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Between the active arm and the babylonian wall: the place of slavery in the works of Manuel Querino and Lino Dou y Ayllon in 1916


The Brazilian Manuel Querino and the Cuban Lino Dou y Ayllon were black intellectuals who belonged to the first generation that analyzed race relations in their countries of origin in the first decades of Post Abolition, a period marked by the spread of scientific racism throughout the West. In view of the extensive intellectual production of both, the article will examine how Querino and Lino Dou analyzed the slaveholding past in Brazil and Cuba in the writings they produced in 1916.

Manuel Querino; Lino Dou; Black intellectuals; Slave past; Brazil; Cuba

Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil da Fundação Getúlio Vargas Secretaria da Revista Estudos Históricos, Praia de Botafogo, 190, 14º andar, 22523-900 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Tel: (55 21) 3799-5676 / 5677 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil