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Good governance and the National Justice Council

The judicial systems, in Brazil and in the whole world, are passing through great modifications in the last decades. In Brazil, especially after 1988 federal constitution, it is verified an important increase in the judicialization of social relations and politics, and, consequently, in the importance of the justice administration. Besides, the judicial function has nowadays a relevant relation with the administrative functions of the courts. Therefore, a satisfactory jurisdictional installment requires also good administrative practices. In this sense, the number of studies about good governance concepts and techniques in the public subjects is progressively increasing. In this paper, it is backed that the new comprehension of the justice model necessitates good governance techniques and practices implementation in the courts, leaded by the national justice council, mainly the ones related with the transparency, participation, efficacy, efficiency and coherency ideas.

National Justice Council; Justice functions; Justice administration; good governance; principles

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito de São Paulo Rua Rocha, 233, 11º andar, 01330-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3799 2172 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil