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Experimentation and selection in teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) genetic improvement


The lack of teak breeding programs in Brazil shows a need for the establishment of a series of trials in a partnership enrolling private and public institutions for research with this species. With the aim to adequate experimental procedures for research, some fundamental aspects must be considered. In such a context, the experimental procedures presented with this paper can provide useful techniques for the research activities to be developed, considering the peculiarities of the different areas of Brazil.

Key words:
Progenies and provenance tests; experimental procedures; selection methods.

Instituto de Florestas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, CEP 23897-000, Tel.: (21) 2682 0558 | (21) 3787-4033 - Seropédica - RJ - Brazil