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In this edition (n.18), we have "come of age", but have also experienced a sad, tough loss: Maria Lucia Toralles Pereira, editor and creator of this journal, our coworker and friend in an uninterrupted journey of experimentation and creation, has left us.

Over the last two years, while undergoing treatment, she continued to maintain her involvement with the work that brightened her eyes the most: to think about and discuss each new Interface project. With great care, always seeking perfection, she established a dialogue between knowledge, science, thought and art in each new edition, through a unique articulation of graphics and text. With genuine satisfaction, she shared this construction with her coworkers, causing the lightness and strength that have always nourished our editorial project to blossom from her delicacy.

Countless works and their creators were present in different editions of this magazine; in others, they were "anthropophagically" appropriated, as in the first six covers, created by Lúcia herself (together with Ricardo Teixeira) and inspired by Mondrian. In this edition, Lúcia is the artist invited to show the realm of her creativity and to help us reinvent her dreams. Her mark, found on the cover and the images of this issue, also appears in the Creation section. Designed by Mariângela Quarentei and composed by Adriana Ribeiro, this reflects a mosaic of fertile and multiple experiences – as an art-educator, teacher, researcher, editor – always imbued by the contagious happiness of creating.

We invite our readers to read this creative synthesis and the other works published in this edition, which discuss interesting themes, including healthcare education, the role of books in disseminating knowledge, and the political dimension of healthcare practices.

With this issue, the 18th one, we close volume 9 of our magazine, Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação (Interface - Communication, Health, Education), three editions of which were published this year. In 2006, we will return to our half-yearly publishing schedule: Interface will appear in June and December. As for 2007, given the substantial growth of the number of papers received for evaluation, we hope to publish Interface on a quarterly basis (in April, August and December).


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Aug 2012
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2005
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