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The scientific knowledge developed at Information Science area: dissertations analysis from Post-Graduate Programme in Information Science at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCI/UFPE) during 2014-2017


How science´s trajectory happens and how scientific knowledge evolves are some questions present at academic environment as well as in society. There are many researches concerning different science branches that intend to describe fully its genesis, historic footpath and, mainly, its evolution. Therefore, this study has tried to analyse Information Science´s evolution, through 64 developed dissertations from Pos-graduate Information Science Programme at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCI/UFPE) during 2014 and 2017 and trying to offer a detailed scrutiny of how PPGCI/UFPE´s dissertations are like, taking into account its interest area, its ontological, epistemological and methodological nature. Among other findings within analysed dissertations, it was possible to notice a predominantly basic research nature, mainly based on positivistic and physical paradigms, with outstanding technical interest presence superior to all others.

Post-graduate program in Information Science; Information Science; Dissertations from PPGCI/UFPE

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