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Production of urban space in Marabá (PA): trajectories and processes

Producción del espacio urbano en Marabá (PA): trayectorias y procesos


Analyzes are carried out, mediated by the survey of authors and theoretical foundations, about the process of production of urban space in Marabá, and the processes that contributed to the spatial configurations that make up today. The survey carried out made it possible to identify a trajectory that presents similarities, but also particularities, when reading about the process of constitution of cities in the Amazon, influencing the production of an urban space that presents organization in Nuclei that have peculiar characteristics, containing also representations of the trajectory of the city's constitution process.

Urban; Amazon; Marabá (PA)

UESB - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia ESTRADA DO BEM QUERER KM 4, Vitória da Conquista - Bahia / Brasil, CEP 45083-900 Caixa postal 95, Tel: +55 (77) 3242-8741 - Vitória da Conquista - BA - Brazil