materials and Methods

All evaluations were approved by the ethics committee on animal use of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, under protocol number 16/2018. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, located in the municipality of Sete Lagoas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (19°28’S, 44°15’W, at 732 m altitude). According to Köppen-Geiger, the climate of the region is classified as Cwa, humid subtropical, with dry winters and hot and rainy summers (Alvares et al., 2013ALVARES, C.A.; STAPE, J.L.; SENTELHAS, P.C.; GONÇALVES, J.L. de M.; SPAROVEK, G. Köppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, v.22, p.711-728, 2013. DOI:
). During the experiment, the average monthly precipitation was 36.3 mm, the average maximum air temperature was 28.4ºC, and the average minimum air temperature was 14.8ºC.

The total feedlot period lasted 129 days, from 6/8/2018 to 10/15/2018, with the first 21 days being used for cattle adaptation. According to their breed composition, 40 bulls were divided into two groups: 20 Nellore, with a live weight (LW) of 391±6.35 kg; and 20 crossbreed (Nellore x Angus), with a LW of 385±7.10 kg, without differences for initial LW (p=0.534 for the F-value for the breed effect in the analysis of variance). Each group was distributed in pens with an area of 18.5 m2 per animal, with free access to diet and water. The starter diet had a 50:50 roughage to concentrate ratio on a dry matter (DM) basis, being increased to a 25:75 ratio over three weeks. The cattle were fed three times a day at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 3 p.m. The final diet consisted of 25% corn silage, 49.9% ground corn, 22.8% whole soybean, and 2.3% mineral and vitamin compound, adjusted daily to maintain 5.0 to 10.0% refusals.

The soil of the experimental area was clayey, with 0.22% nitrogen; more soil characteristics are found in Maciel et al. (2021)MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
. On all sampling days, the temperatures of the surface soil of the pen at a 10 cm depth, air, and the interior of the chambers were recorded using a digital thermometer. In the confinement area, a pen was isolated for three months (without cattle access) before the beginning of gas monitoring. The following five treatments were evaluated: manure or urine of Nellore or crossbred (Nellore x Angus) beef cattle; and a control, without added excreta. All treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates, totaling 20 chambers.

For the evaluation of N2O emission, the used method was that of closed static chambers, which were produced by the researchers of the present study at Embrapa Milho e Sorgo. The chambers, with a 1.5 cm wide U profile welded on the perimeter of a steel frame base (60 cm length, 40 cm width, and 8.0 cm height), forming a hollow box with a trough on the top side, were inserted 8.0 cm into the soil, two weeks before the trial. Chamber height was 45 cm and deployment time was 45 min, at a ratio of 60 cm h-1, with a thermally-insulated bottomless box made of PVC to avoid large differences between internal and external temperatures. The trough around the frame top was filled with water at the time of gas monitoring to seal the chamber.

The manure and urine of five animals were collected and mixed to form a composite sample. Approximately 0.5 kg of manure from each animal was collected immediately after defecation or directly from the rectum. For urine collection, cattle were manually stimulated until urination. The samples were stored at 4oC during the two days of collection. From the excreta samples from each breed, N and C concentrations were determined by the Kjeldahl method ID 954.01 of Association of Official Analytical Chemists - AOAC (Cunniff, 1995CUNNIFF, P. (Ed). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 16th ed. Arlington: AOAC International, 1995. 886p. Official Method 954.01.), and by dry oxidation, respectively. For Nellore and the crossbreed, C concentrations were 419 and 415 g kg-1 in manure, whereas N concentrations were 20.3 and 7.3 g L-1 in manure and 23.0 and 7.1 g L-1 in urine, respectively.

Before excreta application on the forty-third confinement day (on 8/29/2018, the beginning of winter), the manure and urine were removed from the freezer and kept at room temperature for 12 hours. In the treatments with the addition of manure, 2.0 kg of this material (weighed on a digital scale) were placed in the center of the chambers. In the treatments with urine addition, 1.7 L of this material (measured in a graduated cylinder) was homogeneously spread in the chamber. Gas monitoring started on the day of excreta application, and, on each sampling day, gas measurements were conducted from 9 to 11 a.m., a period when the measured flux is expected to represent the mean daily flux.

In the first week, sampling frequency was daily and then, at about every three days, totaling 19 samplings. When a rainfall event occurred, the plots were sampled daily for three days. During chamber deployment, 25 mL headspace air samples were taken using 60 mL polypropylene syringes at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min after the chambers were sealed. The collected samples were transferred to previously evacuated 20 mL chromatography vials (Labco Limited, Lampeter, United Kingdom).

N2O concentration was determined by gas chromatography using the GC-2014 chromatograph (Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), equipped with a flame ionizer and electron capture detectors, back-flush, and the AOC-5000 automatic gas injection system (Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The increase or decrease of N2O concentration within the chamber headspace for the gas samples collected at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min were generally linear (R2>0.90), which is why N2O hourly fluxes (μg m-2 h-1) were estimated by linear regression according to the change in gas concentration within the chamber over time (De Klein et al., 2012DE KLEIN, C.A.M.; HARVEY, M.J. (Ed.). Nitrous oxide chamber methodology guidelines. Wellington: New Zealand, 2012. 210p.). The used equation was: F = [(δGas/δt)×(M/Vm)×H], where F is the hourly flux of N2O (μg N); δGas is the change in headspace gas concentration of N2O over time (μL L-1); δt is the enclosure period (hours); M is the molar weight of N in N2O; Vm is the molar volume of gas (L mol-1) at headspace temperature during sampling; and H is the height of the headspace (mm).

Cumulative emissions from each excreta type per chamber were determined as the sum of total emissions from each chamber over a 35 day period and expressed in µg m-2, assuming homogeneous and representative fluxes. These emissions were divided both by the total weight gain per animal in the 35 day period, expressed in µg m-2 kg-1 body weight (BW), and by total dry matter intake per animal over the 35 day period, expressed in µg m-2 kg-1 DM. The total cumulative emission per chamber per kilogram of manure was multiplied by the total fecal output of each animal in the 35 day period and expressed in microgram per animal. This total emission per animal was divided by BW gain per animal over the period of 35 days and expressed as µg kg-1 BW.

The direct N2O emission factor (EF), which represents the percentage of N in the applied excreta (manure or urine) emitted as N2O, was estimated by the following equation (Krol et al., 2016KROL, D.J.; CAROLAN, R.; MINET, E.; MCGEOUGH, K.L.; WATSON, C.J.; FORRESTAL, P.J.; RICHARDS, K.G. Improving and disaggregating N2O emission factors for ruminant excreta on temperate pasture soils. Science of the Total Environment, v.568, p.327-338, 2016. DOI:
): EF = {[(N2O - Nexcreta) - (N2O - Ncontrol)]/excreta N applied}×100, where N2O - Nexcreta is the emission of each treatment with excreta (manure or urine), N2O - Ncontrol is the emission of the control treatment, and excreta N applied is the amount of N in urine or manure applied to the emission chambers.

Individual dry matter intake (DMI), expressed in kilogram per animal per day, was evaluated by sampling ten animals from each breed using titanium dioxide (TiO2) as an external marker according to the methodology described in Myers et al. (2004)MYERS, W.D.; LUDDEN, P.A.; NAYIGIHUGU, V.; HESS, B.W. Technical note: a procedure for the preparation and quantitative analysis of samples for titanium dioxide. Journal of Animal Science, v.82, p.179-183, 2004. DOI:
. Fecal production was calculated by the equation: FP = [TiO2 offered / (TiO2 in manure / DM of manure)], where FP is the fecal production estimated by TiO2 in gram of DM per day, TiO2 offered is the amount of TiO2 offered to each animal (10 g per animal per day), TiO2 in manure is the percentage of titanium in manure, and DM of manure is the dry matter of manure at 105°C. In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), expressed in gram per kilogram of DM, was determined according to Tilley & Terry (1963)TILLEY, J.M.A.; TERRY, R.A. A two-stage technique for the in vitro digestion of forage crops. Grass and Forage Science, v.18, p.104-111, 1963. DOI:
. Fecal production data were used to estimate DMI in kilogram per animal per day through the equation: DMI = FP / (1 - IVDMD). Nitrogen intake was obtained using the following equation: NI = (DMI×CP)×0.16, where NI is N intake in gram of N per animal per day, DMI is the dry matter intake in kilogram of DM per animal per day, CP is diet crude protein in g kg-1 DM, and 0.16 is the percentage of N in crude protein.

N retention in the animal, in function of weight gain, was estimated considering the average N concentration of 2.7% accumulated in the tissue during the confinement period (Goulart et al., 2008GOULART, R.S.; ALENCAR, M.M. de; POTT, E.B.; CRUZ, G.M. da; TULLIO, R.R.; ALLEONI, G.F.; LANNA, D.P.D. Composição corporal e exigências líquidas de proteína e energia de bovinos de quatro grupos genéticos terminados em confinamento. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, v.37, p.926-935, 2008. DOI:
). The total N excreted in the manure was estimated as the product of manure total dry mass and N concentration. The N excreted in the urine was determined by the equation: N urine = N consumed - N manure - N retained.

The tests of Shapiro-Wilk and Bartlet were used to verify the statistical assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variances, respectively. The daily N2O fluxes from excreta were evaluated by the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using: a split-plot arrangement with two breeds and the control group, i.e., Nellore urine, crossbreed urine, and control or Nellore manure, crossbreed manure, and control; and four repeated evaluations over time, at 0, 18, 24, and 34 days after application (DAA), representing excreta application, the occurrence of the first rains, the period without rain, and the new occurrence of rain, respectively. Mauchly’s sphericity test (Mauchly, 1940MAUCHLY, J.W. Significance test for sphericity of a normal n-variate distribution. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, v.11, p.204-209, 1940. DOI:
) was applied, and, when significant (p<0.05), the Greenhouse-Geisser correction test (Greenhouse & Geisser, 1959GREENHOUSE, S.W.; GEISSER, S. On methods in the analysis of profile data. Psychometrika, v.24, p.95-112, 1959. DOI:
) was performed. The treatment averages were compared using Tukey’s test, at 5% probability. The N2O flux was lognormal, transformed to meet the statistical assumptions.

The cumulative emissions were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, and the breeds’ averages were compared by Fisher’s test. Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed between rainfall and N2O emission data. The calculated correlations were between: rainfall and N2O emission in the same day, without a period between these events; rainfall and N2O emission in the next day, with a 24 hour period between these events; and rainfall and N2O emission in the next two days, with a 48 hour period between these events. The correlation was considered weak, moderate, and high when the coefficient of correlation (r) was r<0.3, 0.31<r<0.7, and r>0.71, respectively. All analyzes were performed using the R software (R Core Team, 2019R CORE TEAM. R: a language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2019.).

Results and Discussion

The interaction between breed and DAA and breed as the main factor had no significant effect on daily N2O flux (p>0.05), which was altered by DAA alone (Table 1). The N2O fluxes from urine and manure increased slightly in the first two days after urine application (Figure 1); however, on the day of application, these fluxes were lower (p<0.05) than at 18, 24, and 34 DAA. The highest N2O fluxes from urine were observed at 18 and 34 DAA and from manure at 18 DAA (p<0.05). These fluxes increased with the rain events that occurred between 16 and 19 DAA and were more intense in the areas affected by excreta, especially urine. This effect of rain remained for 10 days, after which, the fluxes returned to baseline levels for 7 days. At 33 and 34 DAA, the N2O fluxes increased again due to the new rain events.

Table 1
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from excreta of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot and from the control group without excreta application(1).

Figure 1
N2O fluxes from urine (A) and manure (B) of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot and from the control group (without excreta application). Different lowercase letters indicate a difference between days after application (considering the average value of the three treatments) by Tukey’s test, at 5% probability.

Although statistical analyzes were not performed in all DAA, there was a small increase in the N2O daily flux from manure after the initial application, probably due to the increase in substrate moisture and availability. A similar increase was observed by Maciel et al. (2021)MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
in excreta from Nellore cattle reared in feedlot at the same location. In terms of practical feedlot management, the constant cleaning of the pens and the removal of excreta before and during the period of rains can reduce N2O emission.

Another evidence of the effect of soil moisture on N2O emission was the high correlation between N2O emission and rainfall. Contrastingly, Maciel et al. (2021)MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
found a very low correlation (r=0.097) between soil moisture and N2O emission, and Aguilar et al. (2014)AGUILAR, O.A.; MAGHIRANG, R.; RICE, C.W.; TRABUE, S.L.; ERICKSON, L.E. Nitrous oxide fluxes from a commercial beef cattle feedlot in Kansas. Air, Soil and Water Research, v.7, p.35-45, 2014. DOI:
, no correlation at all. However, it is common for an emission peak to occur after rainfall (Barneze et al., 2014BARNEZE, A.S.; MAZZETTO, A.M.; ZANI, C.F.; MISSELBROOK, T.; CERRI, C.C. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle in Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v.92, p.394-397, 2014. DOI:
), which is why the correlations between rain volume and N2O emissions were tested with different periods between these events, in order to represent the rain effect on the emissions in the following days.

No correlation was observed between rainfall and N2O emission in the same day and in the 48 hour period between these events for any excreta type (Figure 2). However, there was a correlation between rainfall and N2O emission in the 24 hour period between these events for all excreta types. The correlation was moderate for the control (r=0.67; p=0.0017) and crossbreed urine (r=0.63; p=0.0039), but high for Nellore urine (r=0.82; p=0.00002), crossbreed manure (r=0.82; p=0.00002), and Nellore manure (r=0.75; p=0.0002).

Figure 2
Correlation coefficient between the following nitrous oxide emissions from excreta and rain events: A, control (without excreta application) and rainfall; B, crossbreed (Nellore x Angus) urine and rainfall; C, Nellore urine and rainfall; D, crossbreed manure and rainfall; and E, Nellore manure and rainfall. Values inside the boxes refer to the correlation coefficient. Rainfall r1, analysis without a period between rainfall and nitrous oxide emission; Rainfall r2, analysis with a 24 hour period; and Rainfall r3, analysis with a 48 hour period. ** and ***Significant at 0.1 and 0.01% probability, respectively.

The obtained results showed that the rain events were highly correlated with the emissions in next day (24 hour period), which indicates an interval between rain occurrence and N2O flux peak. According to Baggs & Phillipot (2010)BAGGS, E.M.; PHILLIPOT, L. Microbial terrestrial pathways to nitrous oxide. In: SMITH, K.A. (Ed.). Nitrous oxide and climate change. London: Earthscan, 2010. p.4-35., N2O reductases are more sensitive to O2 than NO3- and NO2- catalases. Therefore, these N2O-producing catalase enzymes remain more active in the presence of oxygen when there is no rain. This means that, when the medium becomes anaerobic again after new rains, the N2O/N2 rate increases significantly after 1 to 2 days, which may explain the period between these events observed in the present study. Furthermore, the denitrification process takes place mainly when there is more than 70% of soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) with an adequate NO3- and carbon availability. Baggs & Phillipot (2010)BAGGS, E.M.; PHILLIPOT, L. Microbial terrestrial pathways to nitrous oxide. In: SMITH, K.A. (Ed.). Nitrous oxide and climate change. London: Earthscan, 2010. p.4-35. concluded that NO3- concentrations below 10 µg g-1 soil limit the denitrification process. Bretas et al. (2020)BRETAS, I.L.; PACIULLO, D.S.C.; ALVES, B.J.R.; MARTINS, M.R.; CARDOSO, A.S.; LIMA, M.A.; CHIZZOTTI, F.H. Nitrous oxide, methane, and ammonia emissions from cattle excreta on Brachiaria decumbens growing in monoculture or silvopasture with Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.295, art.106896, 2020. DOI:
observed concentrations close to this limit in bovine excreta, which indicates a low NO3- availability to support the denitrification process and N2O flux peak alone. This low concentration may indicate that the nitrification process (ammonia oxidation) prior to the medium becoming anaerobic can produce NO3- and supply substrate for denitrification, allowing of increases in N2O fluxes.

The induction of N2O emissions due to rain events in a tropical climate was also reported by Barneze et al. (2014)BARNEZE, A.S.; MAZZETTO, A.M.; ZANI, C.F.; MISSELBROOK, T.; CERRI, C.C. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle in Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v.92, p.394-397, 2014. DOI:
and Bretas et al. (2020)BRETAS, I.L.; PACIULLO, D.S.C.; ALVES, B.J.R.; MARTINS, M.R.; CARDOSO, A.S.; LIMA, M.A.; CHIZZOTTI, F.H. Nitrous oxide, methane, and ammonia emissions from cattle excreta on Brachiaria decumbens growing in monoculture or silvopasture with Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.295, art.106896, 2020. DOI:
. Rain events increase the proportion of WFPS, which creates an anaerobic condition in the soil (Smith, 2017SMITH, K.A. Changing views of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soil: key controlling processes and assessment at different spatial scales. European Journal of Soil Science, v.68, p.137-155, 2017. DOI:
), favoring the denitrification process and N2O emissions (van der Weerden et al., 2023VAN DER WEERDEN, T.J.; NOBLE, A.N.; BELTRAN, I.; HUTCHINGS, N.J.; THORMAN, R.E.; DE KLEIN, C.A.M.; AMON, B. Influence of key factors on ammonia and nitrous oxide emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. Science of the Total Environment, v.889, art.164066, 2023. DOI:
). On sampling days between approximately 4 and 16 DAA (immediately before the first rain), the N2O fluxes from the excreta remained at baseline levels, which highlights the controlling effect of rain on N2O emission. However, the compacted soil of the pen area, caused mainly by the lack of vegetation and high cattle density, probably also favored anaerobiosis as rainfall events were not so intense (Aguilar et al., 2014AGUILAR, O.A.; MAGHIRANG, R.; RICE, C.W.; TRABUE, S.L.; ERICKSON, L.E. Nitrous oxide fluxes from a commercial beef cattle feedlot in Kansas. Air, Soil and Water Research, v.7, p.35-45, 2014. DOI:
; Cardoso et al., 2017CARDOSO, A. da S.; QUINTANA, B.G.; JANUSCKIEWICZ, E.R.; BRITO, L. de F.; MORGADO, E. da S.; REIS, R.A.; RUGGIERI, A.C. N2O emissions from urine-treated tropical soil: effects of soil moisture and compaction, urine composition, and manure addition. Catena, v.157, p.325-332, 2017. DOI:

After the first rain, two peaks were observed in the N2O flux: the first was more intense and shorter, and the second, less intense and longer. This second peak in N2O flux was also reported by Krol et al. (2015)KROL, D.J.; FORRESTAL, P.J.; LANIGAN, G.J.; RICHARDS, K.G. In situ N2O emissions are not mitigated by hippuric and benzoic acids under denitrifying conditions. Science of the Total Environment, v.511, p.362-368, 2015. DOI:
at 10 to 12 days after rainfall, lasting for 44 days, by Parker et al. (2017)PARKER, D.B.; WALDRIP, H.M.; CASEY, K.D.; TODD, R.W.; WILLIS, W.M.; WEBB, K. Temporal nitrous oxide emissions from beef cattle feedlot manure after a simulated rainfall event. Journal of Environmental Quality, v.46, p.733-740, 2017. DOI:
at 15 days after rainfall for 40 days, and by Parker et al. (2018)PARKER, D.B.; WALDRIP, H.M.; CASEY, K.D.; WOODBURY, B.L.; SPIEHS, M.J.; WEBB, K.; WILLIS, W.M. How do temperature and rainfall affect nitrous oxide emissions from open-lot beef cattle feedyard pens? Transactions of the ASABE, v.61, p.1049-1061, 2018. DOI:
at 3 to 4 days after rainfall for 18 days. According to Parker et al. (2017)PARKER, D.B.; WALDRIP, H.M.; CASEY, K.D.; TODD, R.W.; WILLIS, W.M.; WEBB, K. Temporal nitrous oxide emissions from beef cattle feedlot manure after a simulated rainfall event. Journal of Environmental Quality, v.46, p.733-740, 2017. DOI:
, the main mechanism that may have generated this second peak was nitrification due to the increase in NO3-N and reduction in NH4-N in manure. Under moist/loose and moist/compacted soil conditions, Aguilar et al. (2014)AGUILAR, O.A.; MAGHIRANG, R.; RICE, C.W.; TRABUE, S.L.; ERICKSON, L.E. Nitrous oxide fluxes from a commercial beef cattle feedlot in Kansas. Air, Soil and Water Research, v.7, p.35-45, 2014. DOI:
also observed a second N2O peak after excreta application at 5 and 17 days, respectively, which may be explained by the difference in soil density that may have delayed gas diffusion from the soil to the atmosphere, justifying the difference between these studies.

The N2O flux was similar among the evaluated breeds (Table 2), showing the lack of breed effect. This similarity in daily fluxes was supported by the lack of difference between breeds for DMI (Table 3) and by the partitioning of N excretion in manure and urine, which likely resulted in a similar substrate concentration in the excreta. However, the cumulative emissions per chamber of N2O from urine and total N2O emissions from manure per animal in the 35 day period were 22.7% (p=0.017) and 19.6% (p=0.034) higher in Nellore (Table 2), probably due to the higher BW gain and feed efficiency in crossbred cattle. Crossbred cattle show a better performance due to heterosis and the complementarity of the crossbreeding of Bos indicus x Bos taurus, resulting in genetic gains (Favero et al., 2019FAVERO, R.; MENEZES, G.R.O.; TORRES JR, R.A.A.; SILVA, L.O.C.; BONIN, M.N.; FEIJÓ, G.L.D.; ALTRAK, G.; NIWA, M.V.G.; KAZAMA, R. MIZUBUTI, I.Y.; GOMES, R.C. Crossbreeding applied to systems of beef cattle production to improve performance traits and carcass quality. Animal, v.13, p.2679-2686, 2019. DOI:
). The poorer performance of Nellore cattle could also be explained by the fact that, in Brazil, this breed is usually reared exclusively on pastures, with limited interactions with humans, causing a more aggressive and alert behavior in feedlot pens, which increases energy expenditure with activities not related to BW gain (MacKay et al., 2013MACKAY, J.R.D.; TURNER, S.P.; HYSLOP, J.; DEAG, J.M.; HASKELL, M.J. Short-term temperament tests in beef cattle relate to long-term measures of behavior recorded in the home pen. Journal of Animal Science, v.91, p.4917-4924, 2013. DOI:

Table 2
Nitrous oxide cumulative emissions per chamber from manure or urine per kilogram of body weight (BW) gain and total emissions per animal from manure per kilogram of BW gain and per kilogram of dry matter intake in the 35 day period of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot.
Table 3
Performance, intake, and feed efficiency of Nellore and crossbred (Nellore x Angus) cattle finished in feedlot(1).

Dijkstra et al. (2013)DIJKSTRA, J.; OENEMA, O.; VAN GROENIGEN, J.W.; SPEK, J.W.; VAN VUUREN, A.M.; BANNINK, A. Diet effects on urine composition of cattle and N2O emissions. Animal, v.7, p.292-302, 2013. Suppl.2. DOI:
found that the emissions of N2O from urine applied to the sampling area were greater than those from the control. In the present study, dry conditions predominated on the days when urine was applied, which probably contributed to N losses due to ammonia volatilization, a phenomenon that reduces the availability of N for denitrification when the soil is subsequently moistened (Smith, 2017SMITH, K.A. Changing views of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soil: key controlling processes and assessment at different spatial scales. European Journal of Soil Science, v.68, p.137-155, 2017. DOI:
). Higher emissions usually occur because urine contains a high proportion of labile nitrogenous organic compounds. For Barneze et al. (2014)BARNEZE, A.S.; MAZZETTO, A.M.; ZANI, C.F.; MISSELBROOK, T.; CERRI, C.C. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle in Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v.92, p.394-397, 2014. DOI:
, N2O production from urine deposition on soils is mainly explained by the induction of the nitrification of the existing NH4+ in urine, in addition to the new NH4+ formed by urine urea hydrolysis. Furthermore, according to Dijkstra et al. (2013)DIJKSTRA, J.; OENEMA, O.; VAN GROENIGEN, J.W.; SPEK, J.W.; VAN VUUREN, A.M.; BANNINK, A. Diet effects on urine composition of cattle and N2O emissions. Animal, v.7, p.292-302, 2013. Suppl.2. DOI:
, urine produces higher N2O emissions than manure because the latter contains only a small fraction of N in labile form and a larger part in organic forms more resistant to degradation. Another factor that contributes for the almost immediate increase in N2O after urine deposition is the large volume of water that saturates soil pores and favors denitrification.

There was no effect (p>0.05) of breed on N intake (mean values of 174 g per animal per day), retention (mean values of 41 g per animal per day), and excretion (mean values of 83 and 51 g per animal per day in urine and manure, respectively). For the Nellore and crossbred cattle, the N2O emission factors were 0.10 and 0.16% of applied N for urine and 0.16 and 0.20% of applied N for manure, respectively. The emission factors were lower than those of 0.32 and 2.83% observed for manure and urine, respectively, by Maciel et al. (2021)MACIEL, I.C.F.; BARBOSA, F.A.; ALVES, B.J.R.; ALVARENGA, R.C.; TOMICH, T.R.; CAMPANHA, M.M.; ROWNTREE, J.E.; ALVES, F.C.; LANA, Â.M.Q. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle excreta deposited on feedlot pen surface in tropical conditions. Agricultural Systems, v.187, art.102995, 2021. DOI:
in feedlot pens in the same location. This lower emission in the present study occurred due to the shorter evaluation period and lower rain volume during the evaluations, which generates lower daily fluxes. However, the observed emission factors were very close to those of 0.13% for manure and 0.77% for urine in wet climate reported by the IPCC 2019 refinement (Hergoualc’h et al., 2019HERGOUALC’H, K.; AKIYAMA, H.; BERNOUX, M.; CHIRINDA, N.; DEL PRADO, A.; KASIMIR, Å; MACDONALD, J.D.; OGLE, S.M.; REGINA, K.; VAN DER WEERDEN, T.J. N2O emissions from managed soils, and CO2 emissions from lime and urea application. In: CALVO BUENDIA, E.; TANABE, T.; KRANJC, B.; BAASANSUREN, J.; FUKUDA, M.; NGARIZE, S.; OSAKO, A.; PYROZHENKO, Y.; SHERMANAU, P.; FEDERICI, S. (Ed.). 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Switzerland: IPCC, 2019. v.4, p.11.1-11.54.). Zhu et al. (2021)ZHU, Y.; BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K.; MERBOLD, L.; LEITNER, S.; PELSTER, D.E. Nitrous oxide emission factors for cattle dung and urine deposited onto tropical pastures: a review of field-based studies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.322, art.107637, 2021. DOI:
synthesized emission factor data of excreta applied to pastures in tropical regions and found values of 0.13% for manure and 0.65% for urine, also in wet climate, which are very similar to those of the IPCC 2019 refinement (Hergoualc’h et al., 2019HERGOUALC’H, K.; AKIYAMA, H.; BERNOUX, M.; CHIRINDA, N.; DEL PRADO, A.; KASIMIR, Å; MACDONALD, J.D.; OGLE, S.M.; REGINA, K.; VAN DER WEERDEN, T.J. N2O emissions from managed soils, and CO2 emissions from lime and urea application. In: CALVO BUENDIA, E.; TANABE, T.; KRANJC, B.; BAASANSUREN, J.; FUKUDA, M.; NGARIZE, S.; OSAKO, A.; PYROZHENKO, Y.; SHERMANAU, P.; FEDERICI, S. (Ed.). 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Switzerland: IPCC, 2019. v.4, p.11.1-11.54.). Despite the limited number of researches on emissions from feedlot pens, these results showed that, with excreta application, the values of the emission factor are similar to those of the IPCC 2019 refinement, which indicates that these guidelines are adequate for N2O estimation.

Considering other works in Brazil, the emission factors obtained in the present study were similar to those of 0.2% of applied urine N found by Barneze et al. (2014)BARNEZE, A.S.; MAZZETTO, A.M.; ZANI, C.F.; MISSELBROOK, T.; CERRI, C.C. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil due to urine deposition by grazing cattle in Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v.92, p.394-397, 2014. DOI:
and of 0.03% of applied manure N and of 0.15% of applied urine N observed by Bretas et al. (2020)BRETAS, I.L.; PACIULLO, D.S.C.; ALVES, B.J.R.; MARTINS, M.R.; CARDOSO, A.S.; LIMA, M.A.; CHIZZOTTI, F.H. Nitrous oxide, methane, and ammonia emissions from cattle excreta on Brachiaria decumbens growing in monoculture or silvopasture with Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.295, art.106896, 2020. DOI:
for cattle on pastures. Bell et al. (2015)BELL, M.J.; REES, R.M.; CLOY, J.M.; TOPP, C.F.E.; BAGNALL, A.; CHADWICK, D.R. Nitrous oxide emissions from cattle excreta applied to a Scottish grassland: effects of soil and climatic conditions and a nitrification inhibitor. Science of the Total Environment, v.508, p.343-353, 2015. DOI:
reported a higher emission factor in bovine excreta in the summer than in the spring, whereas Mazzeto et al. (2014MAZZETTO, A.M.; BARNEZE, A.S.; FEIGL, B.J.; VAN GROENIGEN, J.W.; OENEMA, O.; CERRI, C.C. Temperature and moisture affect methane and nitrous oxide emission from bovine manure patches in tropical conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, v.76, p.242-248, 2014. DOI:
) found emissions 2.9 and 2.5 times higher in the Southeast and North of the country, respectively, in the summer, when compared with the winter, mostly due to the higher WFPS in the former season. In the present study, the low emission factor observed was attributed to the small volume of rainfall during the experimental period and, mainly, to the short measurement period of 35 days.

The N2O emissions from excreta under typical winter conditions in central Brazil were strongly influenced by climatic factors. This shows that, to establish representative data for beef cattle feedlots in the country, it is necessary to carry out measurements for longer periods and at more comprehensive scales locally and nationally, in order to establish more appropriate emission factors that represent the national livestock.


  1. There is no breed effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes and cumulative emissions from urine and manure of confined beef cattle, although the crossbreed (Nellore x Angus) emits less per kilogram of body weight gain than the Nellore breed.

  2. The N2O flux from beef cattle excreta in feedlot is mainly influenced by rain occurrence due to the high correlation between rainfall volume and N2O emissions in the next day, indicating a period between rain occurrence and the increase in N2O emission.


To Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), for financing, in part, this study (Finance Code 001); and to Escola de Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and to Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), for support.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    19 July 2023
Embrapa Secretaria de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento; Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Caixa Postal 040315, 70770-901 Brasília DF Brazil, Tel. +55 61 3448-1813, Fax +55 61 3340-5483 - Brasília - DF - Brazil