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A sina de curar: a palavra de um terapeuta religioso* * Este estudo relaciona-se ao INECOM, Internacional Network for Cultural Epidemiology and Community Mental Health, liderada por Gilíes Bibeau, Université du Montreal, e Ellen Corin, McGill University, Canadá. A pesquisa “Práticas Familiares e Culturais em Saúde Mental na Bahia” e “Estudo dos Signos, Significados e Práticas em Saúde Mental” tiveram suporte do CNPq., Processos 523829/94.9 e 524250/96-0, sendo bolsistas Adenilson Fonseca, Cláudia Oliveira D’Arede e Mônica Lima, Clarice Mota e Adriana Bastos. Versões anteriores foram discutidas com Luiz Fernando Duarte, Luiz Eduardo Soares, Lia Zanotta, Ondina Leal, Tullio Seppilli, Jean-Michel Vidal e Stanley Yoder. Gilles Bibeau, Naomar Almeida-Filho, Ceci Noronha e Lígia Rangel fizeram cuidadosa leitura, oferecendo comentários e sugestões parcialmente incorporados. Agradecemos ainda a todos que leram e fizeram sugestões a este texto.

This article discusses the life experiences of an afro-descendent medicine man, based on fragments of his early biography, hand written by himself and named “Entry into a life of suffering and bitterness”. Returning to the anthropological tradition on the study of narratives, and aiming to apply an ethnocritical approach to the reading of the narrative, we have interpreted his discourse in order to understand a) his narrative strategy, b) the technique of text construction and c) the contextual meanings of his discourse, elaborated to reinforce his condition of being a sufferer, and that constitutes the recurring element, out of which he formulates his explanation for his “fate” of healing other peoples suffering and pain.

ethnocritical approach; medicine; the life experiences; the study of narratives

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social - IFCH-UFRGS UFRGS - Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Prédio 43321, sala 205-B, 91509-900 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, Telefone (51) 3308-7165, Fax: +55 51 3308-6638 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil