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New perspectives for chest physical therapy in spinal cord injury - a systematic review



To describe and analyze parameters and effects of surface electrical stimulation on the respiratory muscular function among individuals with spinal cord injuries, especially while coughing.


A systematic literature review was developed based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The search was conducted in the PubMed, PEDro, and LILACS databases, using the following descriptors: “functional electrical stimulation,” “electrostimulation, electrical stimulation,” “coughing,” “bronchial hygiene,” “quadriplegia,” “spinal cord injury”, “tetraplegia”, and “individual with tetraplegia” - in Spanish, English and Portuguese, with no restrictions on year of publication. Inclusion criteria were: articles describing studies with samples of individuals with spinal cord injuries treated with electrical stimulation and outcomes related to the respiratory system. Articles containing studies with invasive cough stimulation trials were excluded.


The 12 selected articles revealed the heterogeneity of electrostimulation protocols for expiratory function, which can include frequencies ranging from 30 to 50 Hz; pulse from 25 to 400 μs; applied in up to eight electrodes distributed across the expiratory and accessory muscles. Time of administration also varied, and the current amplitude was usually estimated by the patient's perception, reaching values higher than 100mA.


Even though the review did not find rigorous parameters for physical therapy using electrical stimulation, because of the shortage and low-quality of the studies that systematically compare stimulation parameters among subgroups, positive changes were observed in the assessed respiratory muscle function variables, such as peak expiratory and cough flow in individuals with cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury.

Cough; Physical therapy modalities; Electric stimulation



Descrever e analisar parâmetros e efeitos da estimulação elétrica de superfície na função muscular respiratória de pessoas com lesão medular, sobretudo durante a tosse.


Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, com base no Preferred Reporting items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, PEDro e LILACS, por meio dos seguintes descritores: “estimulação elétrica funcional”, “eletroestimulação, estimulação elétrica”, “tosse”, “higiene brônquica”, “quadriplegia”, “lesão medular espinhal”, “tetraplegia” e “sujeito com tetraplegia” - em espanhol, inglês e português, sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Foram incluídos artigos com amostra de indivíduos com lesão medular assistidos por estimulação elétrica com desfecho relacionado ao sistema respiratório, e foram excluídos artigos com ensaios invasivos de estímulo a tosse.


Os 12 artigos incluídos revelam heterogeneidade nos protocolos de eletroestimulação da função expiratória, que podem incluir frequências de 30 a 50 Hz, com pulsos de 25 a 400 μs, aplicada por até oito eletrodos distribuídos pelos músculos expiratórios e acessórios. O tempo de aplicação também foi variável e a amplitude de corrente frequentemente estimada pela percepção do paciente, podendo chegar a valores superiores a 100mA.


Apesar de não ser possível estabelecer parâmetros rigorosos de fisioterapia por meio da estimulação elétrica, pela escassez e qualidade de estudos que comparem sistematicamente parâmetros de estimulação em subgrupos, foram observadas alterações positivas nas variáveis de função muscular respiratória avaliadas, como o pico de fluxo expiratório e de tosse, em pessoas com lesão medular cervical e torácica.

Tosse; Modalidade de fisioterapia; Estimulação elétrica


Historically, spinal cord injury (SCI) is associated with high incidence and prevalence rates. In the United States, for example, there are approximately 11,000 new cases per year, and currently, there are up to 288,000 individuals living with SCI in the country. Injuries that result in complete tetraplegia are especially relevant in this scenario because of their frequency, sequela, and burden to patients and the health system.(11. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Diretrizes de Atenção à Pessoa com Lesão Medular. Brasilia (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2015.) In the case of Brazil, on the other hand, data like these are still unknown, due to the absence of an effective notification system, despite high vehicle accident rates, which are the main cause of spinal cord injury.

In addition to their challenging psychological, social, and economic impacts, spinal cord injuries are also considered complex clinical and functional dysfunctions, triggered by damage to the spinal cord nerve tissue, usually through traumatic mechanisms, such as fractures or dislocation of vertebral bodies. These mechanisms invariably lead to wide-reaching and heterogeneous physiological changes, which include damage to neuromotor function - such as loss of motion due to complete limb paralysis, in addition to ineffective respiratory muscle strength for voluntary ventilation.(11. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Diretrizes de Atenção à Pessoa com Lesão Medular. Brasilia (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2015.,22. National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center. Complete public version of the 2016 annual statistical report for the spinal cord injury model systems. Birmingham: National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center; 2016.) According to data from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, changes in the last 40 years in rehabilitation and care paradigms have favored survival rates and life expectancy of individuals with SCI. However, respiratory complications still account for the main cause of hospitalization, re-hospitalization, and death of individuals with spinal cord injuries, representing more than 20% of the cause of deaths that occur especially within the first six months following the injury.(22. National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center. Complete public version of the 2016 annual statistical report for the spinal cord injury model systems. Birmingham: National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center; 2016.,33. Singh A, Tetreault L, Kalsi-Ryan S, Nouri A, Fehlings MG. Global Prevalence and incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury. Clin Epidemiol. 2014; 6(2014):309-31.)

This reality can be related to mechanic respiratory alterations, triggered by increased bronchial tonus, which associated with weakness and/or respiratory muscle paralysis culminate in non-parenchymal restrictive diseases.(33. Singh A, Tetreault L, Kalsi-Ryan S, Nouri A, Fehlings MG. Global Prevalence and incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury. Clin Epidemiol. 2014; 6(2014):309-31.) Paralysis of respiratory muscles causes damage to the pulmonary function, which due to impaired muscle contractions, affects inspiratory volume, peak cough flow, and maximum expiratory pressure. This renders coughing inefficient to perform bronchial hygiene, constituting a risk factor for atelectasis, respiratory infection, and respiratory failure, and installing the ideal conditions for vulnerability to hospitalization and death.(44. Lee SY, Cho KJ. A study on the cough augmentation using a belt-driven assistive. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2014; 6(2014):309-31.88. Bach JR. Noninvasive respiratory management and diaphragm and electrophrenic pacing in neuromuscular disease and spinal cord injury. Muscle Nerve. 2013[cited 2014; 47(2):297-305.)

In this context, therapeutic interventions are essential to assist respiratory muscle mechanics and reestablish functions directly related to cough efficiency, in addition to keeping airway permeability and promoting bronchial hygiene. (99. Bach JR. Noninvasive respiratory management of high level spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2012; 35(2):72-80.1111. Ibitoye MO, Estigoni EH, Hamzaid NA, Wahab AKA, Davis GM. The effectiveness of FES-Evoked EMG potentials to assess muscle force and fatigue in individuals with spinal cord injury. Sensors (Basel). 2014; 14(7):12599-22.) Physical therapy practices and resources have stood out among existing therapies for their capacity to promote artificial muscle contractions through the use of surface electrical stimulation on respiratory muscles. The modulation of electrical stimulation parameters can cause intermittent pressure on the paralyzed respiratory muscles, which contributes to increasing intra-abdominal pressure and influences peak cough flow, similar to the physiological bronchial hygiene mechanism.(1212. McLachlan AJ, McLean AN, Allan DB, Gollee H. Changes in pulmonary function measures following a passive abdominal functional electrical stimulation training program. J Spinal Cord Med. 2013; 36(2):97-103.1313. Ievins A, Moritz CT. Therapeutic Stimulation for Restoration of Function After Spinal Cord Injury]. Physiology. 2017; 32(5):391-398.)

Based on the aforementioned issue, the objective of this systematic literature review was to identify and describe parameters and effects of surface electrical stimulation on respiratory muscle function among individuals with SCI, especially while coughing.


A systematic literature review was developed based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), organized and conducted by two independent researchers specialized in respiratory muscle dysfunction (voluntary cough), surface electrical stimulation, and spinal cord injury.(1414. Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, Shekelle P, Stewart LA, PRISMA-P Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviewand meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. BioMed Central. 2015; 4(1):1-9.)

Article search and identification

Computerized searches were carried out by two independent researchers with experience on the studied topic, with a third reviewer available in case of divergence in the results. Searches were conducted using the library of the Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (LILACS), and the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MedLine/PubMed) and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRo). First, the search strategy included descriptors in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, according to the list of Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), followed by other common keywords that emerged in the resulting articles.

Portuguese descriptors included “estimulação elétrica funcional", “eletroestimulação",estimulação elétrica", “tosse", “higiene brônquica", “quadriplegia, “lesão medular espinhal", “tetraplegia", and “tetraplégico". Descriptors in English were “functional electric stimulation", “electrostimulation", “electrical stimulation", “cough", “mucociliary clearance”, “quadriplegia”, “spinal cord injury”, “tetraplegia”, and “tetraplegic". For studies published in Spanish, the keywords were “estimulación eléctrica funcional",electroestimulación, estimulación eléctrica", “tos", “higiene bronquial", "cuadriplejía", “traumatismos de la médula espinal",tetraplejía", and “tetrapléjico".

The search equation was created based on the combination of OR and AND operators, according to the characteristics of each database. In the Pubmed database and LILACS library, the search was conducted in the “advanced search" field. Searches in the PEDro database used the “simple search" field, and “basic form." The search was conducted between May and December 2016 and updated in August 2017. In addition to the computerized search, a manual search was carried out based on the references of the articles found in the electronic databases. Additionally, an expansive search was conducted in the Central Library of the University of Brasília (BCE/UnB), based on printed journals, end-of-course papers, dissertations, and theses.

Selection of evidence

To reach the proposed objective, the following question was formulated based on the PICO (Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome) strategy: Which parameters of surface electrical stimulation are used in physical therapy for individuals with SCI and what are its effects?

The articles found in the computerized and manual searches were previously analyzed by title and abstract. As in the search phase, this analysis was conducted by two experienced independent researchers, with a third reviewer available in case of divergences in search reports. The articles found in the computerized and manual searches were compared to identify any possible intra- and inter-duplicates among databases and search strategies.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Eligible papers for data summarization had to contain samples composed of human individuals with SCI, published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, whose intervention variables were surface electrical stimulation and clinical outcome variables were related to the respiratory function such as peak expiratory and cough flow, vital capacity, and tidal volume. These articles were then fully read and analyzed according to a previously structured chart (Chart 1). Articles that did not meet these criteria were eliminated, such as literature reviews, systematic reviews and the like, in addition to articles that were not indexed or were not available in full in the studied libraries, databases, and data platforms. Studies with samples of individuals under mechanical ventilation, submitted to noninvasive mechanical ventilation, invasive cough stimulation interventions, and whose outcomes were not relative to respiratory or pulmonary muscle function were also excluded.

Chart 1
Evidence selected with the description of the parameters and effects of surface electrical stimulation to stimulate voluntary cough in people with spinal cord injury

Summary of the data

Summarization was conducted with the extraction of data as follows: authors and year of publication, sample characteristics, instruments and/or equipment used to assess the effects of surface electrical stimulation on respiratory muscle function, and finally, outcomes associated with the electrical stimulation intervention on the respiratory function of individuals with assessed SCI.

Methodological quality evaluation

Considering the methodologies found in the selected articles, methodological rigor was assessed using two different instruments. For randomized clinical trials, the PEDro assessment scale was used.(1515. Physiotherapy Evidence Database. [Escala PEDro]; Physiotherapy Evidence Database. [Internet]. 2016[cited 2014 Mar 10]. Avaliable from:
) Observational studies were assessed using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist.(1616. Malta M, Cardoso LO, Bastos FI, Magnanini MM, Silva MF Iniciativa STROBE: subsídios para a comunicação de estudos observacionais. Rev Saúde Pública. 2010; 44(3):559-65.) Data summary and methodological evaluation also followed independent assessment criteria and were conducted by two expert researchers, with a third reviewer available in case of divergence. However, the third reviewer's participation was not needed in any of the steps described above.


The trajectory regarding the search, selection, eligibility, and inclusion of scientific evidence related to the effects and parameters of surface electrical stimulation on respiratory function of individuals with SCI can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Flowchart of the screening of evidence based on the PRISMA guidelines

Using these strategies, 74 papers were found in the PEDro database, 44 in PubMed, and none in the other databases, totaling 118 papers. The manual search resulted in 4 pertinent documents, with two articles published before 1993. Next, 22 duplicate studies were identified. In the end, 100 articles were initially related to the research question; however, 72 did not meet the eligibility criteria and were excluded. The reason for this exclusion was the fact that even though the search strategy used attempted to find potentially eligible documents, much of the evidence did not meet the inclusion criteria. For example, articles with randomized clinical trials with animals were eliminated, as the inclusion criteria for this systematic review required samples made up of human subjects. Of the 28 papers included for full assessment, 16 were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria shown in the flowchart below (Figure 1). Detailed reasons for exclusion were: studies conducted in individuals submitted to invasive mechanical ventilation or non-invasive ventilation. Studies based on invasive cough stimulation interventions, such as epidural electrical stimulation, and review articles were also excluded, in addition to two articles published prior to 1993. In the case of these two articles, the Central Library of the University of Brasília requested the complete version via email, but no response was obtained. Furthermore, one of these papers was a letter to the author, so it was excluded nonetheless because of the previous criterion.

Concluding the eligibility process, 12 articles were included for data summary and assessment of methodological quality. Thus, the evidence extracted originated from articles in English, published between 1993 and 2015, and that were mostly observational. These articles presented heterogeneous samples in terms of injury level (cervical and thoracic) and classification, time of injury, gender, and age. Variations were also observed in terms of physical therapy intervention and assessment protocols using surface electrical stimulation.

Respiratory muscle function was evaluated using pulmonary function measures, such as peak cough or expiratory flow, and maximum expiratory pressure. These measures showed that the baseline performance of the assessed individuals was lower than expected. The electrostimulation parameters, shown in detail in Chart 1, indicate that this resource, used in different modalities and modulations, with current amplitude up to 360 milliamperes (mA), positively impacted the assessed respiratory muscle function variables, such as peak cough flow (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1
Assessment of methodological rigor using STROBE: observational studies of electrical stimulation for assisted coughing in individuals with spinal cord injury
Table 2
Assessment of methodological rigor using the PEDro scale: clinical trials using electrical stimulation for assisted coughing in individuals with spinal cord injury


The evidence found in this review shows that physical therapy intervention using surface electrical stimulation can improve respiratory muscle function in individuals with different levels and complexities of spinal cord injury, with short-, mid- and long-term impacts, including in the prevention of severe respiratory complications, such as pneumonia (99. Bach JR. Noninvasive respiratory management of high level spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2012; 35(2):72-80.,1212. McLachlan AJ, McLean AN, Allan DB, Gollee H. Changes in pulmonary function measures following a passive abdominal functional electrical stimulation training program. J Spinal Cord Med. 2013; 36(2):97-103.,1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.,2121. Cheng P, Chen C, Wang C, Chung C. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on cough capacity and pulmonary function in patients with acute cervical cord injury. J Rehabil Med. 2006; 38(1):32-6.,2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.)

Regarding the samples included in the trials, papers that mentioned patient age demonstrated results similar to the statistics of specialized SCI treatment centers. Most individuals with SCI are usually part of the economically active population; in this review, individuals were between 16 and 60 years old, with a predominance of men, and mainly trauma-related etiology.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.) These characteristics corroborate studies conducted in the United States, in some European countries, and in Brazil.(22. National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center. Complete public version of the 2016 annual statistical report for the spinal cord injury model systems. Birmingham: National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center; 2016.,2828. Savic G, DeVivo MJ, Frankel HL, Jamous MA, Soni BM, Charlifue S. Long-term survival after traumatic spinal cord injury: a 70-year British study. Spinal Cord. 2017; 55(7):651-8.,2929. DeVivo MJ. Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury: trends and future implications. Spinal Cord. 2012;50(5):365-72.,3030. Weinberg DS, Hedges BZ, Belding JE, Moore TA, Vallier HA. Risk factors for pulmonary complication following fixation of spine fractures. Spine J. 2017; 17(10):1449-56.)

The evidence showed that the values for pulmonary and respiratory function and cough variables, such as vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1), maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and peak cough flow (PCF), used to classify the sample and assess intervention protocols, were lower than expected; however, none of the patients presented parenchymal lung disease.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.) In cases of individuals with complex clinical profiles, which include, in addition to care to global musculoskeletal function, care to respiratory and pulmonary muscle function, interventions by means of electrical stimulation in patients with SCI are a classic technique in the repertoire of physical therapists. However, the use of electrical stimulation, like rehabilitation physical therapy practices, have undergone changes, as shown in evidence about physical therapy gathered in the last 30 years.(3131. Postma K, Haisma JA, De Groot S, Hopman MT, Bergen MP, Stam HJ, et al. Changes in pulmonary function during the early years after inpatient rehabilitation in persons with spinal cord injury: A prospective cohort study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013; 60(3):602-9.3333. Stiller K. Physiotherapy in intensive care: an updated systematic review. Chest 2013; 144(3):825-47.)

Surface electrostimulation protocols for pulmonary function and cough include different current modalities. The most common modalities used in the primary studies were functional electrical stimulation (FES), and functional neuromuscular electrical stimulation.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.) Regarding the effects of the analyzed protocols, different modulations of electrostimulation were able to produce artificial muscle contractions and, consequently, increase intra-abdominal pressure and lead to increased peak expiratory flow, improved muscle and pulmonary function in individuals with chronic and acute spine injuries, with different levels of injury - from the third cervical level (C3) to the twelfth thoracic level (T12) - and classifications (complete and incomplete).

Some studies have focused on surface electrostimulation in patients with SCI submitted to invasive mechanical ventilation, but these were not within the scope of this review. However, the immediate application of surface electrical stimulation on expiratory abdominal muscles is recommended for hemodynamically stable patients with SCI between the cervical and thoracic levels, even when free of invasive or non-invasive ventilation. This practice is based on the presence of early symptomatology of expiratory muscle dysfunction to the detriment of respiratory muscle paralysis.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.)

Time of intervention can vary according to the respiratory muscle performance of individuals with SCI, requiring longitudinal assessments of respiratory muscle function and clinical symptoms relative to respiratory infection. In this direction, the investigated interventions and follow-up proposals went up to six months. In this time, not only did patients submitted to electrical stimulation of expiratory muscles show greater values for respiratory and pulmonary muscle function variables, such as peak expiratory flow, but also lower frequency of respiratory infections.(2121. Cheng P, Chen C, Wang C, Chung C. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on cough capacity and pulmonary function in patients with acute cervical cord injury. J Rehabil Med. 2006; 38(1):32-6.,2626. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Abdominal muscle training can enhance cough after spinal cord injury. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013; 27(9):834-43.)

To treat respiratory muscle function non-invasively, the literature recommends placing surface electrodes on expiratory and accessory muscles, such as the rectus and oblique abdominis muscles, as shown in Chart 1. Different shapes (round, rectangular and square), size and number of electrodes were reported, and location was determined with greater precision by using electrodiagnostic testing of motor points. Water-based gel was used between the electrodes and the skin to conduct the electrical current from the equipment to the neuromotor fibers. Even though the current should flow through the path of least possible resistance, the investigated studies did not cite any previous preparation for electrode placement, such as trichotomy and local asepsis.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.)

The most common position of patients during electrostimulation assessment and intervention was supine and/or sitting, which can be related to several factors, such as classification of SCI, pulmonary function, and patients’ level of functional independence and autonomy. Furthermore, other parameters presented greater relevance and visibility when it came to electrotherapeutic modalities, such as in the case of dosimetry applied to assist respiratory muscles.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.)

Regarding dosimetry parameters to promote functional contractions for respiratory function, there was a predominance of 30 to 50 Hz frequencies, generally associated with 300 μs pulse width and current amplitude of up to 350 mA. Currents with these characteristics are capable of stimulating deep and higher-threshold fibers. Current amplitude was estimated by the visible contraction of sensibility of each patient.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.) Frequency modulation was related to the recruitment of the muscle fiber, and consequently, to the conditioning of the contraction, being that bands higher than 30 Hz were able to stimulate slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers.(3434. Segers J, Hermans G, Bruyninckx F, Meyfroidt G, Langer D, Gosselink R. Feasibility of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in critically ill patients. J Crit Care. 2014; 29(6):1082-8.,3535. Prentice WE. Modalidades terapêuticas para fisioterapeutas. Rio de Janeiro: MacGrawHill; 2014.)

Other relevant variables were frequently omitted in the investigated studies. Some examples include the current waveform and rise time, which is defined as the interval needed to obtain the final amplitude of current pulses. Only one study informed rise time (0.5 second), together with on (contraction) and off (rest) times (4 seconds each).(2121. Cheng P, Chen C, Wang C, Chung C. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on cough capacity and pulmonary function in patients with acute cervical cord injury. J Rehabil Med. 2006; 38(1):32-6.)

Using frequency ranges between 30 Hz and 50 Hz associated with average pulse width of 300 μs resulted in increased peak expiratory flow and lower occurrence of pulmonary infections when compared with groups that were treated without electrostimulation.(1717. Linder SH. Functional electrical stimulation to enhance cough in quadriplegia functional electrical stimulation enhance cough in quadriplegia. Chest. 1993; 103(1):166-9.2727. Mcbain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE. Electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to produce cough in spinal cord injury: effect of stimulus intensity. Neurorehbil Neural Repair. 2015; 29(4):1-8.) These parameters may be associated with the conditioning of respiratory muscles through intermittent contractions, which increases intra-abdominal pressure that mimics the physiological breathing and coughing mechanisms.

The studies included in this review presented methodological flaws, and the assessment of their performance is displayed in Tables 1 and 2, which correspond to observational studies and randomized clinical trials, respectively. It is worth noting that none of the studies carried out sample calculations, criteria recommended for well-conducted research. Additionally, none of the studies cited their sources of funding and measures adopted to avoid potential biases. These points weaken precise conclusions about physical therapy interventions using surface electrostimulation for respiratory assistance in individuals with SCI. Thus, new randomized clinical trials that follow appropriate design recommendations should be conducted to provide a better scenario of the effects of surface electrostimulation on pulmonary function and the respiratory complications of patients with SCI.


The analyzed evidence revealed that surface electrical stimulation is a physical therapy intervention that can change and improve the performance of respiratory, pulmonary and cough muscle function in individuals with SCI. However, despite the mostly positive results, it cannot be stated that surface electrostimulation of respiratory function of the studied samples presented better results than traditional physical therapy practices, such as manual physical therapy to condition intra-abdominal pressure. Considering these findings, the authors recommend further research on the theme.


The authors thank the scholarship granted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for productivity scholarship.


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    Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, Shekelle P, Stewart LA, PRISMA-P Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviewand meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. BioMed Central. 2015; 4(1):1-9.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Oct 2017


  • Received
    06 Sept 2017
  • Accepted
    30 Oct 2017
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil