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Porto Murtinho: possibilities for implementing experience tourism, innovation and competitiveness in the Bioceánico Corridor

Porto Murtinho: possibilidades de implantação de turismo de experiência, inovação e competitividade no Corredor Bioceânico

Porto Murtinho: posibilidades para implementar turismo de experiencias, innovación y competitividad en el Corredor Bioceánico


The peculiar characteristics of a locality can contribute to it becoming an important source of interest for tourism. Investments in offering qualified services, innovations and unique experiences are associated with generating competitive advantage and strengthening the attractiveness of tourist destinations. The main objective of this study was to identify the main favorable and unfavorable factors for the development of tourism in an axis municipality of the Bioceanic Rout, Porto Murtinho. To this end, we focus on qualitative research, especially in documental survey, on-site observation and dialogue with the community. Our investigation process took place through the evaluation of documents, interviews and dialogical and observational experiences in loco. Our results showed that Porto Murtinho is rapidly moving towards a moment of collision with the challenges presented by the Bioceanic Rout. The constitution of a Tourism Management Nucleus, as well as the creation of the Municipal Fund for Tourism, the potential of birdwatching tourism and sport fishing, in addition to the receptiveness of the murtinense community, represent business opportunities for the municipality. On the other hand, the lack of professional qualification, the absence of sections of the main tourism associative entities and the deficit in the offer of tourist products, are aspects that need diligent attention and can make the consolidation of experience tourism unfeasible.

experience tourism; Bioceanic Route; Porto Murtinho


As características peculiares de uma localidade podem contribuir para que ela se torne uma importante fonte de interesse para o turismo. Investimentos na oferta de serviços qualificados, inovações e experiências únicas estão associados a geração de vantagem competitiva e fortalecimento da atratividade de destinos turísticos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo central identificar os principais fatores favoráveis e desfavoráveis para o desenvolvimento do turismo em um município eixo do Corredor Bioceânico, Porto Murtinho. Para tanta, focamos na pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, especialmente no levantamento documental, observação in loco e diálogo com a comunidade. Nosso processo de investigação ocorreu por meio de avaliação de documentos, entrevistas e vivências dialógicas e observacionais in loco. Nossos resultados apontaram que Porto Murtinho está caminhando rapidamente para um momento de colisão contra os desafios apresentados pelo Corredor Bioceânico. A constituição de um Núcleo Gestor do Turismo, bem como a criação do Fundo Municipal do Turismo, a potencialidade do turismo de observação de aves e da pesca esportiva, além da receptividade da comunidade murtinhense representam oportunidades de negócios para o município. Em contrapartida, a falta de qualificação profissional, a ausência de seccionais das principais entidades associativas de turismo e déficit na oferta de produtos turísticos, são aspectos que precisam de atenção diligente e podem inviabilizar a consolidação do turismo de experiência.

turismo de experiência; Corredor Bioceânico; Porto Murtinho


Las características peculiares de una localidad pueden contribuir a que se convierta en una importante fuente de interés para el turismo. Las inversiones en ofrecer servicios calificados, innovaciones y experiencias únicas están asociadas a generar ventaja competitiva y fortalecer el atractivo de los destinos turísticos. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue identificar los principales factores favorables y desfavorables para el desarrollo del turismo en un municipio eje del Corredor Bioceánico, Porto Murtinho. Para ello, nos enfocamos en la investigación cualitativa, especialmente en el levantamiento documental, la observación in situ y el diálogo con la comunidad. Nuestro proceso de investigación se desarrolló a través de la evaluación de documentos, entrevistas y experiencias dialógicas y observacionales in loco. Nuestros resultados mostraron que Porto Murtinho se está moviendo rápidamente hacia un momento de colisión con los desafíos presentados por el Corredor Bioceánico. La constitución de un Núcleo de Gestión Turística, así como la creación del Fondo Municipal de Turismo, el potencial del turismo ornitológico y la pesca deportiva, además de la receptividad de la comunidad murtinense, representan oportunidades de negocio para el municipio. Por otro lado, la falta de cualificación profesional, la ausencia de secciones de las principales entidades asociativas turísticas y el déficit en la oferta de productos turísticos, son aspectos que requieren una atención diligente y pueden hacer inviable la consolidación del turismo de experiencias.

Palabras clave
turismo de experiencias; Corredor Bioceánico; Porto Murtinho


An alleged tourist destination can gather a set of positive or limiting characteristics for the sustainable development of the activity. The success of the evolution from a frugal location to a destination with a strong tourist appeal and attractiveness depends on how much the place invests in the construction and promotion of the central factors of competitiveness of a tourist destination.

The so-called Bioceanic Route is a road under construction that should allow land transit and logistical viability between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The central idea is to establish an alternative path to the existing options (Paranaguá and Santos) for exporting and importing commodities and industrialized products on the international trade route with the countries of the Far East. In fact, when considering the countries and regions along the route, there is potential to transform the economic reality of northern Chile, northern Argentina, the Paraguayan Chaco region and Mato Grosso do Sul (Castro, 2021CASTRO, João Carlos Parkinson. Analytical Studies about the Bioceanic Corridor. Interações, Campo Grande, MS, v. 22, n. 4, p. 1061-76, 2021.).

Along the road planned for the Bioceanic Route, it is possible to identify some centers of commercial and tourist interest such as Antofagasta, Iquique and San Pedro de Atacama (Chile), Jujuy and Salta (Argentina) and Mariscal Estigarribia and Filadáfia (Paraguay). The state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) is located in the center of South America and, based on the design of the corridor's road route, assumes a strategic position for the transit of goods and people in international trade. MS assumes itself, therefore, as the border state and portal of obligatory passage to access the Bioceanic Route. In this state, the cities of Campo Grande and Porto Murtinho are considered axis locations for the development of the corridor.

Each location that intends to enjoy the benefits generated by the Bioceanic Route must have internal mechanisms and connect them with the market opportunities arising from the passage of vehicles and business between the four countries. One of the opportunities with great potential to project consistent growth is tourism and its adjacent activities (Constantino et al. 2019CONSTANTINO, M.; DORSA, A.; ARAGÃO, J.; MENDES, D.; Fluxos turísticos entre os países do Corrredor Bioceânico. Interações, Campo Grande, MS, v. 20, n. especial, p. 57-67, 2019.).

This sector has the potential to generate quality jobs and reduce poverty, create incentives for environmental protection and be an “instrument for a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable economy” (Castro, 2019, p. 19CASTRO, João Carlos Parkinson. Turismo como instrumento dinamizador do Corredor Rodoviário Bioceânico. Interações, Campo Grande, MS, v. 20, n. especial, p. 19-29, 2019.). In the direction of tourism growth, the axis destinations should offer tourist products formatted for commercialization, food services, transportation and accommodation in satisfactory quantity and quality, as well as memorable tourist experiences based on the history, culture and traits of each rationality.

Exports through the Porto Murtinho port terminal are expected to break a record in 2023, surpassing 700 thousand tons. Cargo handling is currently carried out by the Grupo FV Port Terminal, which opened in 2020. “The shipment flow capacity is one thousand tons per hour for the transshipment of soy, corn and sugar, as well as the importation of fertilizers. Its structure has the capacity to move up to two million tons of grain per year. The Terminal is also able to handle other products, bringing other opportunities for new business for those looking for a logistics solution in outflow (SEMADESC, 2023SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE MEIO AMBIENTE, DESENVOLVIMENTO, CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA E INOVAÇÃO [SEMADESC]. Movimentação de produtos por Porto Murtinho deve ser recorde neste ano superando 700 mil toneladas. [on-line]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30.07.2023, às 16:50.
), and soon two more ports will be inaugurated, which should significantly increase the participation of the municipality in the scenario of the state's international trade. Once the economic and logistical relevance of the municipality has been consolidated, it remains to be seen whether the municipality has the conditions and resources for the development of tourism activity in parallel with the growth of business opportunities and the growth of the flow of visitors.

That said, the present study had as its main objective to identify the main axes of opportunity for the development of tourism in Porto Murtinho based on the perspective of experiences. The result was the identification of central and peripheral axes that can contribute to the construction of local tourism products, as well as other aspects that can limit or even prevent the promotion of professional and qualified experience tourism. Among the outstanding factors, we present ways to build tourism products based on experience and illuminated by innovation and modernization initiatives in the provision of tourist services.

The expectation is that the product of this study can contribute to the municipal management of Porto Murtinho, as well as other tourist destinations along the corridor, insofar as they can reproduce our analytical model, to be able to make the right decisions regarding the direction for sustainable development of tourism in the future. As benefits, the results of this research can intervene in the elaboration of public policies, considering the different cultures, experiences, subjectivities and contexts of each location under analysis. Still, it is possible to highlight the benefits to managers and entrepreneurs in the municipalities that are directly or indirectly involved in the Bioceanic Route, as they will have a real diagnosis of the tourism implementation process, presenting the relationships with competitiveness, innovation and also possibilities of tourism of experience.


Experience tourism is a segment of tourism, in which it works mainly with the emotions, sensations, and moments that tourists experience, thus providing unique and unforgettable experiences for each individual, however, it allows for a sharing of sensations, as encourage experiences with others.

Adding to this, we have the sensations that are directly interconnected to the experiences and this one can be said to be the result of the modification made in the mind through the senses. Reflection is the sensory perception that the soul has of what happens in it. Therefore, reflection is reduced only to the internal experience of the result of the external experience produced by sensation (Aranha; Martins, 1993ARANHA, M. L. A; MARTINS, M.H. P. Filosofando: introdução à filosofia. 2. ed. São Paulo: Moderna, 1993.).

For Berkeley, “[...] the connection between different types of sensations is not a matter of logic or objective, but only the result of experience. It is the human soul that links the “suggestions” of the various contents of the various sensations” (Reale; Antiseri, 1990, p. 539REALE, G.; ANTISERI, D. História da Filosofia: do Humanismo a Kant. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1990. V. 2. (Coleção Filosofia).). Therefore, we have about experiences, something singular and unique, that each one has their own, where it cannot be transferred, because each human being feels and lives differently. The experiences after successive repetitions create what are called habits and consequently become experiences.

And with that, a new segment for the tourist market is born, called experience tourism, and through it numerous differentials/innovation arise, such as reasons for a trip, instead of objectives for it, where it provides and (pro) evokes experiences that are unique and personal, the tourist feels part of the place he visits among others and to serve this new market niche, thus promoting competitiveness and innovation for the attraction, product and/or tourist location, where consumers work beyond the rational side, involving mainly the emotional side and based on these characteristics, the vision of the experience changes the meaning of the trip, therefore, based on this “new” segmentation, it starts to instigate travelers, awakening sensations, memories, an interaction between the sending and receiving core , joining imagination, emotion and knowledge.

One of its functions is to promote relationships with the local community, both tourists and hosts can acquire new meanings, values, knowledge and/or customs, through dialogues and cultural encounters. There is a fusion between communication and tourist experience, which takes place in the sharing and experimentation of values, meanings and exchanges between tourists, residents and the place.

To guide the theoretical references of experience tourism, there are two main works of reference in the trail of studies and discussions of this segment of tourism. Both talk about the movement of experience combined with the third sector of the economy in the provision of services, which would later involve the tourist activity: “Dream Society” by Rolf Jensen and “The Economy of Experience”, by the authors, B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, where the referred authors present the evolution of society reaching the sensations, the transformations of societies until arriving at sensory experiences, emotions, seeking a reconnection with Mother Earth, with stories, feelings of the receiving community of these tourists.

All product value is embedded in stories, legends, myths, about the receiving community, it is a paradigm shift in society, in the links of offering products and services, it announces new looks at market trends, which includes emotional issues as the center of the consumption. And tourist experiences remain in the memory of tourists. All product value is embedded in stories, legends, myths, about the receiving community. There is no need to invent anything, just improve what already exists in the community (Jensen, 1999, p.77JENSEN, R. The Dream Society: how the coming shift from information to imagination will transform your business. Nueva York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.).

Work is a form of theater and business is the stage, the person becomes the protagonist of their stories and experiences, contributing to and with the lessons for their lives, making them unforgettable moments (Panosso Netto; Gaeta, 2010PANOSSO NETTO, A.; GAETA, C. (Org.). Turismo de experiência. São Paulo: Ed. Senac, 2010.).

Therefore, it is noticed that there is a paradigm shift in society, in the links of offering products and services, it announces new looks at market trends, which includes emotional issues as the center of consumption. Thus, the experience tourist in his searches looks for something personal to respond to his inner satisfactions and this type of tourism creates spaces for that person to change, wanting something that gives him a real meaning in his life.

Tourism with its dynamics of life, contexts that arise and guide human beings, new healthy experiences of life renewal and awareness of oneself and the world provokes the desire of human beings to travel and seek events- individual experiences answered through stimuli what we call sensations.

The innovative, differential, is a multifunctional activity, which allows learning (about geography, cultures, languages, among others) and leisure (rest) providing new looks at the environments, being able to have a global view of the world. These experiences help people in their individual growth and development (Li, 2000LI, Y. Geographical consciousness and tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research, [s.l.], v. 27, n. 4, p. 863–83, out. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 fev. 2015.

This tourist is more participatory in his travels, becoming the protagonist of his actions, where before he was merely a spectator-observer. It strives for quality and cost that benefit it, a range of diversification in tourist products, where the local community also starts to value the preservation of its natural, material and cultural assets.

These movements require and promote encounters between cultures between the subjects involved, where the exchange of information, knowledge and knowledge guide and promote the activities proposed by the local inhabitants. So with these global transformations, tourism has been presented and configured in a different way, but also interconnected to market competitiveness, being in search of innovation, encompassing new technological trends and involvement and proportion with genuine experiences.

Referring to Mazaro and Panosso Netto (2012, p. 377-8)MAZARO, R. M.; PANOSSO NETTO, A. Competitividade e inovação em Turismo. In: BENI, Mario Carlos (Org.). Turismo, planejamento estratégico e capacidade de gestão: desenvolvimento regional, rede de produção e clusters. São Paulo: Manole, 2012.:

the composition of networks and their interrelations are a central factor of attention for this approach. Networks are understood as a system made up of actors and interrelated activities in a succession of management decisions and production, transformation, commercialization and consumption operations in a specific environment. The network approach makes it possible to identify, within certain processes or productive activities, their gaps and points of added value in the final composition of the offer, in this case, of a tourist destination. Also, distinguish the critical points that hinder the competitiveness of products, as well as those that make it more dynamic, to establish and promote consensus strategies between the main actors, from the perspective of complementarity and interdependence, to offer a single experience.

Therefore, having interconnected experience tourism as a starting point, understanding the perceptions and emotions that the tourist experiences, this new economy drives local development, being able to offer numerous tourism products and offers aimed at innovation and local competitiveness, as well as presenting opportunities for the tourist trade to glimpse issues related to the market, in its competitiveness and acting as a form of opportunity that are generated.

Emotional issues as the center of consumption are validated even by receptive tourism operators in Mato Grosso do Sul, meeting one of the purposes of this work. Once, in a round of chat about Tourism in Natural Environments with actors from the MS tourist trade, an operator director stated that in the after-sales service, as soon as the tourist returned to the city of origin, in the case of the Pantanal product, when asked about what he had liked most about the trip, the reports were not about the attractions or their particularities, but about the good reputation of the people who led the tours, such as tour guides, foremen and receptionists. Most experiences, broadly speaking, are driven by the treatment – good or bad – of people.

Porto Murtinho, as it is the gateway for tourists from other countries that make up the route, carries a responsibility to provide services that are at least desirable in the tourism chain. We clarify this dynamic in the discussion of results. According to Dorsa (2006, p. 17)DORSA, Arlinda Cantero. Língua e discurso nas crenças culturais sulpantaneiras. 2021. Tese (Doutorado em Língua Portuguesa) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006., "[...] in Mato Grosso do Sul, the characterization of a cultural diversity and all its complexity is the result of diverse influences, which come from various regions of the country, in addition to border countries like Bolivia and Paraguay".

The production of tourist services generally requires social interaction, especially in the relationship between those who produce and consume. For there to be a materiality of this service, there must be at least a proximity, whether spatial or physical, between producers and consumers, in addition to also having a distinction between two types of employees in this relationship, those who have a greater and a smaller contact with those who will consume the product.


The study presented here initially followed the exploratory orientation based on the qualitative method of data collection. Exploratory research aims to provide the researcher with greater familiarity with the problem under study. They are preferred in cases where it is necessary to define the problem more precisely and identify relevant courses of action or obtain additional data before an approach can be developed.

The qualitative method can be described as a set of data collection and analysis techniques that can be used to provide description, build theory and test theory (Van Maanen, 1979VAN MAANEN, J. (1979) Reclaiming qualitative methods for organizational research: a preface. Administrative Science Quarterly. (24): 520–6.). It emphasizes both process-oriented and experiential and provides means for developing an understanding of complex phenomena from the point of view of those who are experiencing the phenomenon (Miles; Huberman, 1994MILES, M.; HUBERMAN, A. Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994.). According to Creswell (2009)CRESWELL, J. Research design: qualitative, quantitative e mixed approaches. London: Sage, 2009, if a concept or phenomenon needs to be understood, because little research has been done on it, then it deserves a qualitative approach.

The exploratory process allows for the production of different relationships and experiences between the subjects involved during the investigation – the subject and the researched phenomenon. To this end, our surveys were carried out based on three main sources: the survey of a secondary nature in documents, reports and scientific material; in a primary source with the subjects and actors of the phenomenon and; finally, the dialogical and observational experiences in loco.

To carry out the analyzes in loco, the method of unsystematic observation or observation without structure was used, in which the researcher cannot predict the events because it does not require prior and rigorous planning. The choice is justified, as the researcher puts himself in a position to monitor events, events and achievements occurring in an organic, non-stimulated manner, which confers a character of legitimacy to the observed facts. A team observation was also carried out, thus allowing the research to be seen and analyzed from different angles, thus being able to compare the collected data.

Secondary source research, according to Gressler (2007)GRESSLER, L. A. Introdução à pesquisa: projetos e relatórios. 3. ed. rev. atual. São Paulo: Loyola, 2007. 328 p., is one that does not have a direct relationship with the recorded event, but through some intermediary element [... and not directly by the investigator], that is, they are documents (articles scientific journals, newspapers, videos, among others) researched.

According to Kvale and Brinkmann (2009)KVALE. S.; BRINKMANN, S. Interviews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009., the interview can be considered an active process in which the interviewer and interviewee, through their relationship, produce knowledge. In this sense, the interview has an important perspective of personal interaction with the informant (Eisenhardt, 1989EISENHARDT, K. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, [s.l.], v. 14, n. 4, p. 532-50, 1989.), from which descriptions are sought about the world experienced by the interviewee in relation to the interpretation and meaning of the phenomenon under study.

The third moment of investigation took place through visits by the team of researchers in loco. The presence of researchers in meetings with the community of Porto Murtinho was made possible, including representatives of handicrafts, hotels, restaurants, pilots and other interested parties and professionals involved with tourism. During the meetings, favorable and limiting aspects for the development of local tourism were discussed, as well as the impacts and opportunities faced with the materialization of the Porto Murtinho-Carmelo Peralta bridge and the Bioceanic Corridor.

Having the referred model as an analytical base, it was possible to point out the central axis and the peripheral axis for the development of tourism. The central axis refers to the need for immediate intervention in reality. Such an intervention could produce multiple benefits for local tourism extended throughout the production chain. On the other hand, the immediate non- intervention may prevent the municipality from taking advantage of the boiling opportunities. Finally, the peripheral axis refers to a set of actions that can enhance the socioeconomic gains arising from tourism, complementing the main offer.


Porto Murtinho is rapidly moving towards a moment of collision with the challenges presented by the inauguration of the Bridge with Carmelo Peralta and the opening of the Bioceânico Corridor. On the one hand, it is structured by receiving public investment, business interest and new business flows. On the other hand, it still lacks investments in essential activities such as health services, sanitation, places for food and accommodation, night entertainment and other fronts related to tourism.

Amid limiting factors and opportunities, the tourism segment seeks to organize itself in order to produce socioeconomic results for the entire production chain in an increasing and satisfactory way. Our analysis identified core actions and peripheral actions (Figure 1), which we consider essential for the sustainable development of tourism.

Figure 1
Central axes and peripheral axis

The central axis presents four actions of a strategic nature, that is, they are pillars that should support decisions for the future of tourism and require immediate attention. In 2023 there were advances in the propositions for the elaboration of the Municipal Tourism Plan. The municipal secretary of tourism has been assisted by Sebrae and used software developed specifically to assist in tourism planning. In addition, the creation of a Tourism Management Center was an important step towards joining forces with society and studying the best ways to organize tourism in the municipality.

Thus, we understand that the joint construction of the Municipal Tourism Plan is a priority action. Due to the complexity associated with the preparation of this document, mainly due to the need to unite the community around a collective understanding, it is expected that the involvement and participation of society will not be immediate and require extra effort. But, due to the friendliness of the residents and the growth of positive expectations regarding tourism, especially the unfolding of the Bioceanic Corridor, a window of opportunity is identified that may never have been available before.

The pandemic period between 2019 and 2020 imposed restrictions on relationships between entities and entrepreneurs linked to tourism in the municipality and ended up not encouraging cooperative actions even within the scope of the Municipal Tourism Council- Comtur. The following year, in 2021, the Council made significant progress in building actions in favor of tourism, such as the (re)approval of the internal regulations and the creation of the Municipal Tourism Fund, approved by the City Council. In 2023, the definitions are being finalized for the beginning of the collections with the tourism activity.

The value that will supply the Fund must be destined to the development of tourism in the municipality. Also, when considering actions carried out in cooperation, the municipal secretary of tourism remained closer to the State Tourism Foundation and Sebrae, entities that could contribute to the design of action plans for tourism and the application of on-site training. A training course was successfully carried out for 25 boat pilots (piloteiros), qualifying them as fishing tourism guides. Among the trained pilots, 5 women participated, which will encourage the growth of fishing tourism targeted at the female audience.

The strengthening of Comtur is an essential premise for the sustainable development of tourism in the municipality. The current situation demonstrates the assertiveness in choosing the presidency of the Council coming from the private sector and not from the public sector. Practice has shown that Councils and Foundations related to tourism presided over by the private sector have shown better results and stood out in the tourism governance scenario, with agility, efficiency and resolution.

In the condition of Porto Murtinho, where associations have not been set up for each tourism activity, nor class representative entities, such as the Brazilian Association of Hotel Industry- ABIH or the Brazilian Association of Bars, Restaurants and Similar- Abrasel, participation is made by representatives who litigate for a certain segment, with a term of 2 years.

The strengthening of Comtur and the approval of a Municipal Tourism Plan should create a solid base for the advancement of Public Policies focused on tourism. In addition to what is established in the Plan – when well constructed in partnership with organized civil society – the policies point a common direction to those interested in the sector and provide a framework for discussion and improvement of practices for local tourism.

We can mention the approval of the Municipal Tourism Fund, an achievement already materialized, the result of collective effort through the exercise of municipal policy. Expanding the idea from the cited example, public policy will be able to understand that in its daily life, tourism and its consequences must be appreciated, discussed and promoted through the creation of regulations, laws and incentives.

The central idea should be facilitating access to tourism, whether with entrepreneurs and their businesses, or the local community in its various forms of involvement, warming up and expanding the local tourist market and creating conditions for relations between the offer and tourist demand are supported by the best proportion of social and economic gains for the local population.

A condition that needs to be advanced with diligence is the Professional Qualification of service providers related to tourism in Porto Murtinho. The specialization of labor in tourism should be relevant to the municipality in several ways. Among them we can mention the expansion of employability (1), the accessibility of young people to their first job (2), the exponential improvement in the provision of tourist services (3), the increase in competitiveness between local enterprises and providers (4), the creation of a culture of formal employability focused on tourism (5), salary enhancement (6) and, finally, the establishment of a sense of “belonging” by enabling the inclusion of citizens in the labor market (7).

Tourism has this dynamic of promoting unknown destinations to a high level, provided that it is equipped with adequate infrastructure and with a practical vision of sustainability (Asato, 2021ASATO, Thiago Andrade. A Rota Bioceânica como campo de possibilidades para o desenvolvimento da atividade turística. 2021. 181f. Tese (Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Local) – Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, MS, 2021.). Training, involved in professional qualification, in the current context of road works, including the binational bridge, has gone hand in hand with the infrastructural base, which reinforces previous governance.

From these premises, professional qualification is an urgent need for social and tourist advancement in Porto Murtinho. Once there is an increase in the flow of visitors – an increase in the supply of tourism products, consolidation of distribution and purchase channels and, therefore, on-site consumption – it will be more than opportune for providers to be properly prepared. These are adequate skills, competences and qualifications and in accordance with the highest standards of behavior, conduct, ethics and regulations to meet both municipal tourism standards and the quality standards required by the national and international market.

Resuming what was exposed in Figure 1, the peripheral axis presents four sources of interest for the development of tourism. They are complementary actions to those indicated in the central axis, require planning and collective involvement, but can be made feasible with less difficulty depending on the success obtained with the execution of the actions in the central axis.

The lack of formally constituted Associative Entities in Porto Murtinho cannot be a permanent condition, but an eventual one. As protocol and notary mechanisms have not yet been signed, the involvement and participation of those interested in the governance structure of the municipality is preferable, rather than impediments or lack of interest. It is known that informality is an important mechanism for transmitting information that may be relevant to tourism management and, for this reason, it cannot be disregarded. As work advances, interpersonal and interorganizational relationships, there will be greater cohesion towards the firmament of representative entities. The establishment of partnerships and representation structures establishes a thoughtful and organized path for the promotion and claim of the specific interests and demands of a given sector.

One of the biggest challenges for the development of tourism in Porto Murtinho will be to build and consolidate the Tourist Offer. By observing the main resources for tourism such as the city's landscape, flora and fauna, cultural aspects, architectural characteristics, gastronomy and local events, it is not difficult to assume a path with countless opportunities for the development of tourism, depend on the commitment of resources, efforts and creativity. As an example, considering the landscape resource, at first it seems a little significant element and far from human actions since there is no space for accentuated human interventions. However, when combined with other infrastructure resources, knowledge and a natural area, it can contribute exponentially to enhance nature tourism or other activity in the natural space.

Still regarding the natural resources, Porto Murtinho presents a latent potential for the bird watching segment. These are areas and species that can attract attention and arouse interest in visitation. However, the promotion of the market niche that refers to birdwatching (bird watching) still comes up against the lack of qualified and specialized labor to lead visitors to this segment. The same occurs with other segments of nature tourism, whether leisure or adventure, as there are no drivers available to meet immediate demand.

From another perspective, with little investment – which could come from the Municipal Tourism Fund, the private sector or both – the construction of a lookout point or belvedere in a special natural space could be quickly transformed into a focal point of interest for observing the exuberant landscape and nature. Such an infrastructure is used by many established tourist destinations as an extra resource for visiting and improving the tourism experience. Regardless of the implementation cost and the technologies incorporated, a resource quickly becomes a source of interest, publicity and visitation.

Coming to the merits of the viewpoint, it can be built on both sides of the binational bridge, as Porto Murtinho and Carmelo Peralta will become a macro-region and can be “sold together”, something that already occurs in border destinations, cases of the Triple Border Foz – Porto Iguazu – Ciudad Del Este. It is opportune to reinforce that Porto Murtinho, at least at the beginning of the opening of the route, with the binational bridge ready or in the proximity of its inauguration, should consolidate itself as one of the main destinations of support point of the itinerary as a whole. It is expected that the last phase that makes up a tourism route – its commercialization – will take place in Porto Murtinho in advance.

As for the other resources, it is necessary to reflect that each one of them has great potential to produce unique emotional sensations, whatever they may be, of comfort or discomfort, happiness or sadness, fear or courage, anger or calm, among others. In addition to these, a stimulus to the senses can be a source of incredible experiences, such as smell, taste, hearing and sight. It is worth highlighting that in this set there is great value and historical tradition, which often goes unnoticed in the configuration of a product or service, but which could be redeemed and be put to good use. Thinking strategically about this combination of experience factors is essential to promote a memorable tourist experience.

For example, one of the underutilized resources in Porto Murtinho is gastronomy. A local ingredient such as the Greifo fruit or a typical dish such as Lambreado- a type of savory similar to breaded steak – can be easily incorporated into the daily life of restaurants and offered for consumption associated with elements beyond the ingredients of the dish. Consuming a fruit with unique characteristics of the place, understanding its history or participating in the elaboration of a recipe goes beyond simple passive contemplation – which would already be very interesting in this case – to an active participation in which the tourist becomes the protagonist in the co-production of the tourist products. An offer like this has enormous potential to produce memorable emotional sensations, such as joy, calm and anti-stress comfort and a great stimulus for all the senses.

Still evaluating the tourist offer, we observe that Porto Murtinho presents a deficit in the offer of lodging facilities. This is one of the factors that can limit the immediate growth of tourism. The city has received its visitors, especially engineers who are working on the bridge and Paraguayan employees in seasonal rental houses and small inns, since there is no hotel offer. With the increase in work and the intensification of bridge works on the Brazilian side, the expectation is for the continuity of the rental of residences, but, at the same time, there is already an increase in the value of rent and real estate speculation.

We highlight that an offer that can bring ample benefits to the city is the Revitalization of the Porto Murtinho Waterfront. It is a natural space on the banks of the Paraguay River, located in the center of the city, which is being transformed into a place of leisure and conviviality to serve the community and visitors. To this end, the project provides for the creation of a leisure area with sidewalks, kiosks for selling food products, ample trees and a tourist information office.

The idea is that guided tours of the city center can be carried out from this post. Since the revitalization project is already underway and the abras advanced, the expectation is that it will be one of the first points of interest to visit in a new scenario for local tourism. In this sense, it is important that the management of municipal tourism in partnership with the private sector be able to extract all the opportunities arising from this urban-natural space - with a unique landscape, by the river- whether for the creation of entertainment events, or for the attraction of visitors and benefit of the population.

Finally, we highlight the need to Reposition Fishing in Porto Murtinho. The city is recognized for the activity of amateur or leisure fishing and its image is strongly associated with this sector, both positive and negative aspects. The city has an infrastructure that, even at a deficit, can meet a demand with few requirements.

On the other hand, the existence of predatory fishing and those interested in sexual exploitation are still recognized, taking advantage of the practice of tourism, especially in relations with the Paraguayan border. This type of practice does not meet the interests of professional tourism, so much so that traditional fishing is not considered a segment of tourism. We observe that public policies can encourage sport fishing tourism. It was also observed that there was an increase in the search for fishing, but by women, thus also creating another interesting market niche, as generally the expenses they make are high.

Sport fishing tourism is characterized by the good relationship between the activity practitioner and the natural environment, so that the practice of sport and the preservation of natural resources are in harmony. It is a type of fishing known as "catch and release", in which the fishermen fish, measure and photograph the animal before returning it to the water. This segment of tourism usually attracts a more aware public, since as it is a sport, practitioners follow a series of rules that involve handling the animal and the use of special equipment (hooks and bait). In addition, unlike traditional fishing, it is observed that trips are carried out not only by an individual, but the greater participation of families in the tourist destination.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that fishing in Porto Murtinho be repositioned for sport fishing tourism. The positive fact is that the pilots themselves and other professionals who serve the amateur fishing public are already receiving visitors from sport fishing and realizing the need to change focus. This change is gradual but significant and should be encouraged.

The focus of the analysis of the parameters according to the vision of experience tourism has the essential objective of highlighting aspects with high potential for formatting unique tourist products, with high attractiveness value and that can provide unique experiences for consumers. With this analysis, we hope to promote a practical, optimistic and favorable vision for the future of tourism in Porto Murtinho.


After research carried out on the proposed objective of this article, which had as its central focus to identify the main points for the development of experience tourism in Porto Murtinho, a location that makes up the Bioceânico Corridor and/or Bioceanic Route, as a result of the investigation, in its guise the conclusion it was understood that there are numerous changes taking place in the municipality and that the tourism segment has taken actions, even if occasional, for this sector.

Experience tourism in Porto Murtinho is possible to be implanted, even more so in this locality that there are countless potentials like the Paraguay river, attracting more and more for sport fishing and women, the typical dishes like the Lambreado and countless dishes with Greifo, the typical fruit of the place, the observation of birds, even if in a more timid way than it is happening, it is understood that it is another potential for the experiences, also the revitalization of the edge, a tourist point that works mainly on the issue of memories, with contemplation on the Paraguay River. The points highlighted as improvements and potentialities have been adjusted and worked on in the municipality. Thus, it is clear that there are elements such as sensations, memories, experiences, moments, which encompass experience tourism.

There are points of weakness found in the municipality, such as the question of expanding the hotel network, food, transport to the location, the lack of night entertainment, the internet, qualification of the local workforce, still in a precarious way that need to be remedied so that there is an effectiveness in the reception of these tourists who will come to know and/or pass through the place to the detriment of the Bioceanic Route. In this light, we experience a meeting of phases – with an infrastructural base concomitant with professional qualification.

Therefore, it requires qualitative, quantitative and differentiated planning and organization of the activities of welcoming visiting groups to the territories in question when interacting in a factual way with the subjects, providing exclusive, memorable experiences, starting from the local references/knowledge where the material and immaterial manifestations are present – quirky, genuine and authentic.

The methodology undertaken for this research was what brought us the necessary evidence to find the elements of experience tourism in Porto Murtinho, based on qualitative research, on-the-spot observation, dialogue with the community, conversations with the municipal management, it was possible to highlight the elements of development in tourism, mainly for experience tourism.

Thus, looking for perspectives on the issue at hand, we identified a new segmentation of the tourism market, which has a central focus on emotional perception to the detriment of the industrial/consumption historical view, that is, a change of view in relation to the tourism product. The experience to be experienced is impregnated with symbolism, stories, customs, cultures and practices of the places to be visited. The tourist begins to live experiences in loco and in labore, going beyond observation, inserting himself in the environments and seeking to be part of the local culture by exchanging experiences and emotions.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue
    Oct-Dec 2023


  • Received
    01 Aug 2023
  • Accepted
    07 Aug 2023
Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil