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Juridicidade do dano ambiental: gestão da zona costeira e aspectos da exploração do pré-sal pelo Brasil

This text aims to comment on the leading of the Brazilian process of oil exploration in the region of Subsalt and the application of risk society theory, developed by Ulrich Beck in 1986 in Germany, addressing the globalization of ecological problems, the environmental crisis, legalizes of environmental damage, the characteristics of long-term liability rules for oil prospecting and its impacts on the management of the coastal area of Brazil and the model of exploitation, in addition to the likely vices of the Ordinance MMA n. 422/2011. The survey came from a literature review and analysis of norms, notably the Ordinance MMA n. 422/2011. The prospecting norms will be confronted with environmental principles, especially the precaution, in addition to judgements on accountability in accidents with the drilling, transportation and storage of oil in Brazil.

Environmental damage; Coastal zone management; Subsalt exploitation

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Sala 216, 2º andar, Campus Universitário Trindade, CEP: 88036-970, Tel.: (48) 3233-0390 Ramal 209 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil