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Bodenlos in Conversation: Storytelling Among Autobiographic’s Discourses and Dialogues


Martin Buber’s invitation to the meeting with the I-Thou principle, is an ethical horizon in Vilém Flusser’s thinking. Based on concepts defended by the Czech-Brazilian essayist, such as conversation, discourse and dialogue, this paper aims to interpret the author’s own textual production - here, specifically in the autobiography Bodenlos. As a methodological contribution, by the very nature of the research, it uses bibliographic research and, consistent with the theoretical framework, privileges interpretation in place of analytical instruments. As results, it indicates the manifestation of the definition of communication proposed by Flusser - the relationship between dialogues and discourses - in the narratives produced by the author himself.

Communication; Narratives; Autobiography; I-Thou; Vilém Flusser

Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina Av. José Acácio Moreira, 787 - Caixa Postal 370, Dehon - 88704.900 - Tubarão-SC- Brasil, Tel: (55 48) 3621-3369, Fax: (55 48) 3621-3036 - Tubarão - SC - Brazil