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Cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis in a calf due to candidiasis

Infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica em um bezerro devido a candidíase


We described a case of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis in a seven-month-old calf. The death occurred three days after the onset of apathy, fever, and the head’s lateral deviation to the left. Macroscopic changes in the brain consisted of asymmetry of telencephalic hemispheres; the right hemisphere was enlarged, causing cerebellar herniation. A focally extensive red area was observed on the surface of the right occipital lobe. At cross-sections of the fixed brain, the lesions revealed to be extensive, red-brown, soft or cavitated areas affecting the white and grey matter from the level of the thalamus to the cerebellum and compressing subjacent structures. Histologically, there was acute, coalescent, multifocal necrosupurative meningoencephalitis, associated with vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, edema, infarction, and intralesional fungal hyphae. The diagnosis of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis was made by the pathological changes, the staining and morphological characteristics of the agent, and immunohistochemistry. The cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis in cattle can result from vascular lesions due to infection by Candida sp.; although uncommon, this case demonstrated that candidiasis should be part of a list of differential diagnoses of severe brain injuries in cattle.

Key words:
diseases of cattle; Candida sp.; neuropathology; infarction; vascular lesions.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil