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Socioeconomic impacts of the biodiesel production chain on family agriculture in the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Mato Grosso (MT)

Impactos socioeconômicos da cadeia produtiva do biodiesel na agricultura familiar dos estados brasileiros do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e do Mato Grosso (MT)


This paper evaluates the different socioeconomic impacts of the biodiesel sector on family farming and other sectors of the economy of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, which are the largest biodiesel producers in Brazil and have structural and regional differences. The Input-Output Theory was the methodology used to measure the direct and indirect effects on the jobs generated and on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The research shows that the production of biodiesel via family farming in Rio Grande do Sul is 66 times that of Mato Grosso, generating approximately 19,000 jobs, which is explained by the greater development of the agricultural sector in Rio Grande do Sul. Compared to fossil diesel, one million barrels of oil equivalent of family biodiesel in Rio Grande do Sul generates 7,700 jobs, while the fossil route generates 1,600 jobs.

PNPB; production chain; biodiesel; family farming; socioeconomic impacts; input-output


Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar os diferentes impactos socioeconômicos do setor do biodiesel na agricultura familiar e demais setores da economia dos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e do Mato Grosso, que são os maiores produtores de biodiesel no Brasil e possuem diferenças estruturais e regionais. Utilizou-se como base metodológica a Teoria de Insumo-Produto para mensurar os efeitos diretos e indiretos nas ocupações geradas e no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Os resultados indicam que a produção de biodiesel via agricultura familiar no Rio Grande do Sul é 66 vezes àquela no Mato Grosso, gerando aproximadamente 19 mil ocupações, que é explicado pelo maior desenvolvimento do setor agrícola gaúcho. Na comparação com o diesel fóssil, um milhão de barris equivalentes de petróleo (bep) de biodiesel familiar no Rio Grande do Sul gera 7,7 mil ocupações, enquanto na rota fóssil gera 1,6 mil ocupações.

PNPB; cadeia produtiva; biodiesel; agricultura familiar; impactos socioeconômicos; insumo-produto

1 Introduction

The production of biofuels in Brazil dates back to the 1930s, but only in the 1970s, with the launch of the National Alcohol Program (Proálcool), did Brazilian energy policy begin encouraging the production of ethanol fuel to reduce dependence on oil imports (Salles-Filho et. al., 2016; Sampaio, 2017SAMPAIO, R. M. Biodiesel no Brasil: Capacidades Estatais, P&D e Inovação na Petrobras Biocombustíveis. 2017. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [s. l.], 2017.).

Starting with the 1990s, the incentive for biofuels was reinforced by environmental concerns and the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which Brazil made with the international community. However, the reduced dependence on imports and the impacts of oil price fluctuations remained as strategic reasons for the diversification of the country’s energy sources. In fact, some studies have shown that different biofuel programs were more strongly influenced by economic uncertainties than by environmental and social aspects (Costa, 2017COSTA, A. O. Da. A Inserção do Biodiesel na Matriz Energética Nacional: Aspectos Socioeconômicos, Ambientais e Institucionais. 2017. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, [s. l.], 2017.; Rico; Sauer, 2015RICO, J. A. P.; SAUER, I. L. A review of Brazilian biodiesel experiences. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, [s. l.], v. 45, p. 513-529, 2015. Disponível em: <>
). Despite this, there were positive socio-economic and environmental impacts from the biofuel programs. Brinkman et al. (2018BRINKMAN, M. L. J. et al. Interregional assessment of socio-economic effects of sugarcane ethanol production in Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, [s. l.], v. 88, n. December 2016, p. 347-362, 2018. Disponível em: <>
) estimated a contribution of 2.6 billion USD to the Brazilian GDP and the generation of 53,000 jobs by 2030 in Brazil, and Machado et al. (2020MACHADO, P. G. et al. The potential of a bioeconomy to reduce Brazilian GHG emissions towards 2030: a CGE-based life cycle analysis. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, [s. l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 265-285, 2020.) found that, although the impacts of bioeconomy are not high enough to significantly reduce GHG emissions, the effects are positive.

In the early 2000s, in addition to the objective of reducing dependence on imports of mineral diesel, the decision to support a biodiesel production program already brought arguments directly linked to environmental concerns, the opening of new opportunities for national agribusiness, the inclusion of family farming in the biodiesel chain, and poverty reduction in rural areas (Dufey, 2006DUFEY, A. Biofuels production, trade and sustainable development: emerging issues, International Institute for Environment and Development, London. [s. l.], n. 2, 2006.; Flexor; Kato, 2015FLEXOR, G.; KATO, K. Políticas de promoção dos biocombustíveis e agricultura familiar: o que sugerem as recentes experiências internacionais? In: GRISA, C.; SCHNEIDER, S. (Eds.). Políticas Públicas de Desenvolvimento Rural no Brasil. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2015. p. 311-338.; Interlenghi et. al., 2017INTERLENGHI, S. F. et al. Social and environmental impacts of replacing transesterification agent in soybean biodiesel production: Multi-criteria and principal component analyses. Journal of Cleaner Production, [s. l.], v. 168, p. 149-162, 2017.; Pousa; Santos; Suarez, 2007POUSA, G. P. A. G.; SANTOS, A. L. F.; SUAREZ, P. A. Z. History and policy of biodiesel in Brazil. Energy Policy, [s. l.], v. 35, n. 11, p. 5393-5398, 2007.; Ramos; Wilhelm, 2005RAMOS, L. P.; WILHELM, H. M. Current Status of Biodiesel Development in Brazil. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, [s. l.], v. 123, n. 1-3, p. 0807-0820, 2005.). The Brazilian Biodiesel Program (PNPB), launched in 2004, was innovative in including among its institutional objectives the promotion of regional development in the peripheral regions of the country (North and Northeast) and the productive inclusion of family farming in the production chain of biodiesel (Flexor et. al., 2011; Garcia, 2007GARCIA, J. R. O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel Brasileiro e a Agricultura Familiar na Região Nordeste. 2007. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [s. l.], 2007.; Pedroti, 2013PEDROTI, P. M. Os Desafios do Desenvolvimento e inclusão social: o caso do arranjo político-institucional do Programa Nacional de Produção e uso do Biodísel. In: INSTITUTO DE PESQUISA ECONÔMICA APLICADA (Ed.). Capacidades estatais e democracia: arranjos institucionais de políticas públicas. Texto para ed. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, 2013. v. 1858p. 66.). The PNPB was created in the context of environmental and socio-economic sustainability, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include poverty reduction, decent work and economic growth, and improving rural livelihoods (Lozano, 2008LOZANO, R. Envisioning sustainability three-dimensionally. Journal of Cleaner Production, [s. l.], v. 16, n. 17, p. 1838-1846, 2008.; Robert; Parris; Leiserowitz, 2005ROBERT, K. W.; PARRIS, T. M.; LEISEROWITZ, A. A. What is Sustainable Development? Goals, Indicators, Values, and Practice. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, [s. l.], v. 47, n. 3, p. 8-21, 2005.; United Nations, 2015).

The literature demonstrates that the production of raw materials for biofuels can directly and indirectly contribute to socioeconomic development in rural regions (Domac; Richards; Risovic, 2005DOMAC, J.; RICHARDS, K.; RISOVIC, S. Socio-economic drivers in implementing bioenergy projects. Biomass and Bioenergy, [s. l.], v. 28, n. 2, p. 97-106, 2005.; Gilio; Moraes, 2016MORAES, M. A. F. D. De; BACCHI, M. R. P.; CALDARELLI, C. E. Accelerated growth of the sugarcane, sugar, and ethanol sectors in Brazil (2000-2008): Effects on municipal gross domestic product per capita in the south-central region. Biomass and Bioenergy, [s. l.], v. 91, p. 116-125, 2016.; Machado et al., 2015MACHADO, P. G. et al. The use of socioeconomic indicators to assess the impacts of sugarcane production in Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, [s. l.], v. 52, p. 1519-1526, 2015.; Moraes; Bacchi; Caldarelli, 2016; Moraes; Oliveira; Diaz-Chavez, 2015; Walter et. al., 2011WALTER, A. et al. Sustainability assessment of bio-ethanol production in Brazil considering land use change, GHG emissions and socio-economic aspects. Energy Policy, [s. l.], v. 39, n. 10, p. 5703-5716, 2011., 2014). These contributions to rural development occur through investments in capital goods and additional demand for labor in the countryside and in production plants. Furthermore, reduced dependence on fossil fuel imports, together with the potential for biofuel exports, can strengthen national and regional economies (Van Eijck et. al., 2014; Wicke et. al., 2009WICKE, B. et al. Macroeconomic impacts of bioenergy production on surplus agricultural land-A case study of Argentina. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, [s. l.], v. 13, n. 9, p. 2463-2473, 2009.). Indirect contributions stem from increased production in the sectors of the economy that provide inputs for the biofuels sector. With the expansion of biofuels, positive effects are expected for the main socioeconomic indicators GDP, employment and trade (Walter et. al., 2011).

However, the expansion of biofuel production and related impacts are not evenly distributed across the country (Martinelli et. al., 2011MARTINELLI, L. A. et al. Sugar and ethanol production as a rural development strategy in Brazil: Evidence from the state of São Paulo. Agricultural Systems, [s. l.], v. 104, n. 5, p. 419-428, 2011.). The dynamics and specific characteristics of the production region determine the direction and size of impacts on local economies (Hall et. al., 2009HALL, J. et al. Brazilian biofuels and social exclusion: established and concentrated ethanol versus emerging and dispersed biodiesel. Journal of Cleaner Production, [s. l.], v. 17, p. S77-S85, 2009.; Sawyer, 2008SAWYER, D. Climate change, biofuels and eco-social impacts in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, [s. l.], v. 363, n. 1498, p. 1747-1752, 2008.). Consequently, it is important to understand not only the impacts of expanding biofuel production across the economy, but also the distribution of these impacts. This information helps to identify weaknesses and socioeconomic opportunities in the expansion of biofuels to different regions and income classes. This is essential for Brazil, where there are still large inequalities between regions (Da Costa; Burnquist; Guilhoto, 2006; World Bank, 2015).

The PNPB’s actions to promote the inclusion of family farming present different results among Brazilian regions and states. The concentration of biodiesel production is itself evidence of the differences (Cavalcante Filho; Buainain; Cunha, 2020). The states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso have established themselves as the main biodiesel producers in the country. In both states the main source of raw material used is soy. However, agriculture in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, in particular soybean production, has very different structural characteristics. While the agrarian structure of Rio Grande do Sul is marked by the strong presence of family farmers, organized into cooperatives and associations and inserted in other dynamic agricultural chains, Mato Grosso is marked by large-scale agricultural economic dynamics with a low presence of family farmers compared to other Brazilian regions. Hence, the comparison of the socioeconomic impacts of the soy-based biodiesel production chain in the two states can elucidate its impact on family farming and on local economies.

As such, this article identifies and measures the impacts of the biodiesel chain on the economy of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, given its direct and indirect effects on family farming and other sectors of the regional economy. We seek to answer the question: what are the differences in socioeconomic impacts of the soy-based biodiesel production chain on family farming in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso? The method used was the interregional Input-Output model, followed by a survey in secondary and complementary databases to understand the structure of the biodiesel sector and family farming. This methodology is used to capture the direct and indirect effects involved throughout the production chain to meet the input supply needs of the sectors of the economy.

Aside from the introduction, the article is divided into four additional sections. The second section is a brief literature review about the constitution and results of PNPB evaluations, as well as a summary of Brazilian agriculture. The third section presents in greater detail the input-output method applied in the present study to obtain the results. The fourth section presents the main results and analysis of the application of the input-output model. Lastly, the fifth section is reserved for final considerations.

2 PNPB: some evaluations based on the literature

The PNPB sought to link together strategic sectors to achieve its strategic objectives - ensuring the supply of biodiesel, promoting the inclusion of family farming and local development, and consolidating the biodiesel chain (Stattman; Hospes; Mol, 2013STATTMAN, S. L.; HOSPES, O.; MOL, A. P. J. Governing biofuels in Brazil: A comparison of ethanol and biodiesel policies. Energy Policy, [s. l.], v. 61, p. 22-30, 2013. Disponível em: <>
). However, little is known about the impacts of the biodiesel production chain on Brazilian family farming, the determinants for the inclusion of the family farming sector and the effects generated by the construction of new supply chains to produce second generation biodiesel, obtained from alternative sources of biomass.

In terms of assessing the impacts of the PNPB on family farming, it is of utmost importance that the heterogeneity of family farming is acknowledged, both in terms of agricultural structure and systems, to understand the capacity and engagement of these farmers in the production and supply of raw materials for the biodiesel production chain (Leite et. al., 2013LEITE, J. G. D. B. et al. Biodiesel policy for family farms in Brazil : One-size-fits-all ? Joa. Environmental Sciense & Policy, [s. l.], v. 27, p. 195-205, 2013.).

It is also necessary to consider the structural heterogeneity of Brazilian agriculture (Vieira Filho; Santos; Fornazier, 2013) and, in particular, that Brazilian agriculture itself is characterized by marked differences in terms of agrarian and organizational structure (Buainain et. al., 2007BUAINAIN, A. M. et al. Agricultura familiar e inovação tecnológica no Brasil: características, desafios e obstáculos. 1. ed. Campinas: UNICAMP, 2007.; Guanziroli; Buainain; Sabbato, 2012GUANZIROLI, C. E.; BUAINAIN, A. M.; SABBATO, A. Di. Dez Anos de Evolução da Agricultura Familiar no Brasil: (1996 e 2006). Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, [s. l.], v. 50, n. 2, p. 351-370, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 mar. 2021.
; Souza et. al., 2018SOUZA, P. M. et al. Tecnologia na Agricultura Brasileira: Uma Análise das Desigualdades Regionais para os Segmentos Não Familiar e Familiar. Revista Econômica do Nordeste, [s. l.], v. 49, n. 3, p. 147-169, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 4 mar. 2021.
). Thus, any assessment of the impacts of the biodiesel chain on family farming and on local and regional economies needs to take these differences into account.

Most studies that qualitatively and descriptively evaluated the relationship between PNPB and/or SBS and family farming (Abramovay; Magalhães, 2007ABRAMOVAY, R.; MAGALHÃES, R. O Acesso dos Agricultores Familiares aos Mercados de Biodiesel: Parcerias entre Grandes Empresas e Movimentos Sociais, Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas, 2007.; César; Batalha, 2010CÉSAR, A. da S.; BATALHA, M. O. Biodiesel production from castor oil in Brazil: A difficult reality. Energy Policy, [s. l.], v. 38, p. 4031-4039, 2010., 2011, 2013; Garcia, 2007GARCIA, J. R. O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel Brasileiro e a Agricultura Familiar na Região Nordeste. 2007. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [s. l.], 2007.; Gonçalves; Favareto; Abramovay, 2014GONÇALVES, K. Y.; FAVARETO, A.; ABRAMOVAY, R. As estruturas sociais do mercado de matérias-primas para o biodiesel no Semiárido brasileiro e os bloqueios à inserção dos agricultores pobres do Nordeste. In: FAVARETO, A.; MORALEZ, R. (Eds.). Energia, desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade. Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk, 2014. p. 245-262.; Isolani; Tonin, 2013ISOLANI, K. A.; TONIN, J. M. Produção de biodiesel no Brasil com o advento do Selo Combustível Social e os impactos na agricultura familiar Biodiesel. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, [s. l.], v. 28, p. 157-171, 2013.; Leite et. al., 2013LEITE, J. G. D. B. et al. Biodiesel policy for family farms in Brazil : One-size-fits-all ? Joa. Environmental Sciense & Policy, [s. l.], v. 27, p. 195-205, 2013.; Monteiro, 2007MONTEIRO, J. M. G. Plantio de Oleaginosas por Agricultores Familiares do Semi-Árido Nordestino para Produção de Biodiesel como uma Estratégia de Mitigação e Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas. 2007. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, [s. l.], 2007.; Ribeiro et. al., 2018RIBEIRO, E. C. B. et al. Biodiesel and social inclusion : An analysis of institutional pressures between biodiesel plants and family farmers in southern Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production journal, [s. l.], v. 204, p. 726-734, 2018.; Silva et. al., 2014SILVA, M. S. et al. Biodiesel and the “Social Fuel Seal” in Brazil: Fuel of Social Inclusion? Journal of Agricultural Science, [s. l.], v. 6, n. 11, p. 212-228, 2014.), found that the inclusion of family farmers was hampered by problems that include the low scale of production, lack of resources for investment, logistical deficit, access to markets, etc. Family farmers from the Northeast and North regions were practically left out of the chain.

The few studies that carried out a quantitative analysis (Prado, 2015PRADO, J. N. Estudo sobre o Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB). Uma análise sobre os municípios produtores de soja e as cooperativas de agricultura familiar. 2015. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, [s. l.], 2015.; Ribeiro, 2014RIBEIRO, V. S. Biodiesel e Agricultura Familiar no Tocantins: Uma Análise a partir da Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzzy. 2014. Universidade Federal do Tocantins, [s. l.], 2014.; Ribeiro et. al., 2015; Rodrigues; Zavala, 2017RODRIGUES, M.; ZAVALA, A. A. Z. Programa Nacional de Biodiesel e Agricultura Familiar em Mato Grosso. Revista da Faculdade de Administração e Economia, [s. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 172-188, 2017.) concluded that the program’s regional performance was affected by differences in the organization of raw material production and by low income generation, which led to the ineffectiveness of the social inclusion objective. Some studies carried out a quantitative assessment of the socioeconomic impacts of the biodiesel chain through the approach of the Input-Output Theory, the same used in the present study (Cunha, 2011CUNHA, M. P. Da. Avaliação socioeconômica e ambiental de rotas de produção de biodiesel no Brasil, baseada em análise de insumo-produto. 2011. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [s. l.], 2011.; Evangelista Junior, 2009).

Yuuki, Conejero and Neves (2007YUUKI, P. Y.; CONEJERO, M. A.; NEVES, M. F. Avaliação dos Impactos Econômicos da Produção de Biodiesel no Brasil. Organizações Rurais e Agroindustriais, [s. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 53-68, 2007.) accomplished one of the first evaluations of the Biodiesel Program using the Input-Output Matrix approach. The authors estimated the employment multipliers of the biodiesel industries and found that they were one of the highest compared to other sectors. Thus, the estimate was that the direct and indirect generation of jobs would increase, if biodiesel production were to consolidate in Brazil. Based on the results obtained from the direct and indirect impacts of biodiesel production on employment in the soybean and castor bean sectors, it was concluded that biodiesel production would cause a strong impact on the level of employment, mainly in castor bean crops in the Northeast.

Evangelista Junior (2009) evaluated the impacts of the small-scale biodiesel production chain based on sunflower in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte and showed that investment in agricultural activities resulted in a significant increase in income for family farmers. The study had also found the viability of sunflower cultivation by family farmers, potential addition of value to family farming production, but those farmers would encounter production difficulties related to the low level of mechanization, the scarcity of certified seeds and specialized technical assistance, as well as cultural traits that would need to be adjusted with the introduction of sunflower. It is possible that these obstacles were responsible for the discontinuity of the project in this location.

Using this perspective, Cunha (2011CUNHA, M. P. Da. Avaliação socioeconômica e ambiental de rotas de produção de biodiesel no Brasil, baseada em análise de insumo-produto. 2011. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [s. l.], 2011.) evaluated the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the biodiesel production chain in Brazil while considering the different biofuel production routes. With the sunflower-based route, the author identified that the number of jobs generated would be 15 times greater than the production of soy-based biodiesel, but that the labor factor would earn less than 87% of the country’s average. For the other evaluated routes, no significant differences were identified. However, in the soy routes evaluated, given the scenarios for its use and its oil directed to exporting, the conversion of soy into biodiesel was shown to be more advantageous than the conversion to soy oil in terms of impact to GDP and job generation.

This paper conducts a quantitative evaluation, considering the performance of the Program in two Brazilian states with very different productive structures: Rio Grande do Sul is marked by the strong presence of family farming and Mato Grosso is characterized by the production of grains in large scale. The comparison of socioeconomic impacts of the biodiesel chain is valid to address the fundamental question that concerns the evaluation of the contributions of the biodiesel program to the strengthening of family farming and local economies.

3 Methodology

The socioeconomic impacts of soy-based biodiesel production were calculated based on the inter-regional Input-Output model. This model was adapted for this study based on the official tables of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)1 1 Institution responsible for data collection and dissemination of official statistics in Brazil. and contains three regions (Section 2.1). The sectors of interest for analysis were obtained via breakdown procedure following specific criteria based on the consultation of secondary sources to identify the technological configuration of such sectors (Section 2.2). Four shocks2 2 Technically, matrix shocks consist of adding a resource to the final demand of a sector to verify its direct and indirect effects on other sectors of the economy. were applied to compare the differences in regional impacts of the biodiesel sectors and another five shocks considering the energy content to compare with mineral diesel oil (Section 2.4). With the inclusion of the shocks, it was possible to capture the direct effects3 3 The effects generated throughout the economy’s production chain are also called “impact.” (suppliers of inputs to the biodiesel sector), the indirect effects (sectors that deliver inputs to the sectors that supply the biodiesel sector) and the spillover effects (generated in other regions) (MILLER; BLAIR, 2009MILLER, R. E.; BLAIR, P. D. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.). The effects were captured for the socioeconomic indicators GDP, employed persons and Value Added at Cost of Factors (VACF).

3.1 Input-output model

This study used the interregional Input-Output Matrix for the year 20114 4 This is the year with the most inter-regional data. The analyses are not compromised by assuming the hypothesis that there were no significant changes in the structure of the Brazilian economy. , made available by the Regional and Urban Economics Lab of the University of São Paulo (Nereus, 2021), which is estimated using the Interregional Use and Production Tables method (TUPI). In this model, the economies of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso were broken down from the official national Input-Output tables published by the IBGE (IBGE, 2021a, 2021b). The method and different data sources used to obtain an inter-regional state-level Input-Output table were described by Guilhoto et al. (2017). The two selected states were broken down by estimating the monetary flows in the inter- and intra-regional matrices of the states. The estimation of these flows was mainly based on 1) statistical data at the state level provided by IBGE (IBGE, 2019a, 2019b, 2021c): Municipal Agricultural Production (PAM), Municipal Livestock Production (PPM) and Production of Vegetal Extraction and Forestry (PEVS) for the agricultural sector; Annual Industrial Survey (PIA) for the industrial sectors (IBGE, 2018a) and Annual Services Survey (PAS) for the service sectors (IBGE, 2018b); and 2) by using cross-sector location quotients that are combined with the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS, 2022).

The regional breakdown used in this study distinguishes three regions: two states presented above (Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso) and the Rest of Brazil. The equations of the basic Input-Output model are described in the appendices and can be found in more detail in well-established literature such as Miller and Blair (Miller; Blair, 2009MILLER, R. E.; BLAIR, P. D. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.) and Guilhoto (Guilhoto, 2011GUILHOTO, J. J. M. Input-Output Analysis: Theory and Foundations (Análise de Insumo-Produto: Teoria e Fundamentos). [s.l.] : Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 2011.). The original matrix is structured in 59 sectors and 67 products, totaling 177 sectors and 201 products for the selected regions.

3.2 Brief description of the structure of the biodiesel production chain in Brazil

At the end of 2018, 51 ANP-authorized biodiesel production plants were in operation in Brazil, distributed in all regions: 5.9% in the North region, 7.8% in the Northeast region, 15.7% in the Southeast region, 21.6% in the South region and 49% in the Center-West region. The biodiesel production chain is mainly supplied with raw materials and inputs produced in the country. The main raw materials used in the production process to obtain biodiesel are soy and beef tallow. Industrial plants that have a crusher for oil extraction purchase soybeans directly from the agricultural sector, produced by family and non-family farming. Plants that do not have crushing capacity obtain oil of animal or vegetable origin from the vegetable and animal oil and fat manufacturing sector.

The commercialization5 5 In January 2022, the marketing model was be replaced by direct acquisition between fuel distributors and biodiesel plants. It is still unclear what the new governance model will look like. of biodiesel, in turn, is regulated by public auctions promoted by the ANP and mediated by Petrobras, where the fuel distributors acquire the biodiesel production batches offered by the plants to carry out the addition to mineral diesel oil, in accordance with the percentage established by the Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME).

3.3 Breakdown of sectors and products6 6 For more details on the criteria for breaking down sectors and producers, see section 3.3 in Cavalcante Filho (2020).

To achieve the proposed objective of evaluating the different impacts of the biodiesel sector on family farming in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, it was necessary to break down the sector and the biodiesel product into the following segments: non-family biodiesel and family biodiesel. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics and definitions of the disaggregated sectors and products.

Table 1
Definition of breakdown of products and sectors.

Breakdowns were performed for the regions of the model: the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso. Thus, 61 sectors and 69 products were established in these states and the initial 59 sectors and 67 products were maintained in the Rest of Brazil, which resulted in the total definition of 181 sectors and 205 products in the matrix used to capture the effects of the sector of biodiesel on family farming and the local economy in these states.

3.4 Study objective

To assess and compare the socioeconomic impacts of biodiesel production on family farming and on the local economy, the inter-regional model was picked, focusing on the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso and the rest of Brazil. The choice of these states is justified because they are the main biodiesel producers in Brazil (Figure 1), responsible for approximately 50% of its production, and because they have different structural characteristics, especially in terms of family farming.

While in Rio Grande do Sul family farming units correspond to 80% of all units, occupying 25.3% of the area and being responsible for 37.4% of the VBP, in Mato Grosso family producers represent 68% of the total, occupy 9.3% of the area and account for 6.6% of the VBP. Furthermore, in Rio Grande do Sul, family farmers are integrated into dynamic agribusiness chains, are well organized in cooperatives (47% of family members are associated with cooperatives), whereas in MT they are poorly integrated into production chains and have a lower level of organization (8.1% of family members are associated with cooperatives), according to data from the 2017 Agricultural Census (Table 2). Furthermore, as they are states in different regions, they have different parameters for acquiring raw materials within the scope of the SBS (40% for the South region and 15% for the Central-West region.

Figure 1
Location of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso in Brazil and biodiesel production characteristics in 2018.

Table 2:
Agrarian and agricultural structural characteristics of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso and Brazil in 2017.

3.5 Shock used in the model

In the present work, nine different shocks were performed to evaluate the impacts, considering the production volume of the year 2018 at prices of the year 20117 7 The shocks and model results were converted to values in US dollars (USD), taking into account the average exchange rate for the year 2011 (IPEA) (2021). The exchange rate adopted for converting the real (R$) into the dollar (US$) was 1.675. . The production volume and the base price practiced in the period were consulted in the database provided by ANP (2019). The production value of each product was considered as the shock value at the respective product's final demand to compare the socioeconomic impacts of the biodiesel chain in the evaluated states. The fossil diesel shock was carried out only in Rio Grande do Sul, since there are no oil refineries installed in Mato Grosso. Table 3 summarizes the objective, the application vector and the applied shock value.

Table 3:
Shocks carried out for the assessment of impacts in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso.

The energy measure of 1 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) was adopted in the present paper because it is conventionally used in the world to compare the energy content of different energy sources. To this end, in Brazil, according to ANP data (2020), 2.58 million barrels of oil were produced per day in 2018. Therefore, the energy unit of 1 million BOE is equivalent to 38% of oil production in 2018.

4 The input-output analysis

Impacts of biodiesel chains on the Brazilian economy

The biodiesel production chains in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso were responsible for generating 107,860 jobs, contributing 3,193.15 million USD to the GDP and 8,313.7 million USD to the production of the Brazilian economy, considering its direct and indirect effects (Table 4). The family farming biodiesel production routes of the states accounted for at least 17% of the total effects on job generation and GDP.

The results obtained make it possible to infer that the production of family farming biodiesel is more important for the local economy, since more than 70% of the impacts are concentrated in the internal chains, as those demand more raw materials and inputs from the local sectors. The production of non-family farming biodiesel in both states, in turn, has impacts distributed among the sectors of the local economies and the Rest of Brazil, which in the case of the external regions occurs especially indirectly (Table 5).

Table 4:
Total effect of job generation, in units, and of GDP and production, in million USD, and the spillover effect, in percentage, in Brazil and the Rest of Brazil and in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, resulting from the shocks in family and non-family farming biodiesel in 2018.
Table 5:
Participation of indirect effects, in percentage, in Brazil and the Rest of Brazil and in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, resulting from the shocks in family and non-family farming biodiesel in 2018.

There is a strong distinction in the socioeconomic impacts of soy-based biodiesel production on family farming in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso and in other sectors of the Brazilian economy (Table 6). The impact on family farming job generation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul was 51 times greater compared to the family farming sector in Mato Grosso. In terms of GDP, this difference was even greater among family farming sectors, corresponding to 79 times more. On the other hand, in terms of average monthly income by generated jobs, the differences were not so expressive, but still higher among family farmers from Rio Grande do Sul, who earned 323.39 USD from the sale of soybeans for the production of biodiesel, while in Mato Grosso it corresponded to 205.37 USD. Compared to the minimum wage in 2011 (325.37 USD), the commercialization of soybeans for biodiesel in Rio Grande do Sul paid family farmers the equivalent of one monthly minimum wage and in Mato Grosso the remuneration was 36% lower than in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The results also reveal the difference in the configuration of the biodiesel sector itself. While the family production route demands raw material directly from the agricultural sector, non-family farming production is linked to the demand for vegetable and animal oils, resulting in significant impacts on job generation and on the GDP of the vegetable and animal oils and fats manufacturing sector. Furthermore, the spillover effect (Tables 7 and 8) demonstrates that the non-family farming biodiesel sector in Rio Grande do Sul needs to import larger volumes of vegetable and animal oils from the Rest of Brazil, compared to the non-family farming biodiesel chain in Mato Grosso.

Table 6:
Total effect of job generation, in units, and of GDP, in million USD, by sectors in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, resulting from the shock in family and non-family farming biodiesel in the respective states in 2018.
Table 7:
Overflow effect resulting from biodiesel production in Rio Grande do Sul by sectors in the state of Mato Grosso and the Rest of Brazil in 2018.
Table 8:
Overflow effect resulting from the production of biodiesel in Mato Grosso by sectors in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the Rest of Brazil in 2018.

Faced with energy alternatives for replacing fossil fuels, an additional assessment was carried out to identify the potential socioeconomic impacts of biodiesel chains compared to diesel, considering the conventional measure of energy content of BOE. The impact on job creation due to the energy shock of 1 million BOE shows that the different biodiesel routes of the states, for family and non-family farming, generated an average of 6,200 jobs throughout Brazil, which corresponds to 3.6 times more than was generated by mineral diesel oil produced in Rio Grande do Sul. Biodiesel production via family farming in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso had the greatest impact for job generation in the country, accounting for 7,745 and 5,273 jobs, respectively (Table 9).

The expressive difference in the impact on occupations in an energy measure of 1 million BOE is a result, especially, of the technological difference that exists between the biodiesel and petroleum refining sectors, responsible for the production of diesel oil. Compared to the refining sector, which is characterized by intensive use of technology and capital, this result demonstrates that the biodiesel sector requires more labor to meet some variation in final demand, especially due to the direct link with the agricultural sector through the demand for raw materials.

Table 9:
Impacts on job generation, in units, and on GDP and VACF, in million USD, and the spillover effect, in percentage, in Brazil and the Rest of Brazil and in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, resulting from the energy shock of one million BOE in biodiesel, family farming biodiesel and mineral diesel products in 2018.

Biodiesel chains contribute to the generation of wealth equivalent to an average of 175.52 million USD for the GDP. The production of mineral diesel oil from Rio Grande do Sul had an impact of 102.09 million USD. The greater impact of biodiesel on GDP is explained, in part, by its price, which is traditionally equivalent to almost double that of mineral diesel oil, and by the greater amount contained in a BOE. Thus, in terms of energy, diesel is more efficient, since fewer liters are needed compared to biodiesel to meet the energy demand of 1 million BOE. However, the price of biodiesel, higher than that of diesel oil, will make commercialized diesel more expensive and may result in a reduction in the consumption of biofuel.

In terms of impact on income generation, despite the total effects on the value added to factor costs (VACF) presenting large differences between the chains, the average monthly income per job generated in Brazil from the different biodiesel routes resulted in levels close to 1.91 thousand USD. The production of mineral diesel oil in Rio Grande do Sul, in turn, showed an income level almost twice as high as the effect of biodiesel production, which corresponded to an average income of 3,760 USD per month.

5 Conclusion

The research found that there are significant differences between the family biodiesel routes in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso and in relation to non-family farming biodiesel routes. The impacts of job generation were shown to occur more intensely in family farming, which is a reflection of the characteristics of the Brazilian rural environment. The results showed that family farmers in Rio Grande do Sul were able to establish themselves in the biodiesel production chain. This is a region characterized by a family farming sector with better organizational, structural and productive conditions than the rest of the country.

In Mato Grosso, which is characterized by agricultural and agrarian development based on large-scale production, the impacts of biodiesel production resulted in effects far below what was observed in Rio Grande do Sul due to the low supply of raw material from family farmers. In turn, the low supply of family farmers from Mato Grosso is a result of the structural conditions of the state and the incompatibility of soybean production with the family farming structure, as this oilseed is based on an economy of scale that requires greater areas. Thus, the biodiesel production chain in Mato Grosso has selected only farmers who have this profile.

As such, the impacts resulting from the PNPB on family farming occur especially due to the structural conditions of the local economies, which can be observed in Rio Grande do Sul, which has a greater participation of family farmers, because it does effectively have family farming, including in other dynamic production chains.

The evidence gathered validates the importance of the Social Biofuel Seal insofar as it shows the relationship between the biodiesel chain and family farmers, which results in impacts on the local economy and family farming. However, it was not possible to confirm whether the Seal is responsible for the relationship between these sectors and requires additional analyses to validate the idea of the SBS, such as the application of General or even Partial Balance models to assess whether changes in the Seal tax rates displace the demand for raw material from family farming to states with more developed family farming sectors.

The participation of family farmers from Rio Grande do Sul in the biodiesel production chain shows that these farmers had significant gains with their participation in the Program, which was not observed in Mato Grosso, where structural restrictions and local conditions limited the access of family farming in the biodiesel chain.

In short, the Program has not been able to promote the cultivation of alternative crops that are more viable for small producers, so it has selected only the most capitalized farmers who are able to produce soybeans on their property in a profitable manner, which explains the inexpressive production of family biodiesel in the state of Mato Grosso and in most of the other state.

The promotion of alternative cultures requires investments, scientific-technological development and regulation, to mention a few factors. As it involves many risks, the promotion of new cultures also needs incentives, which one would expect to be provided by the government. However, the State lacks the capacity to lead a national project capable of carrying out these investments and promoting the necessary incentives.


This study was carried out with funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001 and Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP).

The authors thank Espaço da Escrita - Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa - UNICAMP - for the language services provided.


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  • JEL Codes:

    C67, Q1.
  • Códigos JEL:

    C67, Q1.
  • 1
    Institution responsible for data collection and dissemination of official statistics in Brazil.
  • 2
    Technically, matrix shocks consist of adding a resource to the final demand of a sector to verify its direct and indirect effects on other sectors of the economy.
  • 3
    The effects generated throughout the economy’s production chain are also called “impact.”
  • 4
    This is the year with the most inter-regional data. The analyses are not compromised by assuming the hypothesis that there were no significant changes in the structure of the Brazilian economy.
  • 5
    In January 2022, the marketing model was be replaced by direct acquisition between fuel distributors and biodiesel plants. It is still unclear what the new governance model will look like.
  • 6
    For more details on the criteria for breaking down sectors and producers, see section 3.3 in Cavalcante Filho (2020).
  • 7
    The shocks and model results were converted to values in US dollars (USD), taking into account the average exchange rate for the year 2011 (IPEA) (2021). The exchange rate adopted for converting the real (R$) into the dollar (US$) was 1.675.
  • 8
    The energy measurement unit barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) is used to convert a volume of any fuel or biofuel into a volume of oil equivalent, based on the energy equivalence between the oil and the converted fuel, which is measured by the ratio between the calorific value of the fluids. Thus, this unit expresses the amount of energy released by burning a barrel of oil.
  • 9
    The state of Mato Grosso has no oil refineries. Therefore, the shock was applied only to the oil refining sector in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


A1 Input-Out Matrix

The inter-regional input-output matrix (Z Matrix) is obtained through the inter- and intra-regional matrices (Zn,n), considering the three regions defined in this work:

Z = [ Z 1,1 Z 1,3 Z 3,1 Z 3,3 ] (A1)

Matrix Z1,1 represents the internal flow of goods and services in region ‘1.’ Trade flows between regions are computed by off-diagonal matrix elements. For example, the elements in Z1,3 describe the flow of goods and services from region 1 to region 3 (MILLER; BLAIR, 2009MILLER, R. E.; BLAIR, P. D. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.).

The division of the monetary flows in each sector of each region (zi,j) by the total product (xj) of that sector results in the technology matrix (A). The elements (ai,j) represent the technical coefficients. Estimates of cash flows are unique to each sector within each region in the model and result in an estimate of region-specific intra- and inter-regional technology matrices, reflecting regional differences in economic structures.

The elements of the technical coefficient matrix (A) are calculated as follows:

I n t r a r e g i o n a l : a i , j 1,1 = z i , j 1,1 x j 1 w h e r e A 1,1 = [ a 1,1 1,1 a 2,1 1,1 a n ,1 1,1 a 1,2 1,1 a 2,2 1,1 a 1, n 1,1 a 2, n 1,1 a n ,2 1,1 a n , n 1,1 ] (A2)

I n t e r r e g i o n a l : a i , j 1,3 = z i , j 1,3 x j 3 w h e r e A 1,3 = [ a 1,3 1,3 a 2,1 1,3 a n ,1 1,3 a 1,2 1,3 a 2,2 1,3 a 1, n 1,3 a 2, n 1,3 a n ,2 1,3 a n , n 1,3 ] (A3)

The interregional model has the same structure as the basic equation of the input-output analysis (IA)1.X=Y, where ‘I’ is the identity matrix, ‘A’ is the matrix of technical coefficients, ‘X’ is the product and ‘Y’ the final demand. The Leontief system for the inter-regional model is described as follows (MILLER; BLAIR, 2009MILLER, R. E.; BLAIR, P. D. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.):

{ [ 1 0 0 1 ] [ A 1,3 A 1,3 A 3,1 A 3,3 ] } [ x 1 x 3 ] = [ Y 1 Y 3 ] (A4)

The direct and indirect effects on GDP, employed persons and VACF were obtained by multiplying the region’s total sector product (X) by their respective coefficients. These coefficients were obtained by dividing the variables analyzed (total sectoral GDP, employed persons and VACF) by their respective production values (MILLER; BLAIR, 2009MILLER, R. E.; BLAIR, P. D. Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.). The sectoral GDP corresponds to the sum of total net indirect taxes on domestic and imported intermediate consumption, labor remuneration, capital remuneration and direct taxes on this sector.

A2 Procedure for disaggregating products and sectors

In order to disaggregate the family biodiesel manufacturing sectors and the cultivation of soy from family farming, and the family biodiesel and soy products from family farming for the production of biodiesel, the proportion of biodiesel produced with raw material from the family farming in relation to the total amount of biodiesel produced in their respective state. This measurement was possible through data from the SCS, which records the amount of raw material sold by family farmers, and from the ANP, which has the quantity of biodiesel production at the state level.

Thus, for the case of Rio Grande do Sul, it was identified that 27% of biodiesel production in that state originates from raw material in family farming. Therefore, in the model, these sectors and products that were disaggregated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul account for 27% of the original sectors and products.

The disaggregation criterion for such sectors and products in the state of Mato Grosso was 5%, since it was identified that the biodiesel produced in that state comes from raw material in family farming corresponding to this percentage. Thus, based on this criterion, it was possible to obtain the production value of these products and sectors in their respective states.

After obtaining the production value, it was possible to calculate the proportion to estimate intermediate consumption, taxes, wages, imports and the gross mixed income of the sectors in the regions. The number of jobs in the family biodiesel manufacturing sector was estimated from this proportion. However, the number of jobs in the soy sector of family farming for the production of biodiesel was estimated considering the average proportion of labor used by family farming in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso, based on the Agricultural Censuses of 2006 and 2017. Thus, it was established that Personnel Employed by family farming (POAf) is generated by the following equation:

P O A f = V P A f . Pr o p m é d i a P O A f (A5)

where, VPAf is the production value of family agriculture that supplies soybeans for biodiesel;

PropmédiaPOAf is the average proportion of the years 2006 and 2017 of people employed by family farming by value of the total production of the establishments. We chose to use the average of the years 2006 and 2017, as the estimated matrix is for the year 2011.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Sep 2023


  • Received
    23 Aug 2022
  • Accepted
    27 Jan 2023
Nova Economia FACE-UFMG, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31270-901, Tel.: +55 31 3409 7070, Fax: +55 31 3409 7062 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil