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Aging and dance: analysis of scientific production in the Virtual Health Library

Aging produces progressive loss of the functional aptitudes and social integration, and dance helps improve and / or maintain such losses, contemplating positively in the elderly quality of life. Scientific production is a continuous process that brings the dynamics of discovery, contributing with science and strengthening teaching and scientific knowledge, so this research was developed with the aim of accomplishing an analysis of the scientific production on the theme of dance and elderly in the Virtual Health Library's database, namely: kind of publication, title, authorship and genre, discursive structures of the summaries, research type, strategies and analysis type. The descriptors used were "dance and elderly" and "dance and aging". We surveyed 82 articles; however, 14 articles were excluded due to summary absence, totaling 68 articles for the analysis. Meta-scientific results show that: 92.64% were articles; more appropriate title for the number of words, 89.9% produced multiple publications authored by both genders, adequate structure of abstracts, field research (82.35%), descriptive (57.36%) and quantitative analysis (45.6%) are most often used. The conclusion is that the abstracts are adequate to meta-scientific parameters, except for the title, but there is need for further research on the theme with experimental designs based on evidence and inferences analysis results for the advancement of knowledge on dance and aging.

Elderly; Music; Dancing; Quality of Life; Review; Metascience

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil