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Schooling and volume of production have association with the risk perception of milk producers in the use of veterinary products

The present study aimed to evaluate the correspondence between socioeconomic factors of 171 milk producers (schooling, daily production volume and time in activity), of 96 counties in the state of São Paulo, and the risk perception in the use of veterinary products through individual interview and multiple correspondence analysis. Producers with low schooling tend to milk animals treated with acaricides, not to discard the milk of cows treated for mastitis, to receive no bonus for the quality of milk and not to use personal protective equipment (PPE). In contrast, producers with higher education tend to declare that they discard milk from cows treated for mastitis, to receive bonus for milk quality, to participate in training and use PPE. Producers with less than 50 liters of milk per day tend to declare that they do not observe the lack period of veterinary products, and when mentioned the lack period of two products more incorrectly answered, use vermifuge in lactating animals and do not receive bonus for milk quality. Producers with more than 500 liters of milk per day tend to declare they observe the lack period of veterinary products, to answer correctly the lack period of two products, to receive bonus for quality, to participate in training and to use PPE. It was possible to evidence that within the selected variables there are categories or groups of milk producers for whom the sanitary hazard is more visible and others for whom the hazard is less visible. In this context, it is necessary and urgent the execution of contemporary sanitary programs in rural units of milk production, the update of services of technical assistance and rural extension (public and private), with different approach and complementary to the currentand the development of effective sanitary education actions.

Milk production; veterinary products; risk perception; correspondence analysis; socioeconomic factors; public health

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, Caixa Postal 74.591, 23890-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 2682-1081 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil