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Reflections about facts and fetishes in the studies of religions

This is about a theoretical study on the thought of the human scientist B. Latour and his critic to the modern point of view on religions. We seek to discuss the symmetry concept related to the study of religious experiences; the subject being, specifically, the doctrine of "Santo Daime", Brazilian religion which uses a psychoactive tea in its rituals. We relate Latour to the research on alternate states of conscience by the psychiatrist S. Grof. The search for a symmetrical look on this religion's study means to find new ways on realizing researches regarding Social Psychology, where we develop an essay on the psychosocial aspects of the doctrine.

Social Psychology; Religion; Symmetry; Santo Daime

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia Campus do Gragoatá, bl O, sala 334, 24210-201 - Niterói - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: +55 21 2629-2845 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil