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Um problema de corte com padrões compartimentados

In this paper we will present the application of the Compartmented Knapsack Problem (CKP) in the Cut Problem of Steel Rolls (CPSR), that it is a problem of cut in two stages with restrictions special of grouping of items. The CKP consists of constructing compartments of unknown capacities in a knapsack of known capacity, in view of that items of interest is grouped in subgroups, in mode that, items of a grouping cannot be matched with items of another one. To understand the CKP more good it admits that the knapsack of a alpinist must be composite for an ideal number of compartments with items of four categories (remedies, foods, tools, clothes), however, items of distinct categories cannot be matched to form one same compartment, in addition, is unknown the ideal capacities of each compartment of the knapsack.

cutting and packing problem; compartmented pattern; compartmented knapsack

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