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Productive and economic performance of feedlot sheep using different protein sources in concentrate food

To evaluate the productive and economic performance of the feedlot of Morada Nova crossbred sheep fed different protein sources in concentrate ration to replace soybean meal this study was conducted. Three different alternatives protein sources were used replacing soybean meal: Leucaena leucocephala leaflet hay (FFL) and urea, both replacing 100%, and cottonseed cake, replacing in 51.8% (TA51,8), based on the dry matter. Was evaluated the finale weight (PF), total weight gain (GPT) and average daily gain (GMD), the number of days for the lamb gain 12kg (D12) and the economic performance of confined lambs and fed with different alternatives proteins source replacing the soybean meal. The initial body weight was similar in lambs fed different proteins sources. When analyzing the finale weight PF, GPT e GMD, could be verify that the lambs fed with TA51,8 obtained the highest values, combined with a smaller D12. Regarding economic indicators, the gain of activity in R$/kg BW (body weight) was greater in feedlot that used the TA51,8 (R$0.76/kg PC), followed by that used soybean meal (R$0.64/kg PC), urea (R$0.33/kg PC) and FFL (R$0.21/kg PC). It is concluded that cottonseed cake in replacing the soybean meal in 51.8% is the alternative food more attractive among the evaluated in this study, because it allows a greater turnover of the system, promoting a better economic viability.

Cottonseed cake; Leucaena leucocephala; Pennisetum purpureum; urea

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Adhemar de Barros nº 500 - Ondina , CEP 41170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil