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Multiliteracies and the feminine in memes by high school students of Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul


This work presents the results of a teaching proposal carried out at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Mato Grosso do Sul (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul), Aquidauana campus, on the perspective of the pedagogy of multiliteracies. Its purpose is to analyze the process of (re)signification of the feminine before and after the teaching proposal, via an interpretative research approach, in memes produced by students of the technician courses of Buildings and Information Technology (IT). In a transdisciplinary perspective, it is based on studies on multiliteracies, meme, gender and feminism, and shows that the construction of meanings on the feminine happens via the questioning of the hegemonic norm of gender, as well as its accompanying policy of surveillance of the body and behavior of women. This occurs before and after the proposed intervention; however, some cases are qualitatively significant as to the changes in the construction of the female after the intervention, moving towards a greater empathy for human suffering.

multiliteracies; meme; gender; feminine; high school

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