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Curricular policy standardization, control, and accountability in the state of São Paulo (2007-2018)


This paper investigates the curricular policies implemented in the education system of the state of São Paulo between 2007 and 2018, in order to understand their senses and meanings. In 2007, a standardized curricular model for São Paulo was implemented alongside a system including student performance evaluations and bonuses for teachers. Documents consulted in the elaboration of this paper reveal the genesis of this curricular policy model in the 1990s, a process that would culminate with the implementation of the São Paulo Faz Escola Program in 2007 and, later, in 2012, of the Escola Integral Program. Both programs are attempts to reshape schools through a modern curriculum based on a pedagogy of skills and competencies. These curricular policies reproduce a “new agenda” of public policies, which has been supported by the tripod of accountability, control, and standardization, changing the sense of quality of education, reduced to the scope of “learning”.

curricular policies; São Paulo State education system; educational work

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