Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Glaucomatocyclitic crises. Report of six cases.


This paper describes six patients with glaucomatocyclitic crisis. Each patient presented with recurrent attacks of unilateral acute ocular hipertension with mild cyclitis. ln each episode the congestive signs and symptoms were slight despite the high intra-ocular tension. The episodes lasted from two days to three weeks and resolved on anti-glaucomatous and anti-inflammatory medications. Despite the repeated attacks no field detect was encountered. In two patients glaucomatous cupping was observed; one of them had associated primary open-angle glaucoma.

One unusual finding in this series was that two patients were alcoholic and in one of them the attacks appeared to be precipitated by acute alcoholic ingestion.

Prophylatic administration of topic indomethacin or tropicamide was tried in four patients, but their effectiveness in preventing the attacks was doubtful.

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil