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Experiences of the old people living alone: arrangements, choices and challenges



to analyze reports about the experience of the old people living alone.


a clinical-qualitative trial carried out with 18 old people in a city in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, from September to December 2016. For data collection, a semi-directed interview was carried out with open questions, free observation, and self-observation simultaneously. The material produced was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis described by Turato.


Four categories were developed, namely: 1) Happiness and misfortunes of living alone: choices or impositions? 2) Redefinition of family arrangements: what is the place of the old person? 3) Sociability and health care: strategies for coping with loneliness?, and 4) Desire for transcendence and the exercise of spirituality: mechanisms of resilience? The categories helped identify feelings and experiences of the old person about living alone, how family relationships go, in addition to the care perspectives they cultivate, possible situations of need, or dependence.


the experiences of the old person living alone directly reflect the adaptations and challenges permeating the aging process, whether in making individual choices, combining family relationships, the daily experiences of sociability and interpersonal interaction, or even the intersubjective production of self-care. The need for greater attention and sensitivity on the part of health professionals and services to this group is understood, as well as their feelings, perceptions, and experiences as a strategic element to guarantee psychosocial care for the old person.

Health of the Elderly; Loneliness; Emotional Adjustment; Qualitative Research

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil