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Comparative analysis of textual performance in student of fourth and fifth grade of elementary school with and without complaint of disabilities in writing language

PURPOSE: compare the textual performance of production and the reading comprehension of students in fourth and fifth grade of elementary school, with and without complaints of desabilities in the writing language, relating them with the practices of literacy experienced by these students. METHODS: 21 were assessed pre-adolescents in 4th and 5th grade of public schools,with complaint of desability in writing language and 21 controls in the same classroom, on the textual production, textual comprehension and practices of literacy. The textual productions were evaluated following the protocol of textual levels. RESULTS: there isn't statistical difference between the study groups and control in both grades in the ability textual understanding. Regarding the textual production in the 4th grade the items that showed changes were: situational, acceptability, repetition, progression, and intentionality. Already in the 5th grade, the items changed to acceptability and progress. All subjects had insufficient practice of literacy. CONCLUSION: there was a statistical difference between the control group and the study in some textual categories, particularly acceptability and progress. In general, both groups were lower than expected textual performance for your schooling, a fact that seems to be related to inadequate practices of literacy as much in the school as the family environment.

Learning Disorders; Reading; Learning Disorders

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil