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Um modelo para o compartilhamento de conhecimento no trabalho

This article focuses on the sharing of knowledge at work, which is very important for organizations, but very difficult to achieve. It intends to fill in a gap left in literature, that concerns this theme vastly when we consider the transference of knowledge process in organization. The main point in the model proposed here is the sharing that occurs in work groups, the organizations being considered as the he context element in which these groups are inserted in. It describes the sharing of knowledge as a process composed by 4 phases, iniciation, implementation, support and incorporation, and it relates each phase to personal and organizational situations which might occur and interfere with the sharing. It also gives orientation to help on the reflection about some elements such as the source, the receiver, the knowledge itself and the context - the elements which integrate the sharing of knowledge process among people. The model proposed is based on the Systems Theory (Bertalanffy, 1975) and on the Human Comunication Theories (Berlo, 1970; Thayer, 1979; Thompson, 1973).

sharing of knowledge; knowledge at work; model for sharing; knowledge

Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Pedro Taques, 294,, 87030-008, Maringá/PR, Brasil, Tel. (55 44) 98826-2467 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil