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Association between dietary glycemic index and glycemic load and metabolic syndrome in elderly

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between glycemic index and/or glycemic load diet and metabolic syndrome. METHODS: It is a documental and case-control study, with a sample of 229 elderly. We calculated the GI and GL, classifying them into appropriate (low) and inappropriate (moderate and high). We also estimated the prevalence of consumption of food, showing those who are consumed by 50% or more of the population studied. Data analysis was carried out through c² test and Independent Student's' t Test. We adopted p <0.05 level of significance. We used SPSS version 19.0 for data analysis. RESULTS: Of the individuals studied, 74.2% were female and 25.3% were male. The average age was 70.1 (6.4) years. The daily average GI in the case group was 62.3 (6.5) and control group, 62.1 (6.1), with no statistical difference (p = 0.864). The difference between the daily averages of GL was not significant (p = 0.212) between the case group - 99.8 (33.8) - and control group - 108.9 (45.7). The food consumed by both cases and controls, with higher contribution to the GI, were: bread, rice, banana and sugar. CONCLUSION: In the group assessed there was no association between dietary glycemic index and glycemic load and metabolic syndrome. However, the pattern identified puts cases and controls at risk to health, and deserve educational actions.

Glucose Index; Glycemic Index; Metabolic Syndrome; Food Intake; Statistical Analysis; Seniors

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil