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Terroir as a geographical category: origin and conceptual approaches


The concept of terroir translated as "gut da terre" has been discussed in the spheres of traditional agricultural production theory as opposed to the globalization of agriculture. Although the concept does not have a literal translation, its origin is ancient but consolidated in France, specifically in viticulture and brings many questions in an attempt to apply to other cultures. The article searches in foreign literature the concept and forms of maintenance of the terroir called natural in contraposition to the conception of what it called technological terroir, based on a large production. The article defends the small property as an example of the natural terroir from the characteristics that involve the physical conditions such as soil and climate.

Terroir; Taste of the earth; Territory; Globalization.

UESB - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia ESTRADA DO BEM QUERER KM 4, Vitória da Conquista - Bahia / Brasil, CEP 45083-900 Caixa postal 95, Tel: +55 (77) 3242-8741 - Vitória da Conquista - BA - Brazil