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Factors associated with tuberculosis retreatment in priority districts of Maranhão, Brazil


This study investigated factors associated with cases of tuberculosis retreatment due to relapse and readmission after treatment abandonment. This is an analytical cross-sectional study type of cases reported in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases in priority municipalities in the State of Maranhão, from January 2005 to December 2010. A logistic regression model was used to identify the association. Patients aged between 40 and 59 years (OR = 1.49, p = 0.029) with a pulmonary clinical form (OR = 2.79, p = 0.016) were more likely to incur relapse. Readmissions after abandonment were more likely in males (OR = 1.53, p = 0.046), aged between 20 and 39 years (OR = 1.65, p = 0.007), with less than eight years of schooling (OR = 2.01, p = 0.037) and with alcohol dependence (OR=1.66, p = 0.037), which showed a higher probability of another abandonment (OR = 5.96, p < 0.001). These data reinforce the need for strategies aimed at this group, such as increased supervised treatment, intensified active search, post-discharge follow-up and health education action.

Key words
Tuberculosis; Retreatment; Relapse


Este estudo investigou os fatores associados aos casos de retratamento de tuberculose por recidiva e por reingresso após abandono. Trata-se de um estudo transversal tipo analítico dos casos notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação em municípios prioritários do Estado do Maranhão, de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2010. Para identificar as associações foi utilizado o modelo de regressão logística. Os pacientes com idade entre 40 e 59 anos (OR = 1,49; p = 0,029) e com a forma clínica pulmonar (OR = 2,79; p = 0,016) apresentaram maior chance para recidiva. Os reingressos após abandono tiveram maior chance nos indivíduos do sexo masculino (OR = 1,53; p = 0,046), com idade entre 20 e 39 anos (OR = 1,65; p = 0,007), com menos de oito anos de estudo (OR = 2,01; p = 0,037) e dependentes de álcool (OR = 1,66; p = 0,037), os quais apresentaram maior chance de novo abandono (OR = 5,96; p < 0,001). Esses dados reforçam a necessidade de estratégias direcionadas a esse grupo, como a ampliação do tratamento supervisionado, intensificação da busca ativa, acompanhamento pós-alta e ações de educação em saúde.

Tuberculose; Retratamento; Recidiva


Tuberculosis is a serious public health problem and the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases worldwide. Currently, a third of the world's population is infected by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacillus, of which 10% will develop the disease, which corresponds to approximately 9 million new cases per year11. World Health Association (WHO). Global tuberculosis report. Geneva: WHO; 2011..

One of the current greatest challenges to TB control in Brazil is case retreatment. This group formed by relapse and readmission cases shows a greater probability of developing an unfavorable outcome for the disease, such as death, re-abandonment and resistance to treatment drugs, which is an additional threat to TB control, implying more expensive and more complicated treatment22. El Sahly HM, Wright JA, Soini H, Bui TT, Williams-Bouyer N, Escalante P, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Recurrent tuberculosis in Houston, Texas: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8(3):333-340.,33. Chaisson RE, Churchyard GJ. Recurrent tuberculosis: relapse, reinfection, and HIV. J Infect Dis 2010; 201(5):653-655.. In Brazil, 96% of reported resistance cases are acquired, with more than half having a history of three or more previous treatments44. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde (MS). Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária. Os casos de retratamento da tuberculose no Brasil. Brasília: MS; 2010..

According to Hijar et al.55. Hijjar MA, Procópio MJ, Freitas LM, Guedes R, Bethem EP. Epidemiologia da tuberculose: importância no mundo, no Brasil e no Rio de Janeiro. Pulmão 2005; 14(4):310-314., in Brazil, about 15,000 cases of retreatment due to relapse or readmission after abandonment are reported annually, which, together with new cases, is the 9th cause of hospitalizations due to infectious diseases, ranking 7th in hospitalization expenses of the Unified Health System (SUS) for infectious diseases and is the 4th cause of mortality due to infectious diseases.

Relapses are characterized by the persistence of bacilli in allegedly healed patients, and may occur by reinfection (exogenous relapse) or reactivation (endogenous relapse). In general, early relapses are associated with endogenous reactivation, characterized by bacillus survival capacity even in the presence of bactericidal concentrations of chemotherapeutics during correctly conducted treatments66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.,77. Ruffino-Netto A. Recidiva da tuberculose. J bras pneumol 2007; 33(5):xxvii-xxviii..

Persistent bacilli are not necessarily resistant to drugs, but may have slow or irregular metabolism. By finding favorable conditions that compromise bacillary destruction, such as the low immunological conditions caused by AIDS, diabetes, alcohol abuse, neoplasms, malnutrition and the use of corticosteroids, they become metabolically active and multiply again, facilitating the development of relapses66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.,88. Albuquerque MFM, Leitão CCS. Fatores prognosticos para o desfecho do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2001; 9(6):368-374.,99. Bandera A, Gori, A, Catozzi L, Degli Esposti A, Marchetti G, Molteni C, Ferrario G, Codecasa L, Penati V, Matteelli A, Franzetti F. Molecular epidemiology study of exogenous reinfection in an area with a low incidence of tuberculosis. J clin microbial 2001; 39(6):2213-2218.. Late relapses are more associated with exogenous reinfection, especially in regions where incidence is high and social conditions are poor, which exposes individuals to new infections22. El Sahly HM, Wright JA, Soini H, Bui TT, Williams-Bouyer N, Escalante P, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Recurrent tuberculosis in Houston, Texas: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8(3):333-340.,1010. Jasmer RM, Bozeman L, Schwartzman K, Cave MD, Saukkonen JJ, Metchock B, Khan A, Burman WJ; Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Recurrent tuberculosis in the United States and Canada: relapse or reinfection? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 170(12):1360-1366.,1111. Cox H, Kebede Y, Allamuratova S, Ismailov G, Davletmuratova Z, Byrnes G, Doshetov D. Tuberculosis recurrence and mortality after successful treatment: impact of drug resistance. PLoS Med 2006; 3(10):e384.. Ruffino-Netto77. Ruffino-Netto A. Recidiva da tuberculose. J bras pneumol 2007; 33(5):xxvii-xxviii. suggests that current diagnostic tests such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) could elucidate the nature of the process (reinfection or reactivation).

Readmission after abandonment is characterized by the return of patients to the treatment after missing therapy for more than thirty days, from the date scheduled for their return66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.. Treatment abandonment has been pointed out by several studies as a serious problem that leads to the maintenance of the bacillus transmission chain, since the patient not treated properly continues as a source of infection, increasing the risk of disease and mortality aggravation and favoring the development of drug-resistant bacteria, hampering disease control1212. Sassaki CM, Scatena LM, Gonzales RIC, Ruffino-Netto A, Hino P, Villa TCS. Predictors of favorable results in pulmonarytuberculosis treatment (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 2001-2004. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010; 44(2):504-510..

According to Ruffino-Neto77. Ruffino-Netto A. Recidiva da tuberculose. J bras pneumol 2007; 33(5):xxvii-xxviii., few studies investigate the issue of retreatment, which is an important monitoring indicator of the National Tuberculosis Control Program (PNCT), since it allows the identification of the program's performance in relation to case retrieval. Retreatments may be associated with both programmatic organizational factors and individual factors66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.. Knowledge of factors associated with retreatment is a subsidy to the improvement of control strategies, directing treatment and follow-up, with a view to reducing unfavorable outcomes. Thus, this study aims to investigate factors associated with cases of retreatment due to relapse and readmission after abandonment.


This is an analytical cross-sectional study of tuberculosis cases reported in the priority municipalities for TB control in the state of Maranhão, from 2005 to 2010.

The State of Maranhão is located in Northeast Brazil and has an area of 333,935.507 Km2 and a population of 6,574,789 inhabitants1313. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Censo demográfico. Rio de Janeiro; 2010 [acessado 2013 Nov 10]. Disponível em:
. It has 217 municipalities, eight of which are priority for TB control (Açailândia, Caxias, Codó, Imperatriz, Paço do Lumiar, São José de Ribamar, São Luís and Timon), as they have more than 100,000 inhabitants and a high incidence of TB (mean of 36.4/100,000 inhabitants in 2011).

The population was established by all cases of tuberculosis reported in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in the priority municipalities of the State of Maranhão, from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2010.

Inclusion criteria were new cases and retreatment cases (relapse and readmission) of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The type of admission due to transfer and change of diagnosis was the exclusion criterion.

A new patient with tuberculosis who never underwent TB chemotherapy or who used tuberculostatics for less than 30 days was considered a new case; cases of relapse (active disease after previous treatment and discharge due to cure) and readmission cases (return to treatment after abandonment for more than sixty days from the last visit) were considered retreatment.

Information was collected from the SINAN database of the State Health Secretariat of Maranhão saved in Tabwin version 3.5 and exported to Excel (Microsoft Corp., USA). Next, all variables that could identify individuals were excluded, protecting identification data confidentiality of each case; inconsistencies (inaccurate information), incompleteness (incomplete information) and duplicates (two or more records for the same case) were also excluded.

Study variables

Retreatment (relapse and readmission) was considered as a dependent variable or response. The independent variables selected were gender (male and female), age (≤ 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 59, ≥ 60 years), ethnicity / skin color (white and nonwhite), schooling in years of study (< 8 and ≥ 8), residence area (rural and urban), clinical form (pulmonary and extrapulmonary), having AIDS (yes and no), alcohol abuse (yes and no), diabetes (yes and no), mental disease (yes and no) and development (cure, abandonment, death and drug-resistant tuberculosis DRTB).

Data review

Statistical analyses were performed in the STATA program, version 11.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, USA). A simple logistic regression model was used to identify the factors associated with retreatment (relapse and readmission). Variables whose value of p ≤ 0.20 were included in the multiple logistic regression model to adjust for possible biases. Variables were selected with the stepwise method with retrograde elimination of variables. The variables with value of p ≤ 0.05 remained in the final model. Odds ratios (OR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated. Reference categories were assigned OR = 1.

Ethical aspects

The Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HUUFMA) evaluated and approved the study, under opinion 240/11, in compliance with the requirements of Resolutions 196/96 and 466/12 of the National Health Council.


Between January 2005 and December 2010, the total number of TB cases in the State of Maranhão arrived at 2,277. Of these, 1991 (87.4%) were new cases, 138 (6.1%) were relapses and 148 (6.5% %) readmission after abandonment.

In the unadjusted analysis, the age ranges 40-59 years (p = 0.007) and ≥ 60 years (p = 0.058), having pulmonary tuberculosis (p = 0.012) and AIDS (p = 0.035) were significantly associated with disease relapse (Table 1).

Table 1
Non-adjusted analysis of the factors associated with cases of retreatment of tuberculosis due to relapse, reported in the priority municipalities of Maranhão, in the period 2005-2010.

Variables that showed a significant association with readmission were male (p < 0.001), age between 20 and 39 years (p = 0.07), having less than eight years schooling (p = 0.015), having pulmonary tuberculosis (p = 0.013), being dependent on alcohol (p < 0.001), not having supervised treatment (p < 0.001), and termination due to abandonment (p < 0.001 (Table 2).

Table 2
Non-adjusted analysis of the factors associated with cases of retreatment of tuberculosis by readmission, reported in the priority municipalities of Maranhão, in the period 2005-2010.

After adjusting the model, relapse rates were: between 40 and 59 years old (OR = 1.49, 95%CI = 1.04-2.13, p = 0.029) and having pulmonary TB (OR = 2.79, 95%CI = 1.21-6.43, p = 0.016). Regarding readmission, male gender (OR = 1.53, 95%CI = 1.01-2.33, p = 0.046), age between 20 and 39 years (OR = 1.65, 95%CI = 1.47-2.38; p = 0.007), having less than eight years schooling (OR = 2.01, 95%CI = 1.04-3.89, p = 0.037), being dependent on alcohol (OR = 1.66, CI95% = 1.03-2.67; p = 0.037) and termination due to abandonment (OR = 5.96, 95%CI = 4.13-8.60, p < 0.001) remained as associated factors (Table 3).

Table 3
Adjusted analysis of the factors associated with cases of retreatment of tuberculosis (relapse and readmission), reported in the priority municipalities of Maranhão, in the period 2005-2010.


The results of this study showed a prevalence of disease relapse of 6.1% and readmission to treatment of 6.5%, which is relatively low when studied separately. On the other hand, retreatment (relapse and readmission) represents a percentage of 12.6%, higher than the 10.0% estimated by the Ministry of Health77. Ruffino-Netto A. Recidiva da tuberculose. J bras pneumol 2007; 33(5):xxvii-xxviii.,1414. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde (MS). Fundação Nacional de Saúde (Funasa). Controle da tuberculose: uma proposta de integração ensino-serviço. 5a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Funasa; 2002., but close to the 13.9% reported by Diniz et al.1515. Diniz LS, Gerhardt G, Miranda JA, Manceau JN. Efetividade do tratamento da tuberculose em oito municípios de capitais brasileiras. Bol Pneumol Sanit 1995; 3:6-19. in eight municipalities of Brazilian capitals and less than the 17.8% of Vieira and Leitão1616. Vieira MLG, Leitão GCM. Tuberculose: a realidade documentada do Centro de Saúde Flávio Marcílio, em Fortaleza-CE. Rev Rene 2005; 6(3):71-77. study carried out in Fortaleza.

It should be pointed out that because it is a cross-sectional study, the odds ratio (OR) was chosen because prevalence of disease relapse and retreatment were less than 10%, since OR tends to overestimate associations and produce false positives when event prevalence is high (usually above 10%).

The prevalence of relapses and readmissions to treatment found in this study showed discrepancies vis-à-vis findings in literature. Relapses were higher than the 4.3% found by Picon et al.1717. Picon PD, Bassanesi SL, Caramori MLA, Ferreira RLT, Jarczewski CA, Vieira PRB. Fatores de risco para a recidiva da tuberculose. J Bras Pneumol 2007; 33(5):572-578. in Rio Grande do Sul and lower than the 7.8% recorded by Yamagishi and Toyota1818. Yamagishi F, Toyota M. Research and control of relapse tuberculosis cases. Kekkaku. 2009 Dec; 84(12):767-768. in Japan. Likewise, readmissions were lower than the 9.9% registered by Barbosa and Costa1919. Barbosa IR, Costa ICC. Aspectos epidemiológicos da tuberculose no município de Natal. Rev Enferm UFPI 2013; 2(2):14-20. in the city of Natal, but higher than the 3.6% described by Furlan et al.2020. Furlan MCR, Oliveira SP, Marcon SS. Fatores associados ao abandono do tratamento de tuberculose no estado do Paraná. Acta paul enferm 2012; 25(n. esp.):108114. in the state of Paraná. Some studies have shown frequencies of readmission below those of abandonment2121. Augusto CJ, Carvalho WS, Gonçalves AL, Ceccato MGB, Miranda SS. Características da tuberculose no estado de Minas Gerais entre 2002 e 2009. J Bras Pneumol 201; 39(3):357-364.,2222. Vasconcellos FCS, Chatkin MN. Perfil epidemiológico da tuberculose em pelotas-Rio Grande do Sul–Brasil. R bras ci Saúde 2008; 11(3):229-238.. This difference can perhaps be explained by the fact that some cases of abandonment, when they return to the service, are notified as a new case and not as readmission.

Relapses were associated in adults older than 40 years, similar to the findings of Oliveira and Moreira Filho66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233., but different from the findings of Picon et al.1717. Picon PD, Bassanesi SL, Caramori MLA, Ferreira RLT, Jarczewski CA, Vieira PRB. Fatores de risco para a recidiva da tuberculose. J Bras Pneumol 2007; 33(5):572-578., who did not find association with age. This association of relapse with age can be explained as resulting from decreased immunity, concomitant diseases and malnutrition.

The relationship between readmission after abandonment and young adults is a reflection of lower adherence to treatment and higher percentage of abandonment in this age group2323. Chirinos NEC, Meirelles BHS. Fatores associados ao abandono do tratamento da tuberculose: uma revisão integrativa. Texto contexto-enferm 2011; 20(3):599-606.,2424. Heck MA, Costa JSD, Nunes MF. Prevalência de abandono do tratamento da tuberculose e fatores associados no município de Sapucaia do Sul (RS), Brasil, 2000-2008. Rev Bras Epidemiol 2011; 14(3):478-485.. This behavior is explained by the better perception of disease severity by older patients, while younger ones do not show the same stimulus, besides having lifestyle habits that hinder compliance with treatment, especially after the clinical improvement66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.,2525. Mendes AM, Fensterseifer LM. Tuberculose: porque os pacientes abandonam o tratamento? Bol Pneumol Sanit 2004; 12(1):25-36..

The pulmonary clinical form was associated with cases of relapse, in agreement with the study by Oliveira and Moreira66. Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233. and Sahly et al.22. El Sahly HM, Wright JA, Soini H, Bui TT, Williams-Bouyer N, Escalante P, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Recurrent tuberculosis in Houston, Texas: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8(3):333-340.. This finding may be justified by the fact that tuberculosis is the most frequent, easily diagnosed form and the main source of transmission.

As for males, there was an association with readmission after abandonment, probably because frequency of abandonment is significantly higher in males2626. Ferreira SM, Silva AM, Botelho C. Noncompliance with treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Cuiabá, in the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil. J Bras Pneumol 2005; 31(5):427-435.,2727. Vieira AA, Ribeiro SA. Adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose após a instituição da estratégia de tratamento supervisionado no município de Carapicuíba, Grande São Paulo. J Bras Pneumol 2011; 37(2):223-231., which may be related to lifestyle habits and women being more resistant and having greater health care than men2828. Vendramini SH, Gazetta CE, Chiavalotti Netto F, Cury MR, Meirelles EB, Kuyumjian FG, Villa TCS. Tuberculose em município de porte médio do sudeste do Brasil: indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade, de 1985 a 2003. J Bras Pneumol 2005; 31(3):237-243..

Another variable that showed an association with cases of readmission after abandonment was low schooling, which is considered a reflection of a whole set of poor socioeconomic conditions that increase vulnerability to TB and are responsible for the higher incidence of the disease and lower adherence to tuberculosis. treatment2929. Mascarenhas MDM, Araújo LM, Gomes KRO. Perfil epidemiológico da Tuberculose entre casos notificados no município de Piripiri, Estado do Piauí, Brasil. Epidemiol serv saúde 2005; 14(1):7-14.,3030. Coelho DMM, Viana RL, Madeira CA, Ferreira LOC, Campelo V. Perfil epidemiológico da tuberculose no Município de Teresina-PI, no período de 1999 a 2005. Epidemiol serv saúde 2010; 19(1):33-42..

Alcohol abuse has been associated with readmission to treatment, which in addition to affecting the immune system contributes significantly to treatment abandonment and has been shown to be a predictor of irregular chemotherapy1717. Picon PD, Bassanesi SL, Caramori MLA, Ferreira RLT, Jarczewski CA, Vieira PRB. Fatores de risco para a recidiva da tuberculose. J Bras Pneumol 2007; 33(5):572-578., which explains the higher percentage of alcohol abuse among the readmitted patients2525. Mendes AM, Fensterseifer LM. Tuberculose: porque os pacientes abandonam o tratamento? Bol Pneumol Sanit 2004; 12(1):25-36.,2626. Ferreira SM, Silva AM, Botelho C. Noncompliance with treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Cuiabá, in the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil. J Bras Pneumol 2005; 31(5):427-435.,3131. Telles MA, Ferrazoli L, Waldman EA, Giampaglia CM, Martins MC, Ueki SY, Chimara E, Silva CA, Cruz V, Waldman CC, Heyn I, Hirono IU, Riley LW. A population-based study of drug resistance and transmission of tuberculosis in an urban community. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2005; 9(9):970-976.3333. Silveira CSS, Passos PT, Soder TCH, Machado CPH, Fanfa LS, Carneiro M, Fanfa L, Machado CPH. Perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes que abandonaram o tratamento para tuberculose em um município prioritário do rio grande do sul. Rev Epidemiol Control Infect 2012; 2(2):46-50..

While AIDS, after adjustment, has not shown an association with cases of retreatment due to relapse of this study, it is important to highlight that literature has strongly evidenced this relationship99. Bandera A, Gori, A, Catozzi L, Degli Esposti A, Marchetti G, Molteni C, Ferrario G, Codecasa L, Penati V, Matteelli A, Franzetti F. Molecular epidemiology study of exogenous reinfection in an area with a low incidence of tuberculosis. J clin microbial 2001; 39(6):2213-2218.,1717. Picon PD, Bassanesi SL, Caramori MLA, Ferreira RLT, Jarczewski CA, Vieira PRB. Fatores de risco para a recidiva da tuberculose. J Bras Pneumol 2007; 33(5):572-578.,3434. Narayanan S, Swaminathan S, Supply P, Shanmugam S, Narendran G, Hari L, Ramachandran R, Locht C, Jawahar MS, Narayanan PR. Impact of HIV infection on the recurrence of tuberculosis in South India. J Infect Dis 2010; 201(5):691-703., which can be explained by immunodeficiency, which facilitates exogenous reinfection and endogenous activation22. El Sahly HM, Wright JA, Soini H, Bui TT, Williams-Bouyer N, Escalante P, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Recurrent tuberculosis in Houston, Texas: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8(3):333-340.,99. Bandera A, Gori, A, Catozzi L, Degli Esposti A, Marchetti G, Molteni C, Ferrario G, Codecasa L, Penati V, Matteelli A, Franzetti F. Molecular epidemiology study of exogenous reinfection in an area with a low incidence of tuberculosis. J clin microbial 2001; 39(6):2213-2218.,3535. Zignol M, Wright A, Jaramillo E, Nunn P, Raviglione MC. Patients with previously treated tuberculosis no longer neglected. Clin Infect Dis 2007; 44(1):61-64.,3636. Korenromp EL, Scano F, Williams BG, Dye C, Nunn P. Effects of human immunodeficiency virus infection on recurrence of tuberculosis after rifampin-based treatment: an analytical review. Clin Infect Dis 2003; 37(1):101-112., in addition to treatment plans for both AIDS and TB having adverse side effects, which contributes to abandonment and consequent readmission3737. Rodrigues ILA, Monteiro LL, Pacheco RHB, Silva SED. Abandono do tratamento de tuberculose em coinfectados TB/HIV. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010; 44(2):383-387..

Readmission cases were almost six times more likely to result in new treatment abandonment, in agreement with findings by Dooley et al.3838. Dooley KE, Lahlou O, Ghali I, Knudsen J, Elmessaoudi MD, Cherkaoui I, Aouad RE. Risk factors for tuberculosis treatment failure, default, or relapse and outcomes of retreatment in Morocco. BMC Public Health 2011; 11:140., Ferreira et al.2626. Ferreira SM, Silva AM, Botelho C. Noncompliance with treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Cuiabá, in the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil. J Bras Pneumol 2005; 31(5):427-435. and Silva et al.3939. Silva CCAV, Andrade MS, Cardoso MD. Fatores associados ao abandono do tratamento de tuberculose em indivíduos acompanhados em unidades de saúde de referência na cidade do Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, entre 2005 e 2010. Epidemiol Serv Saúde 2013; 22(1):77-85.. Several reasons have been attributed to this situation of non-adherence to treatment, which involve social, cultural, demographic and structural barriers of health programs2525. Mendes AM, Fensterseifer LM. Tuberculose: porque os pacientes abandonam o tratamento? Bol Pneumol Sanit 2004; 12(1):25-36.,4040. Queiroz EM, Bertolozzi MR. Tuberculose: tratamento supervisionado nas Coordenadorias de Saúde Norte, Oeste e Leste do Município de São Paulo. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010; 44(2):453-461.,4141. Paixão LMM, Gotinjo ED. Perfil de casos de tuberculose notificados e fatores associados ao abandono, Belo Horizonte, MG. Rev Saude Publica 2007; 41(2):205-213.. These cases should be addressed as a priority group, in an attempt to avoid aggravation and development of resistant bacteria, thus requiring systematic monitoring throughout the treatment.

One of the major difficulties found in this study was the use of secondary sources, which showed a large number of variables without information or with incomplete data, which may have hindered some analyses. However, this study is relevant, since it allows knowing factors associated with one of the problems pointed out in the literature as difficulties for TB control, thus contributing with information that can be used for the planning of tuberculosis control strategies in the State of Maranhão.


We can conclude that the probability of relapse was higher in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis and readmission in young male adults with low education, alcohol-dependent and with greater odds of abandoning treatment again. Thus, a systematic follow-up of post-discharge tuberculosis cases, in addition to investments in education and health, can contribute to the prevention and control of the cases. It is worth mentioning that, in this context, the structuring of programs to meet this demand and the training of community workers, which serve as a bridge between health services and the community are important points that can contribute to a better control of tuberculosis.


Financed by the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Research and Development of Maranhão (FAPEMA), APP Universal and Universal CNPq/2010.


  • 1
    World Health Association (WHO). Global tuberculosis report Geneva: WHO; 2011.
  • 2
    El Sahly HM, Wright JA, Soini H, Bui TT, Williams-Bouyer N, Escalante P, Musser JM, Graviss EA. Recurrent tuberculosis in Houston, Texas: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8(3):333-340.
  • 3
    Chaisson RE, Churchyard GJ. Recurrent tuberculosis: relapse, reinfection, and HIV. J Infect Dis 2010; 201(5):653-655.
  • 4
    Brasil. Ministério da Saúde (MS). Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária. Os casos de retratamento da tuberculose no Brasil Brasília: MS; 2010.
  • 5
    Hijjar MA, Procópio MJ, Freitas LM, Guedes R, Bethem EP. Epidemiologia da tuberculose: importância no mundo, no Brasil e no Rio de Janeiro. Pulmão 2005; 14(4):310-314.
  • 6
    Oliveira HB, Moreira Filho DCM. Recidivas em tuberculose e seus fatores de risco. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2000; 7(4):233.
  • 7
    Ruffino-Netto A. Recidiva da tuberculose. J bras pneumol 2007; 33(5):xxvii-xxviii.
  • 8
    Albuquerque MFM, Leitão CCS. Fatores prognosticos para o desfecho do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2001; 9(6):368-374.
  • 9
    Bandera A, Gori, A, Catozzi L, Degli Esposti A, Marchetti G, Molteni C, Ferrario G, Codecasa L, Penati V, Matteelli A, Franzetti F. Molecular epidemiology study of exogenous reinfection in an area with a low incidence of tuberculosis. J clin microbial 2001; 39(6):2213-2218.
  • 10
    Jasmer RM, Bozeman L, Schwartzman K, Cave MD, Saukkonen JJ, Metchock B, Khan A, Burman WJ; Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Recurrent tuberculosis in the United States and Canada: relapse or reinfection? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 170(12):1360-1366.
  • 11
    Cox H, Kebede Y, Allamuratova S, Ismailov G, Davletmuratova Z, Byrnes G, Doshetov D. Tuberculosis recurrence and mortality after successful treatment: impact of drug resistance. PLoS Med 2006; 3(10):e384.
  • 12
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Dec 2017


  • Received
    05 Oct 2015
  • Reviewed
    26 Apr 2016
  • Accepted
    28 Apr 2016
ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil