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Organic bovine graft associated with PRP in rabbit's calvaria

INTRODUCTION: The osseous repairing in big imperfections is a great challenge for the restored surgery in nowadays. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to make an histological evaluation of the osseous restore in rabbit's calvaria after the bovine osseous graft's (Gen-ox-organic®) usage associated with plasma rich in platelet (PRP). METHOD: It was used 12 rabbits and 02 osseous fragments were removed from bilaterally calvarium. So among 24 surgical sites were randomly, divided in 03 groups: coagulum (group I), organic (group II) and organic with PRP (group III). After 04 weeks the animals were sacrificied and the grafted area was removed, fixed in formaldehyde at 10% in PBS 0,1M and included in paraffin. RESULTS: The histologic parameters analysed were: imperfection area filled up with neoformed, gigantic cells and graft's particles, and osseous neoformation associated with the particles. The group's I imperfections were filled up with fibrous tissue that conditioned the periosteum and presented a small osseous formation in the perimeter. In groups II and III, a similar pattern was observed and also with graft's particles and gigantic cell's absence. There was no significative difference in gigantic cells, graft's particles and neoformation's numbers around the particles between the grafted material and the group with PRP associated. CONCLUSION: The obtained results show that the isolated organic biomaterial or in association with PRP did not improve the osseous regeneration.

osseous regeneration; plasma rich in platelet; organic compounds

Fundação Otorrinolaringologia Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 483, 05405-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.(55 11) 3068-9855, Fax: (55 11) 3079-6769 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil