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Subjective theories of professionals of language schools in Chile about Specific Language Impairment

PURPOSE: understand and reconstruct the Subjective Theories from professionals in language schools in Chile about causes and treatment of Specific Language Impairment. METHOD: qualitative methods were used to recollect data in depth. The sample included four speech therapists and four psychopedagogists from four different language schools. Every participant was interviewed based on an individual, semi-structured interview. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with the computer program Atlas.ti 5.0. The results were visualized in three models. RESULTS: according to the speech therapists and the psychopedagogists, social factors within the families of the affected children are the main causes of specific language impairment. With regard to efficient therapy and the overcoming of this impairment, participants emphasized the importance of family support. CONCLUSIONS: the subjective explanations from the interviewed professionals regarding the cause of specific language impairment differ from the scientific explanations: While the participants of this study attribute social causes to specific language impairment, the scientific explanations focus on biological factors. This inconsistency should be investigated in future studies. The speech therapists and psychopedagogists indicate that certain circumstances in families as one of the main causes of the impairment. But at the same time they talk about the family support as a pivotal element in the treatment. As a result, they claim that if school and family work together SLI becomes a superable impairment.

Child Language; Language Development Disorders; Language Therapy; Concept Formation

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil