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Body, nature and culture: contributions for education

In discussing the theoretical construction of the relation between the concepts of body, nature and culture, this article seeks to point to possible contributions for education. By conceiving that body, nature and culture are interwoven by a recursive logic, that the body is a biocultural construction, a living body, and by understanding that the opposites, instead of isolating themselves, complement each other, it should be possible to recognise both the autonomy of the body and its dependence on the environment, culture and the society in which it resides. In this way, by perceiving that it is not possible to look for a body exempt from history, and by recognising the responsibility which it has in collaborating with a rewriting of that history, education faces the challenge of permitting subjectivities to blossom, opening spaces which will allow a being to bloom who, by constant modification, provokes changes in the environment, society and culture

body; education; epistemology; nature; culture

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