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Sôbre o desenvolvimento das ostras e possibilidades da ostreicultura nos arredores de Santos


Studies on wild oyster populations in the Santos region were started in March 1960, and in September of the same year work was begun on experimental culture. Several natural beds were found, the majority in the Bertioga Canal. Both the observations of wild populations and the experiments showed that the Canal is the most favorable location for oyster development. It was possible in the experimental work to show that both growth and survival rates are much higher there than they are in waters of higher salinity. Also the yield of meat per unit weight is higher in the Canal; about 1.5 g per centimeter of total length at the commercial size of approximately 8 cm. Two extended periods of fixation were found in the Canal, one in summer and the other from the end of winter through spring, although in the bay the fixation was practically year round. These results indicate good possibilities for a commercial oyster-culture industry. However, a bacteriological analysis of oysters from Canal beds showed coliform bacteria, so that provisions for purification should be made in any plans for development of oyster culture.

Sôbre o desenvolvimento das ostras e possibilidades da ostreicultura nos arredores de Santos

F. R. LimaI; A. E. A. de M. VazzolerII

IBolsista do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas

IIInstituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisas sobre a Pesca Marítima (G.P.P.M.)


Studies on wild oyster populations in the Santos region were started in March 1960, and in September of the same year work was begun on experimental culture. Several natural beds were found, the majority in the Bertioga Canal.

Both the observations of wild populations and the experiments showed that the Canal is the most favorable location for oyster development. It was possible in the experimental work to show that both growth and survival rates are much higher there than they are in waters of higher salinity. Also the yield of meat per unit weight is higher in the Canal; about 1.5 g per centimeter of total length at the commercial size of approximately 8 cm.

Two extended periods of fixation were found in the Canal, one in summer and the other from the end of winter through spring, although in the bay the fixation was practically year round.

These results indicate good possibilities for a commercial oyster-culture industry. However, a bacteriological analysis of oysters from Canal beds showed coliform bacteria, so that provisions for purification should be made in any plans for development of oyster culture.

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Os autores agradecem a orientação prestada pelos Srs. Ian Dennis Richardson e John Perry Wise, técnicos da Organização de Alimentação e Agricultura das Nações Unidas (FAO); à Dra. Marta Vannucci pelas preciosas sugestões feitas durante a elaboração do presente trabalho; ao Dr. Hugo de Sousa Lopes, do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz do Rio de Janeiro (GB), pela classificação do material; ao Sr. Ko Watanabe, do Instituto Oceanográfico da USP pelas análises bacteriológicas, sendo os agradecimentos extensivos a todos os elementos do Grupo de Pesquisas sobre a Pesca Marítima, que colaboraram na coleta do material e na realização das observações.


(Recebido em 17/10/62)

Publ. nº 177 do Inst. Ocean. da USP.

Contr. nº 19 do G.P.P.M.

  • FRANCA, M. L. P. DA 1954. As ostras e os seus inimigos. Bol. Pesca, n.ş 45, p. 75-83.
  • HOPKINS, S. H. et al. 1954. The annual cycle of reproduction, growth and fattening in Louisiana oysters. Nat. Shell Fish. Ass., Conv. Pap., p. 39-50.
  • LOOSANOFF, V. L. & DAVIS, H. C. 1952. Temperature requirements for maturation of gonads of northern oysters. Biol. Bull., vol. 103, n.ş 1, p. 80-96.
  • MACKIN, J. G. 1946. A study of oyster strike on the seaside of Virginia. Virginia Fish. Lab., William and Mary Coll. & Comm. Fish. Virginia, Contr. n.ş 25.
  • VILELA, H. 1954. Sobre exploração ostreícola. Bol. Pesca, n.ş 42, p. 35-76.
  • VILELA, H. & FIGUEIREDO, J. M. 1952. Depuração de ostras em Inglaterra. As instalações e o processo usado na "Brightlingsea Oyster Purification Station" e em outras Estações inglêsas. Bol. Pesca, n.ş 35.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    13 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    17 Out 1962
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil