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There are few authors focused on the study of preparing manuals criteria, often criticized for methodological rigor of the information. However, it is interesting to understand what is going wrong; to understand prognosis in self-handling; in prevention of complications; in identifying better services and information; in encouraging the pursuit of excellence in the healthcare. In its preparation should be valued the basic requirements of a manual, which are: 1) wrote in simple words, being concise, efficient, clear with index or table of contents; 2) using the existing institutional rules; 3) being flexible; and 4) having ongoing process of review, update and distribution. In the process of evaluation of Medicine III manuals may have the following stratification: M4 - 100 points: when there is ISBN registration and disclosure in other languages; M3 - 75 points: registration with the ISBN only in our country; M2 - 50 points: registered in regional libraries; M1 - 25 points: manual use for inter-departmental or intra-institutional groups; M0 - 0 point: use of manual in intra-departmental teaching. In conclusion, it is known that the use of manuals is focused to the ones who do not know the subject; however, it is also an important tool that can minimize errors, avoid professional misconduct, optimize resources, and at the end allowing assessment of the subject at hand.

Communication; Manual; Medical education; System support for administrative decisions

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