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The learning process in the school and the formation of teachers in the perspective of the historic-cultural psycology and the activity theory

This work appraises theoretical possibilities of renovation in the practices of formation of teachers. Acknowledging the importance of reflexivity and refusing the idea of the professional practice as a merely technical activity, the work of the teacher is understood as a practical and theoretical activity, according to a historic e social conception and the theory of the activity. Initially, there is a brief exposition on the current debate about the contemporary educational demands. After that, theoretical elements of the historic-cultural conception and its variations are presented, pointing out the learning activity. Finally, the possible applications of this theory in the formation of teachers is considered as an alternative to the current formation models. The author expects this work to be evaluated as a first approach to the theme, within the limits of his intellectual experience, in the search for a theoretically wider paradigm to guide the practice of formation of teachers.

Historic cultural theory of activity; developmental teaching; formation of teachers; V. Dadidov's thinking

Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil