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Ilha do Desterro, Volume: 71, Número: 3, Publicado: 2018
  • Introduction: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Applied Linguistics Introduction

    Silveira, Rosane
  • Interculturalidade, internacionalização e intercompreensão: qual a relação? Artigos

    Guimarães, Felipe Furtado; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este artigo revisa os conceitos de interculturalidade e internacionalização do ensino superior, discutindo a relação existente entre eles e as línguas adicionais, tecendo algumas considerações sobre o uso de uma abordagem de ensino-aprendizado-uso de línguas adicionais conhecida como abordagem de intercompreensão. A revisão feita aqui conclui que a interculturalidade, a internacionalização e a abordagem de intercompreensão se relacionam na medida em que tanto a interculturalidade quanto a intercompreensão podem servir para mitigar efeitos negativos da internacionalização, tal como o fortalecimento da hegemonia do inglês como língua franca acadêmica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This paper paper reviews the concepts of interculturality and internationalization of higher education, discussing the relationship between them and additional languages, drawing on some considerations on the use of an approach for the teaching-learning-use of additional languages, known as the intercomprehension approach. The review offered here concludes that interculturality, internationalization and intercomprehension are related insomuch as the intercomprehension approach and interculturality can help to mitigate negative effects of internationalization, such as the strengthening of the hegemony of English as the academic lingua franca.
  • Neoliberalismo e Língua Inglesa: um estudo de caso por meio do Pibid Artigos

    Nascimento, Ana Karina

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Neste artigo, proponho pensar a língua inglesa, o seu ensino e a formação do professor de inglês, levando em conta as discussões sobre neoliberalismo e seus efeitos na vida em sociedade. Para tanto, parto de diferentes formas de se entender as práticas neoliberais, buscando discutir como estas podem tomar diferentes contornos nos diversos contextos, ainda que compartilhando características comuns. Destaco, em especial, o contexto brasileiro, ao examinar e discutir o Pibid, em especial o caso de um subprojeto de Inglês em uma universidade pública federal brasileira. Enfatizo aspectos que considero relevantes de serem problematizados quando consideramos professores de inglês, tanto formadores quanto em formação inicial.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: In this article, I propose to think about the English language, its teaching and English teacher education, taking into account the discussions about neoliberalism and its effects on life in society. To do so, I start from different ways of understanding neoliberal practices, seeking to discuss how these can take different forms in different contexts, even though sharing common characteristics. I emphasize, in particular, the Brazilian context, examining and discussing Pibid, especially the case of an English subproject in a Brazilian federal public university. I highlight aspects that I consider relevant to be problematized when we consider English teachers, both teacher educators and pre-service teachers.
  • Attempts at raising awareness of language and learning through collaborative writing in college Artigos

    Concário, Marcelo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper is the result of classroom research with Radio/TV Studies undergraduates over a period of 16 weeks (60 hours) to investigate: (1) group cooperation/collaboration in the writing of two texts requiring online interaction; (2) students' comments about the language/strategies they practiced and learned, and the impact on their awareness of language and learning. Assessment of collaboration was based on the work of five groups. Comments about language learning/motivation/challenges were also expressed in a final presentation/portfolio. Interpretive analysis by the teacher-researcher shows that labor sharing is preferred, that learning is perceived to be more systematic because of the records of comments/corrections, and that students prefer to work mostly in class, which can be frustrating for advocates of autonomy in advanced language learning.
  • “Speaking properly”: Language Conceptions Problematized in English Lessons of an Undergraduate Teacher Education Course in Brazil Artigos

    Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Borelli, Julma D. Vilarinho Pereira; Silvestre, Viviane Pires Viana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This qualitative research was done in a class of English Oral Practice 2 in an undergraduate English teacher education course in Brazil. Grounded on the conception of language as social practice, the first author of this article developed a problematizing pedagogy focusing on race/racism and language as space of power. Resorting to class activities (a question in a written test, an oral test, and a feedback session) and the professor’s diary, we analyzed the students’ accounts about the subject and the meanings they constructed about language. Their accounts indicate that, when evaluating the subject, most of them highlighted the relevance of content, showing that they started conceptualizing language beyond form. Their accounts also suggest they were not using language, but making it.
  • Improving L2 Pronunciation Inside and Outside the Classroom: Perception, Production and Autonomous Learning of L2 Vowels Artigos

    Carlet, Angélica; Souza, Hanna Kivistö de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: Spanish/Catalan learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) attended a formal instruction (FI) period combined with explicit pronunciation instruction, which consisted of theoretical and practical approaches to English segmental phonetics as well as a contrastive analysis between the participants’ first languages and the target language, English. The EFL learners’ ability to perceive and produce L2 vowels was assessed before and after the 8-week instructional treatment. Results show that the EFL learners significantly improved their perception of vowel sounds embedded in real and non-words. However, no improvement in production was found as a result of the instruction received. While these results suggest that learners’ perceptual skills can be improved with teacher-led instruction, the quantity and availability of explicit pronunciation instruction was not sufficient to modify learners’ speech production. Thus, optimal results require learners to continue learning outside the classroom context. With this aim, this paper presents two autonomous activities developed to increase learners’ awareness about phonology: L1-L2 Pronunciation Comparison Task and a Phonological Self-awareness Questionnaire.
  • A Percepção da Qualidade de Voz por Brasileiros Bilíngues Artigos

    Engelbert, Ana Paula Petriu Ferreira; Kluge, Denise Cristina

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Estudos revelam que falantes bilíngues podem alterar a voz quando falam uma língua estrangeira (LE) em comparação com a voz em sua L1. Resta saber se essas diferenças são percebidas pelos ouvintes. Assim, o presente estudo aborda a percepção da qualidade de voz por ouvintes brasileiros bilíngues em emissões em português brasileiro (PB) e em inglês (IN) produzidas por falantes também brasileiros e bilíngues. Tal objetivo foi alcançado por meio de um teste de discriminação das vozes em PB e em IN do mesmo falante. Os ouvintes julgaram se as vozes eram iguais ou diferentes, descrevendo suas características caso fossem diferentes. Os resultados apontaram para uma certa variabilidade nos julgamentos, mas também mostraram que os ouvintes são capazes de identificar diferenças de pitch e intensidade entre as línguas, bem como atribuir características de personalidade e emoção à fala nas duas línguas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Research has shown that bilingual speakers can alter their voice when speaking a foreign language in comparison to their voice in L1. It remains to be seen whether listeners perceive these differences. Thus, the present study explores the perception of voice quality by bilingual Brazilian listeners in speech in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and English (EN) produced by bilingual Brazilian speakers. To achieve this objective, a voice discrimination task with semantically similar speech samples from the same speaker was carried out. Listeners judged if voices in LE were the same or different than voices in L1, describing their characteristics in case they were different. Results point to certain variability in judgements, but also reveal that listeners are capable of identifying differences in pitch and intensity between languages, as well as conferring characteristics of personality and emotion to the speech samples in both languages.
  • It can cry, it can speak, it can pee”: Modality Values and Playing Affordances in Contemporary Baby Dolls’ Discourse Artigos

    Almeida, Danielle Barbosa Lins de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Baby dolls have been in the toy market for more than a hundred years, since French firm Jumeau entered the toy industry in the nineteenth century and started producing “bébés”, considered the greatest phenomena of the toy market (Fleming, 1996). The aim of this analysis is to shed some light on the multimodal properties provided by the aural, verbal and visual texts of the packages of Brazilian baby dolls through a careful look at their textual and contextual meanings, anchored on Kress & Van Leeuwen’s (2006) subsystem of modality (reality value), within the interpersonal visual metafunction. The analyses of the baby dolls’ packages point to roles suggested to young girls from a very early age, varying from parenting roles they are asked to fullfill later in life as future mothers to medical abilities they are encouraged to master in order to care and nurture for their “children”.
  • The purification of violence and the translation of fairy tales: a corpus-based study Artigos

    Soares, Cybelle Safa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the translation of violence, to propose and to analyse the translation strategies of English Fairytales (EFT) to the Portuguese language. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the interface of Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS) and Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS). Klingberg's (1986) purification concept adapted as translation strategies proposed by Chesterman (1997). For the alignment and corpus analysis, COPA-TRAD - Parallel Corpus for translation research (Fernandes, L. & Silva, 2014) is used. The analysis revealed that the target text had been translated under moral and religious motivational factors of the source culture because the literature translated in Brazil still had to comply with the Portuguese requirements for translating for children (Coelho, 1987).
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil